RI-SEC-seq: Comprehensive Profiling of Nonvesicular Extracellular RNAs with Different Stabilities
[Abstract] Exosomes and other extracellular vesicles (EVs) are considered the main vehicles transporting RNAs in extracellular samples, including human bodily fluids. However, a major proportion of extracellular RNAs (exRNAs) do not copurify with EVs and remain in ultracentrifugation supernatants of cell-conditioned medium or blood serum. We have observed that nonvesicular exRNA profiles are highly biased toward those RNAs with intrinsic resistance to extracellular ribonucleases. These highly resistant exRNAs are interesting from a biomarker point of view, but are not representative of the actual bulk of RNAs released to the extracellular space. In order to understand exRNA dynamics and capture both stable and unstable RNAs, we developed a method based on size-exclusion chromatography (SEC) ...
[摘要] [摘要]外来体和其他细胞外囊泡(EVs)被认为是在细胞外样品(包括人体液)中运输RNA的主要载体。但是,大部分细胞外RNA(exRNA )不能与EV共纯化,而是保留在细胞条件培养基或血清的超速离心上清液中。我们已经观察到非囊泡的exRNA概况高度偏向那些对细胞外核糖核酸酶具有固有抗性的RNA。从生物标志物的角度来看,这些高度抗性的exRNA很有趣,但不能代表释放到细胞外空间的RNA的实际体积。为了了解exRNA动态并捕获稳定和不稳定的RNA,我们开发了一种基于大小排阻色谱(SEC)分馏的RNase抑制剂(RI)处理的细胞条件培养基(RI-SEC-seq)的方法。这种方法使我们能够鉴定和研究细胞外核糖体和tRNA,并提供了可以在不久的将来影响生物标志物发现的细胞外RNAome的动态视图。
所述RI-SEC-SEQ协议的概述:大小排阻层析的级分的测序从nonvesicular胞样品用或不用RNA酶抑制剂(+/- RI)
[背景]细胞外RNA(exRNA )参与细胞间通讯,并且在微创液体活检中有望成为疾病的生物标志物(O'Brien et ...
Integration of Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell (hiPSC)-Derived Neurons into Rat Brain
[Abstract] Human neuron transplantation offers novel opportunities for modeling human neurologic diseases and potentially replacement therapies. However, the complex structure of the human cerebral cortex, which is organized in six layers with tightly interconnected excitatory and inhibitory neuronal networks, presents significant challenges for in vivo transplantation techniques to obtain a balanced, functional and homeostatically stable neuronal network. Here, we present a protocol to introduce human induced pluripotent stem cell (hiPSC)-derived neural progenitors to rat brains. Using this approach, hiPSC-derived neurons structurally integrate into the rat forebrain, exhibit electrophysiological characteristics, including firing, excitatory and inhibitory synaptic activity, and establish ...
[摘要] [摘要] 人类神经元移植为建模人类神经系统疾病和潜在的替代疗法提供了新的机会。然而,人脑皮层的复杂结构分为六层,具有紧密互连的兴奋性和抑制性神经元网络,这对体内移植技术获得平衡,功能稳定和稳态稳定的神经元网络提出了重大挑战。在这里,我们提出了一项协议,将人类诱导的多能干细胞(hiPSC )衍生的神经祖细胞引入大鼠脑。使用这种方法,hiPSC 衍生的神经元在结构上整合到大鼠前脑中,表现出电生理特性,包括放电,兴奋性和抑制性突触活性,并与宿主电路建立神经元连通性。
[背景] 人类大脑皮层是一个复杂的细胞镶嵌体,在不同的皮质层(I-VI)中包含多样化的神经元亚型,可建立轴突输出和树突状输入的特定模式,提供了皮质电路的基本底物(Rakic,2009; Lodato 等等人,2011; Lui 等人,2011)。特别地,兴奋性和抑制性神经传递的平衡对于适当的脑功能是必需的(Turrigiano和Nelson,2004)。人类诱导的多能干细胞(hiPSC )可以在人类遗传背景下对人类神经系统疾病进行建模(Dolmetsch和Geschwind,2011; Brennand 等,2015; Vera和Studer,2015)。建立体外系统以将hiPSCs ...
Assaying the Effects of Splice Site Variants by Exon Trapping in a Mammalian Cell Line
[Abstract] There are several in silico programs that endeavor to predict the functional impact of an individual’s sequence variation at splice donor/acceptor sites, but experimental confirmation is problematic without a source of RNA from the individual that carries the variant. With the aid of an exon trapping vector, such as pSPL3, an investigator can test whether a splice site sequence change leads to altered RNA splicing, through expression of reference and variant mini-genes in mammalian cells and analysis of the resultant RNA products.
[摘要] 有几个计算机程序尝试预测个体在剪接供体/受体位点的序列变异的功能影响,但实验确认是有问题的,没有携带变体的个体的RNA来源。借助于外显子捕获载体,例如pSPL3,研究人员可以通过在哺乳动物细胞中表达参考和变体小基因来测试剪接位点序列变化是否导致改变的RNA剪接,并分析所得RNA产物。
背景 我们希望通过实验测试在TEK基因中鉴定的两个剪接供体位点变体c.760 + 2T> C和c.3300 + 2delT的功能影响(Souma等人,2016)。通常情况下,携带这些序列变体的个体不能获得细胞或mRNA的样品,因此我们利用外显子捕获方法作为功能测试。来自患者的DNA样品可用于感兴趣的基因组区域的PCR扩增。如果患者gDNA样品不可用,也可以通过诸如基于PCR的定点诱变等方法将序列变体并入野生型序列。  外显子捕获方法最初是为了鉴定长期基因组DNA中的未知外显子而开发的(Duyk等人,1990)。创建了pSPL3外显子捕获载体以提高外显子鉴定的效率和可靠性,并且还允许筛选更大的基因组片段(Church et al。,1994; Nisson等,1994)。 pSPL3载体含有由SV40启动子组成的小型人造基因,具有功能性剪接供体和受体位点的外显子 - 内含子 - ...