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Flow meter


Company: Praxair Technology
Catalog#: PRS FM43504
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Electroolfactogram (EOG) Recording in the Mouse Main Olfactory Epithelium
[Abstract]  Olfactory sensory neurons in the main olfactory epithelium (MOE) are responsible for detecting odorants and EOG recording is a reliable approach to analyze the peripheral olfactory function. However, recently we revealed that rodent MOE can also detect the air pressure caused by airflow. The sensation of airflow pressure and odorants may function in synergy to facilitate odorant perception during sniffing. We have reported that the pressure-sensitive response in the MOE can also be assayed by EOG recording. Here we describe procedures for pressure-sensitive as well as odorant-stimulated EOG measurement in the mouse MOE. The major difference between the pressure-sensitive EOG response and the odorant-stimulated response was whether to use pure air puff or use an odorized air puff. [摘要]  所有陆地植物的主要空间表面都涂有脂质角质层,限制非气孔水分流失,保护植物免受病原体,食草动物和紫外线辐射角质层由两部分组成:角质,羟基和环氧长链脂肪酸衍生物的聚合物和甘油,以及作为非常长链脂肪酸衍生物的角质蜡。虽然角质层的化学分析可能是一个漫长而技术上具有挑战性的任务,但是角质层蜡的分析相对简单,可以常规用于表征不同植物物种,给定物种适应环境条件或突变体表型。在这里,我们提出了一种针对拟南芥模拟生物表面上的角质层蜡分析的方案。因为在植物的最外表面 上发现角质蜡,蜡提取过程非常简单,样品处理可在不到一天的时间内完成。化学分析包括气相色谱与火焰离子化检测(GC / FID)联用对单体进行定量,以及通过质谱法或单个蜡组分与已知标准物的保留时间的比较来鉴定蜡单体。
