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DMi8 inverted microscope


Company: Leica Microsystems
Catalog#: Leica DMi8
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Implementation of Blue Light Switchable Bacterial Adhesion for Design of Biofilms
[Abstract]  Control of bacterial adhesions to a substrate with high precision in space and time is important to form a well-defined biofilm. Here, we present a method to engineer bacteria such that they adhere specifically to substrates under blue light through the photoswitchable proteins nMag and pMag. This provides exquisite spatiotemporal remote control over these interactions. The engineered bacteria express pMag protein on the surface so that they can adhere to substrates with nMag protein immobilization under blue light, and reversibly detach in the dark. This process can be repeatedly turned on and off. In addition, the bacterial adhesion property can be adjusted by expressing different pMag proteins on the bacterial surface and altering light intensity. This protocol provides light ... [摘要]  在空间和时间上高精度地控制细菌粘附到基底对于形成明确的生物膜是重要的。 在这里,我们提出了一种方法来设计细菌,使其在蓝光下通过光可切换蛋白质nMag和pMag特异性地粘附在基底上。 这为这些交互提供了精妙的时空遥控。 工程菌在表面上表达pMag蛋白,以便它们可以在蓝光下与nMag蛋白固定化的基质粘附,并在黑暗中可逆地分离。 该过程可以重复开启和关闭。 此外,通过在细菌表面表达不同的pMag蛋白质并改变光强度可以调节细菌粘附性质。 该协议提供了可高度空间和时间分辨率的细菌粘附的光可切换,可逆和可调控制,这使我们能够以极大的灵活性在基底上图案化细菌。

【背景】控制生物膜形成对于了解细菌在自然发生的生物膜中的社会相互作用至关重要(Flemming et。,2016)。这对生物膜在生物催化,生物传感和废物处理中的生物技术应用也特别重要(Zhou等人,2013; Jensen等人,2016)。生物膜的形成始终始于细菌与底物的粘附,这决定了生物膜中的空间组织(Liu等人,2016; Nadell等人,2016)。已经提出了许多策略来控制细菌粘附,例如通过脂质体融合利用生物正交反应基团修饰细菌表面(Elahipanah等,2016),将粘附分子固定在基质上(Sankaran等,等),2015; Zhang等人,2016; ...

Histochemical Staining of Collagen and Identification of Its Subtypes by Picrosirius Red Dye in Mouse Reproductive Tissues
[Abstract]  Collagen is one of the foremost components of tissue extracellular matrix (ECM). It provides strength, elasticity and architecture to the tissue enabling it to bear the wear and tear from external factors like physical stress as well as internal stress factors like inflammation or other pathological conditions. During normal pregnancy or pregnancy related pathological conditions like preterm premature rupture of membranes (PPROM), collagen of the fetal membrane undergoes dynamic remodeling defining biochemical properties of the fetal membrane. The protocol in this article describes the histochemical method to stain total collagen by Picrosirius red stain which is a simple, quick and reliable method. This protocol can be used on paraformaldehyde (PFA) and formaldehyde fixed paraffin ... [摘要]  胶原蛋白是组织细胞外基质(ECM)最重要的组成部分之一。它为组织提供了强度,弹性和构造,使其能承受来自外部因素的磨损,如身体压力以及炎症或其他病理状况等内部应激因素。在正常妊娠或与妊娠相关的病理状况如胎膜早破(PPROM)期间,胎膜的胶原经历动态重塑,定义胎膜的生化特性。本文中的方案描述了一种简单,快速,可靠的组织化学染色方法,用苦皮红染色法对总胶原进行染色。该协议可用于多聚甲醛(PFA)和甲醛固定石蜡包埋组织切片。我们进一步描述了胶原蛋白在不同的小鼠生殖组织中的染色和分布,并且还展示了这种技术如何与偏振显微镜组合用于检测不同亚型胶原蛋白的分布。

【背景】胶原蛋白是从皮肤到骨头的所有结缔组织中的主要负载聚合物。当施加机械力时,胶原蛋白网络强烈变硬,从而防止组织的过度变形。有16种胶原蛋白,其中I型,II型和III型胶原蛋白几乎占据了人体胶原蛋白的80%,这些胶原蛋白被挤在一起形成细长的原纤维。 IV型胶原蛋白形成二维网状结构;而其他几种胶原蛋白类型与原纤维型胶原蛋白相关,将它们彼此连接或连接到其他基质组分。这些胶原蛋白与细胞外基质(ECM)的其他成分一起经历不断的重塑以提供所需的生物化学性质如拉伸强度和弹性。这种胶原蛋白的独特属性是生殖组织稳定性的影响因素之一,其失调可能导致不良事件,例如胎盘异常,膜破裂(Hampson等人,1997; Marpaung, ...

Retinal Differentiation of Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells
[Abstract]  Groundbreaking studies from Dr. Yoshiki Sasai’s laboratory have recently introduced novel methods to differentiate mouse and human Embryonic Stem Cells (mESCs and hESCs) into organ-like 3D structures aimed to recapitulate developmental organogenesis programs (Eiraku et al., 2011; Eiraku and Sasai, 2012; Nakano et al., 2012; Kamiya et al., 2011). We took advantage of this method to optimize a 3D protocol to efficiently generate retinal progenitor cells and subsequently retinal neurons in vitro. This culture system provides an invaluable platform both to study early developmental processes and to obtain retinal neurons for transplantation approaches. The protocol described here has been successfully applied to several mouse ESC (including the R1, WD44 and ... [摘要]  来自Yoshiki Sasai博士的实验室的开创性研究最近已经引入了将小鼠和人胚胎干细胞(mESC和hESC)区分为器官样3D结构的新方法,其旨在重现发育器官发生程序(Eiraku等人, ,2011; Eiraku和Sasai,2012; Nakano等人,2012; Kamiya等人,2011)。 我们利用这种方法优化3D协议以有效地生成视网膜祖细胞和随后视网膜神经元体外。 这种文化系统提供了一个宝贵的平台,既研究早期发展过程,并获得视网膜神经元的移植方法。 这里描述的协议已成功应用于几个鼠标ESC(包括R1,WD44和G4细胞系)和小鼠诱导多能干细胞(iPSCs)线。
