Generation of Functional Mouse Hippocampal Neurons
[Abstract] Primary culture of mouse hippocampal neurons is a very useful in vitro model for studying neuronal development, axonal and dendritic morphology, synaptic functions, and many other neuronal features. Here we describe a step-by-step process of generating primary neurons from mouse embryonic hippocampi (E17.5/E18.5). Hippocampal neurons generated with this protocol can be plated in different tissue culture dishes according to different experimental aims and can produce a reliable source of pure and differentiated neurons in less than one week. This protocol covers all the steps necessary for the preparation, culture and characterization of the neuronal culture, including the illustration of dissection instruments, surgical procedure for embryos’ isolation, culturing conditions and ...
[摘要] [摘要] 原代培养小鼠海马神经元是一种非常有用的体外模型用于研究神经元的发育,轴突和树突的形态,突触功能,以及许多其他神经元的特征。这里我们描述了从小鼠胚胎海马(E17.5/E18.5)产生初级神经元的一步一步的过程。根据不同的实验目的,用该方法产生的海马神经元可以在不同的组织培养皿中进行培养,并能在不到一周的时间内产生一个可靠的来源。该方案涵盖了神经元培养物的制备、培养和鉴定的所有必要步骤,包括解剖器械的说明、胚胎分离的手术程序、培养条件以及培养物纯度和分化的评估。通过分析培养6天时的钙显像动力学来评估神经元的活性。
[背景] 海马体是一个非常典型的大脑结构,对重要的大脑功能如记忆、空间导航、情绪记忆和学习至关重要。从解剖学上讲,小鼠海马体有一个清晰的C形结构,很容易定位和分离。在细胞水平上,它主要由锥体细胞组成,与其他脑区相比,中间神经元和胶质细胞较少(Kaech和Banker,2006)。因此,海马体是从野生型或基因工程小鼠模型中产生高纯度原代神经元培养物的理想区域,可用于疾病建模或研究神经元功能的多个方面,如突触传递和电生理特性、对神经毒性的敏感性,分化与衰老(;;;;)。Busche,2018Koyama和Ikegaya,2018Molnar,2011Wu等人,2019Rush等人,2020年
已经制定了许多协议,通过与神经胶质喂食器共同培养神经元来产生皮层和海马神经元(Kaech和Banker,2006),描述了用水凝胶微纤维封装的星形胶质细胞的三维神经元培养系统(Kim等人,2020年),长期向培养基中补充生长因子神经元培养(Ray ...
Primary Culture of Mouse Neurons from the Spinal Cord Dorsal Horn
[Abstract] Primary afferents of sensory neurons mainly terminate in the spinal cord dorsal horn, which has an important role in the integration and modulation of sensory-related signals. Primary culture of mouse spinal dorsal horn neuron (SDHN) is useful for studying signal transmission from peripheral nervous system to the brain, as well as for developing cellular disease models, such as pain and itch. Because of the specific features of SDHN, it is necessary to establish a reliable culture method that is suitable for testing neural response to various external stimuli in vitro.
[摘要] 感觉神经元的主要传入主要终止于脊髓背角,其在感觉相关信号的整合和调节中具有重要作用。小鼠脊髓背角神经元(SDHN)的原代培养可用于研究从周围神经系统到脑的信号传递,以及用于发展诸如疼痛和瘙痒的细胞疾病模型。由于SDHN的具体特征,有必要建立一种可靠的培养方法,适合于测试体外各种外部刺激的神经反应。
背景 不同于目前用于培养分离的小鼠来自海马或大脑皮质的原代神经元的方案,报道了很少的在体外培养SDHN的方法。该协议主要基于以前描述的方法(Hu et al。,2003; Hugel和Schlichter,2000)。在这里,我们进行了一些修改,包括试剂,食谱,解剖和描述从新生小鼠的初步SDHN的解剖和培养的分步程序。在该方案中,使用来自新鲜脊髓背角组织的酶(木瓜蛋白酶)消化方法直接获得神经元。体外SDHN的培养可以用于进一步的实验,例如电生理记录,免疫细胞化学和Ca 2+成像,其更好地支持脊髓中的细胞行为。
Neuron Culture from Mouse Superior Cervical Ganglion
[Abstract] The rodent superior cervical ganglion (SCG) is a useful and readily accessible source of neurons for studying the mechanisms of sympathetic nervous system (SNS) development and growth in vitro. The sympathetic nervous system (SNS) of early postnatal animals undergoes a great deal of remodeling and development; thus, neurons taken from mice at this age are primed to re-grow and establish synaptic connections after in situ removal. The stereotypic location and size of the SCG make it ideal for rapid isolation and dissociation. The protocol described here details the requirements for the dissection, culture and differentiation of SCG neurons. The protocol is suitable for culturing neurons from late embryonic gestation to approximately postnatal day 3. The culture technique ...
[摘要] 啮齿动物上级子宫颈神经节(SCG)是一种有用且易于获取的神经元来源,用于研究交感神经系统(SNS)体外发育和生长的机制。 早期出生后动物的交感神经系统(SNS)经历了大量的重塑和发育; 因此,在这个年龄的小鼠中取出的神经元被引发再生长并在原位移除后建立突触连接。 SCG的刻板位置和尺寸使其成为快速隔离和解离的理想选择。 这里描述的方案详述了SCG神经元的解剖,培养和分化的要求。 该方案适用于从晚期胚胎妊娠至大约出生后第3天培养神经元。下面讨论的培养技术利用玻璃盖玻片进行固定细胞的显微镜检查。