High-throughput YO-PRO-1 Uptake Assay for P2X7 Receptors Expressed in HEK Cells
[Abstract] P2X7 receptors are extracellular ATP-gated ion channels that play broad physiological and pathological roles in animals (Sluyter, 2017). Activation of P2X7 receptors lead to the opening of membrane channels permeable for small cations like Na+ and Ca2+ as well as fluorescent dyes such as YO-PRO-1 (Alves et al., 2014). Taking advantage of this dye-permeability, YO-PRO-1 uptake assays have been widely used to probe P2X7 receptor activity (Surprenant et al., 1996; Rassendren et al., 1997; Karasawa et al., 2017). Here we describe a step by step protocol for a high-throughput YO-PRO-1 uptake assay using HEK293 cells expressing P2X7 receptors. This 3-day protocol is particularly suited for examining effects of small molecules and ...
[摘要] P2X7受体是细胞外ATP门控离子通道,在动物中发挥广泛的生理和病理作用(Sluyter,2017)。 P2X7受体的激活导致膜通道的开放可渗透小阳离子如Na + 和Ca 2 + 以及荧光染料如YO-PRO-1(Alves) et al。,2014)。 利用这种染料渗透性,YO-PRO-1摄取试验已被广泛用于探测P2X7受体活性(Surprenant et al。,1996; Rassendren et al。 ,1997; Karasawa et al。,2017)。 在这里,我们描述了使用表达P2X7受体的HEK293细胞进行高通量YO-PRO-1摄取测定的逐步方案。 这个为期3天的方案特别适用于检查小分子和突变对P2X7受体功能的影响。 该协议改编自我们之前发表的论文(Karasawa和Kawate,2016)。
【背景】P2X7受体打开可渗透阳离子的膜通道(Surprenant et al。,1996; Sluyter,2017)。虽然电生理学仍然是量化P2X7受体活性的金标准,但这种专门技术可能并不容易获得。此外,电生理学不适合高通量筛选,因为每次记录需要大量的时间和操作。因此,荧光分子的摄取是一种广泛使用的替代方法,特别是用于筛选多种条件/突变体(Cankurtaran-Sayar et al。,2009; Qu et al。 ...
Heterologous Expression and Purification of Catalytic Domain of CESA1 from Arabidopsis thaliana
[Abstract] Heterologous expression of plant cellulose synthase (CESA) and its purification has remained a challenge for decades impeding detailed biophysical, biochemical and structural characterization of this key enzyme. An in-depth knowledge of structure and function of CESA proteins would enable us to better understand the hierarchical structure of the plant cell wall. Here, we report a detailed, and reproducible method of purification of catalytic domain of CESA1 from Arabidopsis thaliana that was recombinantly expressed in Escherichia coli. The method relies on a two stage purification procedure to obtain the catalytic domain in monomer and trimer forms. The biochemical and biophysical data including low resolution structures of the protein have been published (Vandavasi et ...
[摘要] 植物纤维素合酶(CESA)的异源表达及其纯化在数十年来一直是阻碍该关键酶的详细生物物理,生物化学和结构表征的挑战。对CESA蛋白的结构和功能的深入了解将使我们能够更好地理解植物细胞壁的层次结构。在这里,我们报告了在大肠杆菌中重组表达的来自拟南芥的CESA1的催化结构域的详细的和可重复的纯化方法。该方法依赖于两阶段纯化方法以获得单体和三聚体形式的催化结构域。已经公开了包括蛋白质的低分辨率结构的生物化学和生物物理数据(Vandavasi等人,2016)。目前,这种蛋白质的结晶研究正在进行中。 [Backg 圆形] 纤维素是植物细胞壁最重要的结构组分,地球最大的生物可再生材料来源,但它的植物合成机制了解很少。植物纤维素合成复合物(CSC),也称为"玫瑰花结",因为其在电子显微镜图像中的六聚体外观,是一个大的多亚基跨膜蛋白复合物负责纤维素链的合成和它们组装成微原纤维。 ...
Iodine Staining of Escherichia coli Expressing Genes Involved in the Synthesis of Bacterial Glycogen
[Abstract] The presence of intracellular glycogen can be detected by the following iodine staining technique. Cells with glycogen stain dark brown, whereas in its absence they remain with a pale yellowish color. It is hypothesized that iodine atoms fit into helical coils formed by the α-polyglucan to form a coloured glycogen-iodine complex. Here, we have studied the expression of Streptococcus mutans (S. mutans) genes that control the biosynthesis of this polysaccharide (Asencion Diez et al., 2013). Thus, we expressed glgC and glgD genes coding for both ADP-Glc pyrophosphorylase subunits in Escherichia coli (E. coli) AC70R1-504 cells to complement the deficient accumulation of glycogen by this strain (Iglesias et al., 1993). In ...
[摘要] 细胞内糖原的存在可以通过以下碘染色技术检测。 具有糖原染色的细胞为深棕色,而在其不存在时,它们保持淡黄色。 假设碘原子适合由α-聚葡萄糖形成的螺旋线圈以形成有色的糖原 - 碘络合物。 在这里,我们研究了控制该多糖的生物合成的变异链球菌((变异链球菌))基因的表达(Asencion Diez等人 ,2013)。 因此,我们表达编码大肠杆菌中的ADP-Glc焦磷酸化酶亚基的 glgC 和 glgD 基因( >)AC70R1-504细胞以补充该菌株的糖原的不足积累(Iglesias等人,1993)。 在对照细胞或表达无活性蛋白质的那些细胞中,通过碘染色技术检测不到多糖的合成。