Contemporaneous Measurement of Outer and Inner Membrane Permeability in Gram-negative Bacteria
[Abstract] The emergence and rapid spread of multidrug resistance in bacteria have led to the urgent need for novel antibacterial agents. Membrane permeabilization is the mechanism for many antibacterial molecules that are being developed against gram-negative bacteria. Thus, to determine the efficacy of a potential antibacterial molecule, it is important to assess the change in bacterial membrane permeability after treatment. This study describes the protocol for the assays of outer and inner membrane permeability using the fluorescent probes N-phenyl-1-naphthylamine and propidium iodide. Compared with other experiments, such as electron microscopy and the assay of minimal bactericidal concentration, this methodology provides a simpler, faster, and cost-effective way of estimating the ...
[摘要] [摘要 ] 细菌中多药耐药性的出现和迅速扩散导致对新型抗菌剂的迫切需求。膜通透性是许多针对革兰氏阴性细菌的抗菌分子的机制。因此,为了确定潜在的抗菌分子的功效,重要的是评估治疗后细菌膜通透性的变化。这项研究描述了使用荧光探针N-苯基-1-萘胺和碘化丙啶测定外膜和内膜通透性的方案。与其他实验(例如电子显微镜和最小杀菌浓度的测定)相比,该方法提供了一种更简单,更快速且经济高效的方法来评估抗菌分子的膜通透性和杀菌功效。这项研究提出了一种相对于传统方案的优化方案,该方案是在与抗菌测定相同的培养条件下,将细菌与抗菌分子一起孵育,然后在不含肉汤和抗菌分子的缓冲液中检测荧光探针的信号。此协议可避免的效果养分缺乏对细菌的生理状态和抗菌molecul的干扰ES 朝向的F luorescent探针。因此,该方法可以有效,准确地评估膜的渗透性,并与从其他抗菌测定法(如最小抑菌浓度和时间杀灭曲线测定法)获得的结果相匹配。
[背景 ] ...
Live Confocal Imaging of Brachypodium Spikelet Meristems
[Abstract] Live confocal imaging of fluorescent reporters and stains in plant meristems provides valuable measurements of gene expression, protein dynamics, cell polarity, cell division, and growth. The spikelet meristem in the grass Brachypodium distachyon (Brachypodium) is well suited to live imaging because of the ease of dissection, small meristem size, simple arrangement of organs, and because each plant provides abundant spikelet meristems. Brachypodium is also far easier to genetically transform than other grass species. Presented here is a protocol for the growth, staging, dissection, mounting, and imaging of Brachypodium spikelet meristems for live confocal imaging.
[摘要] 荧光报告子和植物分生组织中的染色的活共聚焦成像提供了基因表达,蛋白质动力学,细胞极性,细胞分裂和生长的有价值的测量。 由于易于解剖,小分生组织大小,器官的简单排列,并且因为每种植物提供了丰富的小穗分生组织,因此草 Brachypodium distachyon (Brachypodium)中的小穗分生组织非常适合于活体成像。 短柄草比其他草种更容易进行遗传转化。 这里介绍的是用于活体共聚焦成像的短柄草小穗分生组织的生长,分期,解剖,安装和成像的方案。
植物器官(叶子,树枝,花)起源于分生组织,分生组织是含有干细胞群的植物的生长尖端。转录报告子,荧光融合蛋白和荧光染料的活共聚焦成像提供了关于涉及分生组织维持和器官起始的无数基因产物的重要空间和时间信息。 拟南芥花序分生组织的实时成像是一个持续的探索线(Reddy et al。,2004; Bhatia et al。,2016; Prunet et al。,2016; Willis et al。,2016; Landrein et al。,2018; Shi et al。,2018),而拟南芥之外的植物中分生组织的实时成像受到限制(Deb et al。,2015)。
这里展示的是一种共聚物实时成像方案,用于草 Brachypodium distachyon ...
Visualization of Growth and Morphology of Fungal Hyphae in planta Using WGA-AF488 and Propidium Iodide Co-staining
[Abstract] Fungal pathogens colonizing plants show a varying degree of symptoms. Microscopy techniques have been used to study the infection and proliferation of fungal hyphae inside the host. One of the best optimized and commonly used method is the co-staining with Wheat Germ Agglutinin- Alexa Fluor 488 conjugate (WGA-AF488) and propidium iodide (PI), which stains fungal hyphae and the plant cell wall in contrasting shades. This technique is widely used to characterize the various behaviors of fungal hyphae, e.g., in fungal knockout mutants being attenuated during differential stages of host colonization. We describe the protocol for sample preparation of WGA-AF488– PI staining of infected plant tissue. Here, we have used an infected sample with the basidiomycetous smut fungus Ustilago ...
[摘要] 定植植物的真菌病原体表现出不同程度的症状。显微镜技术已被用于研究宿主内真菌菌丝的感染和增殖。最优化和常用的方法之一是与小麦胚芽凝集素-Alexa Fluor 488缀合物(WGA-AF488)和碘化丙啶(PI)共染色,其以对比色调染色真菌菌丝和植物细胞壁。该技术广泛用于表征在宿主定植的不同阶段减毒的真菌敲除突变体中真菌菌丝的各种行为,例如。。我们描述了感染植物组织的WGA-AF488-PI染色的样品制备方案。在这里,我们使用受感染的样本与担子菌黑色真菌 Ustilago maydis 感染其宿主植物玉米( Zea mays L.)和 Ustilago hordei 感染大麦( Hordeum vulgare L.)。该协议通过共聚焦激光扫描显微镜有助于了解植物中真菌的生长,生物量和形态(Doehlemann 等。,2011; Redkar 等。,2015)。