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Research inverted system microscope


Company: Olympus
Catalog#: IX71
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Generation of T cells from Human and Nonhuman Primate Pluripotent Stem Cells
[Abstract]  Pluripotent stem cells (PSCs) have the potential to provide homogeneous cell populations of T cells that can be grown at a clinical scale and genetically engineered to meet specific clinical needs. OP9-DLL4, a stromal line ectopically expressing the Notch ligand Delta-like 4 (DLL4) is used to support differentiation of PSCs to T-lymphocytes. This article outlines several protocols related to generation of T cells from human and non-human primate (NHP) PSCs, including initial hematopoietic differentiation of PSC on OP9 feeders or defined conditions, followed by coculture of the OP9-DLL4 cells with the PSC-derived hematopoietic progenitors (HPs), leading to efficient differentiation to T lymphocytes. In addition, we describe a protocol for robust T cell generation from hPSCs conditionally ... [摘要]  [摘要] 多能干细胞(PSCs)有潜力提供同质的T细胞群体,这些细胞可以在临床规模上生长,并通过基因工程来满足特定的临床需求。OP9-DLL4是一种异位表达Notch配体Delta-like 4(DLL4)的基质细胞系,用于支持psc向T淋巴细胞的分化。本文概述了从人类和非人类灵长类(NHP)PSC中产生T细胞的几种方法,包括在OP9喂食者或特定条件下对PSC进行初始造血分化,然后将OP9-DLL4细胞与PSC衍生的造血祖细胞(HPs)共培养,从而有效地分化成T淋巴细胞。此外,我们描述了一个从有条件表达ETS1的hPSCs中产生健壮T细胞的方案。所提出的协议提供了一个平台,用于疾病建模和评估其在大型动物模型免疫治疗中的应用。

[背景] T淋巴细胞(T细胞)在细胞介导的免疫反应中起着关键作用,参与肿瘤细胞的监测和杀伤。在过去的几十年里,已经开发了几种策略来重定向、培养和/或增强抗肿瘤的T淋巴细胞(Houot等人,2015年;June等人,2018年),并将其用于基于T细胞的过继免疫治疗。最近的临床试验表明,用嵌合抗原受体(CAR)-T细胞治疗复发性和难治性淋巴瘤患者的疗效显著(Riviere和Sadelain,2017)。

人类多能干细胞(hPSCs),包括胚胎(hESCs)和诱导(hiPSCs),为生产用于过继性细胞免疫疗法的T细胞提供了一种很有前景的资源,可与基因工程技术相结合,产生现成的CAR ...

Determination of Local pH Differences within Living Salmonella Cells by High-resolution pH Imaging Based on pH-sensitive GFP Derivative, pHluorin(M153R)
[Abstract]  The bacterial flagellar type III protein export apparatus is composed of a transmembrane export gate complex and a cytoplasmic ATPase complex. The export apparatus requires ATP hydrolysis and the proton motive force across the cytoplasmic membrane to unfold and transport flagellar component proteins for the construction of the bacterial flagellum (Minamino, 2014). The export apparatus is a proton/protein antiporter that couples the proton flow with protein transport through the gate complex (Minamino et al., 2011). A transmembrane export gate protein, FlhA, acts as an energy transducer along with the cytoplasmic ATPase complex (Minamino et al., 2016). To directly measure the proton flow through the FlhA channel that is coupled with the flagellar protein export, we have ... [摘要]  细菌鞭毛III型蛋白质输出装置由跨膜出口门复合物和胞质ATP酶复合物组成。出口设备需要ATP水解和跨细胞质膜的质子动力来展开和转运鞭毛成分蛋白以构建细菌鞭毛(Minamino,2014)。出口设备是质子/蛋白质反向转运体,其将质子流与通过门络合物的蛋白质转运相结合(Minamino等,2011)。跨膜输出门蛋白FlhA与胞质ATP酶复合物一起作为能量转导(Minamino等,2016)。为了直接测量通过与鞭毛蛋白输出相结合的FlhA通道的质子流,我们开发了具有高空间和pH分辨率的体内pH成像系统(Morimoto等,2016)。在这里,我们描述了我们如何测量生活沙门氏菌细胞出口设备附近的局部pH(Morimoto et al。,2016)。我们的方法可以应用于广泛的活细胞。由于局部pH值是监测活细胞活性的最重要参数之一,因此我们的方案将广泛应用于生命科学的各个领域。
【背景】已经检测到跨膜质子通道复合物的质子通道活性是细菌细胞的细胞质pH降低(Morimoto等,2010; Che等,2014; Furukawa等,2017)。然而,为了详细测量活细胞中膜复合物的质子通道活性,需要精确测量局部细胞质pH。绿色荧光蛋白(GFP)的衍生物,pHluorin,激发波长为410和470 nm,发射于508 nm是测量活细胞胞质pH值的有用探针(Miesenböcket ...

Generation of Mutant Pigs by Direct Pronuclear Microinjection of CRISPR/Cas9 Plasmid Vectors
[Abstract]  A set of Cas9 and single guide CRISPR RNA expression vectors was constructed. Only a very simple procedure was needed to prepare specific single-guide RNA expression vectors with high target accuracy. Since the de novo zygotic transcription had been detected in mouse embryo at the 1-cell stage, the plasmid DNA vectors encoding Cas9 and GGTA1 gene specific single-guide RNAs were micro-injected into zygotic pronuclei to confirm such phenomenon in 1-cell pig embryo. Our results demonstrated that mutations caused by these CRISPR/Cas9 plasmids occurred before and at the 2-cell stage of pig embryos, indicating that besides the cytoplasmic microinjection of in vitro transcribed RNA, the pronuclear microinjection of CRISPR/Cas9 DNA vectors provided an efficient solution to ... [摘要]  构建了一套Cas9和单引导CRISPR RNA表达载体。 需要一个非常简单的程序来制备具有高目标精度的特异性单向RNA表达载体。 由于在1细胞期的小鼠胚胎中已经检测到了合并的合子转录,所以将编码Cas9和GGTA1基因特异性单向RNA的质粒DNA载体微注射到合子原核中以确认 1细胞猪胚胎现象。 我们的研究结果表明,这些CRISPR / Cas9质粒引起的突变发生在猪胚胎的2细胞阶段之前和之后,表明除了体外转录的RNA的细胞质显微注射外,CRISPR / Cas9 DNA载体为产生基因敲除猪提供了有效的解决方案。

背景 由于最初发现了大肠杆菌基因组(Ishino)中的大肠杆菌基因组下游的32bp间隔的串联重复的高度保守的29个碱基对(bp)序列,等等,1987; Nakata等人,1989),在约50%至50bp的大小变化的短定期间隔重复序列的家族中发现约50%细菌和90%的古细菌(Makarova等人,2015)。根据它们的特征结构,Mojica(Mojica等人,2009)和Jansen(Jansen等人)引入了定期交织的短回文重复序列(CRISPR)的名称, ,2002),目前普遍使用。首先通过核苷酸序列比对(Jansen等人,2002)在CRISPR基因座的侧翼首先鉴定了一组CRISPR相关基因 cas1 ...
