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Calcium chloride solution


Company: Sigma-Aldrich
Catalog#: 21115
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Hair Follicle Stem Cell Isolation and Expansion
[Abstract]  Stem cells are widely used for numerous clinical applications including limbal stem cell deficiency. Stem cell derived from the bulge region of the hair follicle have the ability to differentiate into a variety of cell types including interfollicular epidermis, hair follicle structures, sebaceous glands and corneal epithelial cells when provided the appropriate cues. Hair follicle stem cells are being studied as a valuable source of autologous stem cells to treat disease. The protocol described below details the isolation and expansion of these cells for eventual clinical application. We used a dual-reporter mouse model to visualize both isolation and eventual differentiation of these cells in a limbal stem cell-deficient mouse model. [摘要]  干细胞被广泛用于许多临床应用,包括角膜缘干细胞缺陷。 当提供适当的提示时,源自毛囊凸出区域的干细胞具有分化成多种细胞类型的能力,包括滤泡间表皮,毛囊结构,皮脂腺和角膜上皮细胞。 正在研究毛囊干细胞作为自体干细胞治疗疾病的宝贵来源。 下面描述的方案详细描述了这些细胞的最终临床应用的分离和扩增。 我们使用双报告小鼠模型来观察这些细胞在角膜缘干细胞缺陷小鼠模型中的分离和最终分化。

【背景】干细胞被广泛用于多种翻译和临床应用。一种这样的临床应用是用于治疗角膜缘干细胞缺陷(LSCD)。当角膜缘干细胞群存在功能障碍或丧失时,LSCD发生,这对于由于先天性或获得性病理而维持健康的眼表非常重要。 LSCD的主要治疗策略是从患者健康眼睛的角膜缘活检组织培养自体上皮细胞片(Pellegrini等人,1997; Shortt等人,2007) 。这种策略的局限性在于它只适用于患有单侧LSCD的患者。那些有双侧LSCD的患者必须依靠免疫相关活体供体或尸体组织的同种异体角膜缘活检。由于全身性免疫抑制治疗的需要和供体组织的有限可用性,治疗成功率降低。一些研究小组一直在研究使用培养的口腔粘膜细胞治疗LSCD并取得了一些成功。然而,这些细胞通常不能表达角膜上皮分化标记角蛋白12(Inatomi等,2006),并且经常导致外周血管新生的发展(Nakamura等人, ,2004; ...

D-serine Measurements in Brain Slices or Other Tissue Explants
[Abstract]  D-serine is an atypical amino acid present in the mammalian body (most amino acids in the mammalian body are L-isomers) that is mostly known in neuroscience for its role as a co-agonist controlling the N-methyl D-aspartate receptor (NMDAR). D-serine levels are decreased in patients with schizophrenia and this is thought to mediate, at least in part, the hypofunction of NMDARs that is central to the glutamate hypothesis for the etiology of this neuropsychiatric disorder. D-serine detection was first established using high performance liquid chromatography, a costly and complex technique that requires high levels of expertise. But with the increasing interest in this unconventional amino acid, there is an increasing need for easier, cheaper and more accessible detection methods. Here we ... [摘要]  D-丝氨酸是存在于哺乳动物体内的非典型氨基酸(哺乳动物体内的大部分氨基酸是L-异构体),其在神经科学中主要是作为控制N-甲基D-天冬氨酸受体的共激动剂的作用而已知的NMDA受体)。精神分裂症患者的D-丝氨酸水平降低,这被认为至少部分地介导了NMDARs功能减退,这种谷氨酸假说对于这种神经精神障碍的病因至关重要。 D-丝氨酸检测首先使用高效液相色谱法建立,这是一种昂贵且复杂的技术,需要高水平的专业知识。但随着对这种非常规氨基酸的兴趣日益增加,人们越来越需要更容易,更便宜和更容易获得的检测方法。在这里,我们描述了我们在最近的出版物(Papouin等人,2017b)中采用的安培法,基于生物传感器的方法。它可以对新鲜组织的D-丝氨酸水平进行可靠的测量,如急性脑切片,浓度高于100 nM,技术要求最低。

【背景】N-甲基D-天冬氨酸受体(NMDAR)是脑,脊髓和周围神经系统如肠神经元中神经递质谷氨酸的受体。在肾小管细胞和软骨细胞中也有发现。除谷氨酸外,NMDAR的激活需要在专用结合位点上结合共激动剂(Johnson和Ascher,1987; Kleckner和Dingledine,1988)。非常规氨基酸D-丝氨酸是神经系统众多区域中NMDAR的内源性共激动剂(参见Papouin等人,2017a)。在肝脏和肾脏中也可以发现其丰富的降解和排泄(Montesinos ...

Obtaining Acute Brain Slices
[Abstract]   Obtaining acute brain slices for electrophysiology or amperometric recordings has become a routine procedure in most labs in the field of neuroscience. Yet, protocols describing the step by step process are scarce, in particular for routine acute preparations such as from the mouse hippocampus. Here we provide a detailed protocol for the dissection, extraction and acute slicing of the mouse brain, including tips and list of material required. [摘要]  在神经科学领域的大多数实验室中,获得用于电生理学或电流记录的急性脑切片已经成为常规手术。 然而,描述逐步过程的方案是稀缺的,特别是对于例如来自小鼠海马的常规急性制剂。 在这里,我们提供了一个详细的协议,解剖,提取和急性切片的小鼠大脑,包括技巧和所需材料清单。

【背景】随着体外电生理和电流记录技术的民主化,从啮齿动物大脑获取急性切片已经成为神经科学研究中经典和关键的步骤。然而,实现这一程序所需的技术诀窍通常是口头传递的,大多数实验室已经开发了自制的食谱,并根据自己的需要或感兴趣的区域调整了最重要的步骤,从而缺乏描述如何逐步获得高质量的急性脑切片。虽然可以发现一些方案描述特别具有挑战性的准备,例如成年小鼠脊髓的急性切片(Garre等人,Bioprotocol 2017: https://doi.org/10.21769/BioProtoc.2102 ),描述了更多日常准备的基本程序( ...
