Total Triglyceride Quantification in Caenorhabditis elegans
[Abstract] Several studies suggest an important role of lipid metabolism in regulating longevity of Caenorhabditis elegans. Therefore, assays to quantify lipids have enormous value in understanding aging and pathologies associated with it. Approximately 70% of lipid metabolism genes in the nematode have orthologs in humans. Amenability of C. elegans to genetic manipulations has allowed investigations into the role of specific genetic factors in lipid metabolism. Here, we describe a protocol to quantify total triglycerides in C. elegans, which can be extended to studies of the effects of altered environmental and genetic factors on stored fats. This protocol quantifies the picomoles of the triglycerides, in whole worm lysate. Due to the sensitivity of the assay, it could ...
[摘要] [摘要]多项研究表明脂质代谢在调节秀丽隐杆线虫的寿命中具有重要作用。因此,定量脂质的测定在理解衰老和与其相关的病理学方面具有巨大价值。线虫中大约70%的脂质代谢基因在人类中具有直系同源物。秀丽隐杆线虫对基因操作的适应性允许调查特定遗传因素在脂质代谢中的作用。在这里,我们描述了一个协议,以定量总甘油三酯在秀丽隐杆线虫,这CA n可以扩展到环境和遗传因素改变对储存脂肪的影响的研究。该协议量化了整个蠕虫裂解物中甘油三酸酯的皮摩尔。由于测定的敏感性,它可以帮助鉴定总存储脂肪的细微变化,这是显微镜技术无法识别的。
[背景]多余的卡路里通常以三酰基甘油或糖原的形式存储(Cohen,2018年)。甘油三酸酯(TAGs)的异常水平与人类的心脏病,胰腺炎和动脉粥样硬化有关(Cameron等人,1974; Lee等人,2003; Walther和Farese,2012; Onal等人,2017)。TAG被包装到细胞质中的脂滴中。脂质液滴存在于真核细胞中,大小从20 nm到100 µm不等(Stobart等,1986; ...
Pathogenicity Assay of Penicillium expansum on Apple Fruits
[Abstract] Penicillium expansum, a widespread filamentous fungus, is a major causative agent of fruit decay and leads to huge economic losses during postharvest storage and shipping. Furthermore, it produces mycotoxin on the infected fruits that may cause harmful effects to human health. This pathogenicity assay involves a stab inoculation procedure of P. expansum on apple fruit, an important experimental technique to study fungal pathogenesis. This assay can be applied to analyze the virulence of postharvest pathogen on other fruits such as orange, pear and kiwifruit.
[摘要] 广泛的青霉菌是广泛的丝状真菌,是果实腐烂的主要致病因素,并在收获后储存和运输中导致巨大的经济损失。此外,它对感染的水果产生霉菌毒素,可能对人体健康造成有害影响。这种致病性测定涉及P的刺刺接种程序。膨化在苹果果实上,是一种重要的实验技术,用于研究真菌发病机制。该测定可用于分析其他水果如橙子,梨和猕猴桃的收获后病原体的毒力。
背景 青霉菌是一种破坏性的采后病原体,在采后处理和储存过程中,许多流行的水果如苹果和梨都会腐烂。造成重大的社会经济影响,对国际贸易产生影响。病原体也可能导致严重的人体健康问题,因为它会产生有毒的次级代谢物,包括patulin,citrinin和球形青霉素(Andersen等,2004)。控制由P引起的腐蚀。膨胀对于确保各种水果的质量和安全性至关重要。   &nbspConidia的 P。膨胀通常通过创伤进入,这是为提供病原体开发起点所必需的(Spotts等人,1998)。 P的致病性通常通过针刺接种来测试果实上的膨胀,其也用于灰葡萄孢与番茄相比,桃花生的致病性测定, 与芒果,等相关的小菜蛾(Colletotrichum gloeosporioides) (Liu等人,2012; Shi等人,2012; ...
Plant Tissue Trypan Blue Staining During Phytopathogen Infection
[Abstract] In this protocol plant tissue is stained with trypan blue dye allowing the researcher to visualize cell death. Specifically this method avoids the use of the carcinogen compound chloral hydrate, making this classical method of staining safer and faster than ever. The protocol is applied specifically to detect cell death on Arabidopsis leaves during the course of infection with necrotrophic fungus Botrytis cinerea.
[摘要] 在该方案中,植物组织用台盼蓝染料染色,使研究人员可视化细胞死亡。具体来说,这种方法避免了使用致癌物水合氯醛,使得这种经典染色方法的染色比以往更加安全和快速。该方案专门用于在坏死性真菌Botrytis cinerea感染过程中检测拟南芥叶片上的细胞死亡。
【背景】 检测死植物组织的最常见的方法之一是台盼蓝染色(Keogh等人,1980)。该重氮染料也用于组织学和药物中,以通过允许细胞死亡的观察来测量组织存活力(Keogh等人,1980; Cooksey,2014)。涉及台盼蓝染色的大多数微观方法需要长时间的清除步骤,使用水合氯醛(CHL),一种目前使用的小型有机化合物,如实验动物中的致癌物,麻醉剂和止痛剂(Keogh等, 1980年; Lu和Greco,2006; Salmon等人,1995)。 CHL未经美国FDA批准或欧盟EMA在任何医疗指征( )。只有250mg或50mg的合唱水合物足以分别产生成人或儿科镇静剂,其毒性也在新生儿中测定( ...