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Doublecortin Antibody (C-18)


Company: Santa Cruz Biotechnology
Catalog#: sc-8066
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Explant Methodology for Analyzing Neuroblast Migration
[Abstract]  The subventricular zone (SVZ) in the mammalian forebrain contains stem/progenitor cells that migrate through the rostral migratory stream (RMS) to the olfactory bulb throughout adulthood. SVZ-derived explant cultures provide a convenient method to assess factors regulating the intermediary stage of neural stem/progenitor cell migration. Here, we describe the isolation of SVZ-derived RMS explants from the neonatal mouse brain, and the conditions required to culture and evaluate their migration. [摘要]  哺乳动物前脑中的室下区(SVZ)含有在整个成年期间通过流行性流(RMS)迁移到嗅球的茎/祖细胞。 SVZ衍生的外植体培养提供了一种方便的方法来评估调节神经干/祖细胞迁移的中间阶段的因素。在这里,我们描述了SVZ衍生的RMS外植体从新生儿小鼠脑中的分离以及培养和评估其迁移所需的条件。

背景 成年哺乳动物前脑含有一个位于啮齿动物和人类侧脑室旁边的神经源性小生境,并被恰当地命名为室下区(SVZ)。在啮齿动物中,SVZ是细胞的薄的“楔形”,覆盖了侧脑室的整个壁(Mirzadeh等人,2010; Paez-Gonzalez等人。 ,2014; Dixon等人,2016)。在SVZ内,慢分化的星形胶质细胞样B细胞分化成快速分裂的C型神经祖细胞(也称为转运扩增细胞),其产生双皮层蛋白阳性的A型神经母细胞,尽管少突胶质细胞和星形胶质细胞也能够(Garcia-Verdugo等人,1998; Tavazoie等人,2008; Rikani等人,2013)。在啮齿动物中,每天估计有10,000到30,000个神经母细胞。这些成神经细胞在通过流行流体流(RMS)迁移到嗅球时形成链(Lois和Alvarez-Buylla,1994; ...

Mouse Subependymal Zone Explants Cultured on Primary Astrocytes
[Abstract]  Neuroblast migration is a major component in the process of neuronal circuit assembly. In the rodent postnatal brain, the subependymal zone (SEZ) is the largest neurogenic niche where new neurons are born throughout life. These cells migrate several millimeters following a specific pathway called the rostral migratory stream (RMS) towards the olfactory bulb. Once they reach their final destination, they differentiate mainly as interneurons and integrate into already established neuronal circuits. Along the RMS, neuroblasts use a particular mode of migration known as chain migration. They stay attached to each other while migrating and are intimately associated with adjacent astrocytic processes. To dissect the molecular and cellular signals involved in neuroblast migration, we developed ... [摘要]  神经母细胞迁移是神经元电路组装过程中的主要组成部分。 在啮齿动物出生后的大脑中,子宫颈区(SEZ)是新生神经元生命中最大的神经源性生态位。 这些细胞沿着称为传播流(RMS)的特定途径朝向嗅球迁移几毫米。 一旦达到其最终目的地,它们主要区分为中间神经元并整合到已建立的神经元回路中。 沿着RMS,神经母细胞使用称为链转移的特定迁移模式。 它们在迁移时保持相互依赖,并与相邻的星形细胞过程密切相关。 为了解剖神经母细胞迁移中涉及的分子和细胞信号,我们开发了一种体外系统,其由在星形胶质细胞单层顶部共培养的经SEZ衍生的外植体组成。

Neuronal Morphology Analysis
[Abstract]  This protocol describes how to visualize neuronal morphology and how to determine neuronal complexity of immature and mature hippocampal neurons in the mouse in vivo including tissue preparation, staining of brain sections and confocal cell analysis. [摘要]  该协议描述了如何可视化神经元形态和如何确定小鼠体内未成熟和成熟海马神经元的神经元复杂性,包括组织制备,脑切片染色和共聚焦细胞分析。
