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INDOLE-3-ACETYL-L-VALINE (IAVal) [N-(3-indolylacetyl)-L-valine]


Company: OlChemIm
Catalog#: 003 1641
Other protocol()

Quantifying Auxin Metabolites in Young Root Tissue of Medicago truncatula by Liquid Chromatography Electrospray-ionisation Quadrupole Time-of-flight (LC-ESI-QTOF) Tandem Mass Spectrometry
[Abstract]  Auxins represent a major group of phytohormones controlling plant development. The spatio-temporal regulation of auxin gradients is essential for the initiation, growth and correct development of plant organs. Because auxins and their metabolites occur at trace levels in plant tissue, experiments requiring identification plus their selective and specific quantification can be most conveniently achieved using mass spectrometry (MS) and the associated chromatographic methods. With the advent of appropriate liquid-based ionisation techniques, emphasis has moved from the use of gas chromatography as the sample interface to the MS (GC/MS), with its concomitant need for derivatisation, to the more sensitive liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). We describe an optimized ... [摘要]  生长素运输能力的测量提供了涉及植物中生长素运输的生理机制的定量数据。 这种技术很容易执行,并给出快速的结果。 将放射性标记的生长素(吲哚-3-乙酸)通过琼脂块加入到Medic藜苜蓿的根部。 使用液体闪烁计数器测量根中放射性标记的生长素摄取的最终放射性。 在这里,我们描述了生长素运输能力周围的结瘤敏感区在年轻幼苗根的测量。 truncatula 响应根瘤菌接种。 类似的测定可以适用于其他植物物种并回答其他生物学问题。...
