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Petri dish 92 x 16 mm with cams


Catalog#: 82.1473
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Affinity Purification of GO-Matryoshka Biosensors from E. coli for Quantitative Ratiometric Fluorescence Analyses
[Abstract]  Genetically encoded biosensors are powerful tools for quantitative visualization of ions and metabolites in vivo. Design and optimization of such biosensors typically require analyses of large numbers of variants. Sensor properties determined in vitro such as substrate specificity, affinity, response range, dynamic range, and signal-to-noise ratio are important for evaluating in vivo data. This protocol provides a robust methodology for in vitro binding assays of newly designed sensors. Here we present a detailed protocol for purification and in vitro characterization of genetically encoded sensors, exemplified for the His affinity-tagged GO-(Green-Orange) MatryoshCaMP6s calcium sensor. GO-Matryoshka sensors are based on single-step insertion ... [摘要]  [摘要]遗传编码的生物传感器是强大的工具为离子和代谢物的定量可视化在体内。设计和优化此类生物传感器通常需要分析大量变体。体外确定的传感器特性,例如底物特异性,亲和力,响应范围,动态范围和信噪比,对于评估体内数据很重要。该协议为新设计的传感器的体外结合测定提供了可靠的方法。这里我们提出了一个详细的协议用于纯化和体外表征的遗传编码的传感器,例示的His亲和标记的GO-(绿橙色)MatryoshCaMP6s钙传感器。GO-Matryoshka传感器基于在感兴趣的结合蛋白内一步插入一个包含两个嵌套荧光蛋白,圆形排列的荧光绿色FP(cpGFP )和Large Stoke Shift LSSmOrange的盒的方法,从而产生了利用被分析物触发的比例式传感器cpGFP的荧光变化。

[背景技术]将绿色荧光蛋白(GFP)在1962年被鉴定在水母水母维多利亚(下村等人,1962) 。30年后,描述了其首次用作报道基因(Chalfie等,1994)。自从发现以来,GFP变体和其他荧光蛋白为生物科学的主要进步做出了巨大贡献,并且现在已成为生物医学研究中的常用工具(Frommer等,2009)。

各种荧光蛋白(FP)和FP变异体已被用作报道分子或与所有生命王国的生物体中的蛋白融合(Chudakov等,2010 ;Valeur和Berberan- ...

Efficient Agrobacterium-mediated Transformation of the Elite–Indica Rice Variety Komboka
[Abstract]  Genetic transformation is crucial for both investigating gene functions and for engineering of crops to introduce new traits. Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is an important model in plant research, since it is the staple food for more than half of the world’s population. As a result, numerous transformation methods have been developed for both indica and japonica rice. Since breeders continuously develop new rice varieties, transformation protocols have to be adapted for each new variety. Here we provide an optimized transformation protocol with detailed tips and tricks for a new African variety Komboka using immature embryos. In Komboka, we obtained an apparent transformation rate of up to 48% for GUS/GFP reporter gene constructs using this optimized protocol. This ... [摘要]  
[摘要 ] 遗传转化对于研究基因功能和农作物工程引入新性状均至关重要。水稻(Oryza sativa L.)是植物研究中的重要模型,因为它是世界一半以上人口的主食。其结果是,大量的转化方法已经开发了两个籼稻和粳稻米。由于育种者不断开发新的水稻品种,因此必须针对每个新品种适应转化方案。在这里,我们为使用未成熟胚的非洲新品种Komboka 提供了一种优化的转化协议,包括详细的技巧和窍门。在Komboka中,我们使用此优化方案对GUS / GFP报告基因构建体的表观转化率高达48%。该协议也适用于其他优质lite 稻品种。

[背景 ] 为植物的遗传转化的各种方法公顷一直在开发,例如穿孔(Shimamoto PEG介导的原生质体转染。等人,1989;达塔。等人,1992),生物射弹转化(Christou的等人,1991)和农杆菌-介导的转化(Slamet-Loedin 等,2014)。农杆菌介导的转化是将DNA引入植物的最广泛使用的方法之一(van Wordragen and Dons,1992)。该方法已被广泛用于研究,并已成为生物技术的关键先决条件。自从开发新的育种技术(如基因组编辑)以来,它就变得越来越重要(Char ...

Laminarin Quantification in Microalgae with Enzymes from Marine Microbes
[Abstract]  The marine beta-glucan laminarin is an abundant storage polysaccharide in microalgae. High production rates and rapid digestion by heterotrophic bacteria turn laminarin into an ideal carbon and energy source, and it is therefore a key player in the marine carbon cycle. As a main storage glucan laminarin also plays a central role in the energy metabolism of the microalgae (Percival and Ross, 1951; Myklestad, 1974; Painter, 1983). We take advantage of enzymes that digest laminarin selectively and can thereby quantify only this polysaccharide in environmental samples. These enzymes hydrolyze laminarin into glucose and oligosaccharides, which are measured with a standard reducing sugar assay to obtain the laminarin concentration. Prior to this assay, the three enzymes need to be produced via ... [摘要]  海洋β-葡聚糖昆布多糖是微藻中丰富的储存多糖。高生产率和异养细菌的快速消化将昆布多糖转化为理想的碳源和能源,因此它是海洋碳循环的关键参与者。作为主要的储存葡聚糖昆布多糖也在微藻的能量代谢中发挥核心作用(Percival and Ross,1951; Myklestad,1974; Painter,1983)。我们利用可以选择性消化昆布多糖的酶,从而可以对环境样品中的这种多糖进行定量。这些酶将昆布多糖水解成葡萄糖和寡糖,用标准的还原糖测定法测定得到昆布多糖浓度。在此测定之前,需要通过异源表达和纯化产生三种酶。该测定可用于监测环境微藻中的昆布多糖浓度,其通过过滤从海水中浓缩,或用来自藻类实验室培养物的样品中浓缩。

【背景】海洋多糖在海洋碳循环中起着重要作用,是浮游植物生理学的重要组成部分,但受到严重影响。几十年来,农业食品工业一直使用基于酶分析的即用试剂盒来分析各种不同的多糖(Whitaker,1974)。这些快速,稳健和特异性的基于酶的方法评估源自陆地植物即淀粉的多糖,因为它们广泛用于食品,饲料和其他工业应用中(Brunt等人, ,1998)。然而,海洋多糖的类似测定仍然缺乏。受到使用酶在藻类中进行多糖定量的想法的启发,我们开发了一种基于酶的方法来量化在硅藻和其他微藻中生态相关的β-葡聚糖昆布氨酸,也称为菊科金刚烷。

这种应用的三种糖苷水解酶(GH)来自福尔摩沙(Formosa)。并且它们的特征如下:FbGH30是GH30家族的外切型β-1,6-葡聚糖酶,特别是水解与昆布多糖骨架连接的β-1,6-连接的葡萄糖单体分支;并且FaGH17A和FbGH17A是GH家族17的两种内作用β-1,3-葡聚糖酶,其特异性地作用于β-1,3-连接的昆布多糖主链上(Becker等人,2017年, ...
