[Abstract] Schistosoma haematobiumis the etiologic agent for urogenital schistosomiasis, a major source of morbidity and mortality for more than 112 million people worldwide. Infection with S. haematobium results in a variety of immunopathologic sequelae caused by parasite oviposition within the urinary tract, which drives inflammation, hematuria, fibrosis, bladder dysfunction, and increased susceptibility to urothelial carcinoma. Since most of the pathology in schistosomasis is directly attributable to the host reaction to eggs and egg-associated antigens, their isolation and study are important experimental techniques. S. haematobium eggs can be collected from infected tissues for injection into other animals or preparation of crude egg extracts. This protocol describes ...
[摘要] 血吸虫血吸虫病是血管性血吸虫病的病原体,是世界范围内超过1.12亿人的发病和死亡的主要来源。 用 S。 血红蛋白导致由泌尿道内的寄生虫产卵引起的各种免疫病理后遗症,其驱动炎症,血尿,纤维化,膀胱功能障碍和对尿路上皮癌的易感性增加。 由于血吸虫病的大多数病理学直接归因于宿主对卵和卵相关抗原的反应,因此它们的分离和研究是重要的实验技术。 可以从感染的组织收集血细胞的卵以注射到其他动物中或制备粗蛋提取物。 本协议描述了一种简单的分离鸡蛋的方法。 血吸虫是一种生物危害。 在处理血吸虫材料或感染动物的任何组织时,工人应随时戴上乳胶手套。