Culture and Nucleofection of Postnatal Day 7 Cortical and Cerebellar Mouse Astroglial Cells
[Abstract] Lineage reprogramming of astroglial cells isolated from different brain regions leads to the generation of different neuronal subtypes. This protocol describes the isolation and culture of neocortical and cerebellar astrocytes from postnatal mice. We also present a comprehensive description of the main steps towards successful gene delivery in these cells using nucleofection. Neocortex and cerebellum astrocyte cultures obtained with these methods are suitable for the study of molecular and cellular mechanisms involved in direct cell lineage reprogramming into induced neurons (iNs).
[摘要] 从不同脑区分离的星形胶质细胞的谱系重编程导致产生不同的神经元亚型。 该协议描述了来自出生后小鼠的新皮质和小脑星形胶质细胞的分离和培养。 因此,我们全面描述了使用nucleofection在这些细胞中成功进行基因传递的主要步骤。 在涉及直接细胞谱系重编程为诱导神经元(iNs)的分子和细胞机制研究中获得的新皮质和小脑星形胶质细胞培养物。
【背景】文献中广泛描述了星形胶质细胞培养(Saura,2007,Schildge等人,2013)。几种方案,主要是细胞分离的步骤数不同,产生足够纯度的星形胶质细胞培养物(高达98%)。然而,大多数方案被描述为“关注从新皮层分离星形胶质细胞并使用化学解离”(Schildge等人,2013)。在这里,我们提供了一种替代方法来产生高浓缩的星形胶质细胞单层,而不需要化学组织解离,这使得方案比以前的方法更快。此外,我们强调新皮层和小脑星形胶质细胞的分离和培养,突出了这两个细胞群体之间的一些重要差异。最后,我们描述了使用核转染在星形胶质细胞中基因递送的替代的,成本有效的方法(Chouchane等人,2017)。该技术由使用特定电压和试剂的细胞电穿孔后直接递送DNA分子组成。与逆转录病毒介导的转染相比(Heines等,2002; Berninger等) / ,2007,Heinrich等人,2012; ...
Antisense Oligonucleotide-mediated Knockdown in Mammary Tumor Organoids
[Abstract] Primary mammary tumor organoids grown in 3D are an excellent system to study tumor biology. They resemble the organization and physiology of native epithelia more closely than cancer cell lines grown in 2D, and additionally model interactions with the ECM (Boj et al., 2015; Clevers, 2016; Shamir and Ewald, 2014). Mammary tumor organoids are therefore a promising model system to identify and characterize novel drivers of breast cancer that would be unlikely to be identified using 2D cell lines. Antisense oligonucleotides can be used to efficiently and specifically knockdown target genes in the cell (Bennett et al., 2017). They can be taken up freely by organoids without the need for a transfection agent, making them a convenient tool for routine lab studies and screens.
[摘要] 在3D生长的原发性乳腺肿瘤组织是研究肿瘤生物学的优秀系统。 它们类似于天然上皮的组织和生理学,比2D生长的癌细胞系更为紧密,另外还与ECM的模型相互作用(Boj et al。,2015; Clevers,2016; Shamir and Ewald,2014)。 因此,乳腺肿瘤组织因子是一种有希望的模型系统,用于识别和表征不可能使用2D细胞系识别的乳腺癌的新型驱动因素。 反义寡核苷酸可用于有效和特异地敲低细胞中的靶基因(Bennett等,2017)。 它们可以被有机物自由摄取,而不需要转染剂,使其成为常规实验室研究和筛选的便捷工具。 【背景】乳腺癌是全世界妇女中最常见的恶性肿瘤,是妇女癌症死亡率的第二大原因(Siegel等,2017)。为了改善现有的治疗方案,确定和调查具有预防乳腺癌进展潜力的新分子靶标至关重要。我们应用RNA-seq来产生与正常乳腺上皮细胞相比在原发性乳腺肿瘤中失调的长非编码RNA(lncRNA)的综合目录,并将30个先前未表征的lncRNA作为乳腺肿瘤相关RNA(MaTARs)进行优先排序。为了功能评估MaTARs作为肿瘤进展的关键驱动因素,我们对3D乳腺肿瘤组织中的所有30个MaTARs进行了反义寡核苷酸(ASO)介导的敲低分析(Diermeier等,2016)。 ASO是短(20-mers),含有硫代磷酸酯修饰的核苷酸的单链DNA分子以及2'-ribose(5-10-5 ...
Ex vivo Culture of Adult Mouse Antral Glands
[Abstract] The tri-dimensional culture, initially described by Sato et al. (2009) in order to isolate and characterize epithelial stem cells of the adult small intestine, has been subsequently adapted to many different organs. One of the first examples was the isolation and culture of antral stem cells by Barker et al. (2010), who efficiently generated organoids that recapitulate the mature pyloric epithelium in vitro. This ex vivo approach is suitable and promising to study gastric function in homeostasis as well as in disease. We have adapted Barker’s protocol to compare homeostatic and regenerating tissues and here, we meticulously describe, step by step, the isolation and culture of antral glands as well as the isolation of single cells from antral glands that ...
[摘要] 为了分离和表征成年小肠的上皮干细胞,最初由Sato等人(2009)描述的三维培养物已经随后适应于许多不同的器官。其中一个例子是Barker等人(2010)分离和培养窦性干细胞,他们有效地产生了在体外重现成熟幽门上皮的组织细胞。这种“离体”方法是适合的,并且有希望研究体内平衡和疾病中的胃功能。我们已经调整了Barker的方案来比较稳态和再生组织,这里,我们一步一步地仔细地描述了窦腺的分离和培养,以及从细胞分选后可能用于培养的窦腺中分离单细胞一个例子(Fernandez Vallone等人,2016)。
背景来自腺体的小鼠成体干细胞可以在3D matrigel中离体生长,作为“迷你腺体”无限期(Barker等人,2010) 。与EGF,Noggin和R-spondin 1存在下生长的小鼠成年小肠的干细胞相比,胃干细胞需要进一步补充Fgf10,胃泌素,Wnt3a和更高浓度的R-螺旋菌素1(称为作为ENRFGW)获得生产性文化。直到最近,在干细胞消融后,在离体培养系统中成体再生窦腺是否生长,如果是这样,仍然是未知的。使用本方案,证明了内源性和再生的腺体在接种时不会类似地生长并且表现出不同的生长培养要求。