Chromatin Immunoprecipitation Experiments from Whole Drosophila Embryos or Larval Imaginal Discs
[Abstract] Chromatin Immunoprecipitation coupled either to qPCR (qChIP) or high-throughput sequencing (ChIP-Seq) has been extensively used in the last decades to identify the DNA binding sites of transcription factors or the localization of various histone marks along the genome. The ChIP experiment generally includes 7 steps: collection of biological samples (A), cross-linking proteins to DNA (B), chromatin isolation and fragmentation by sonication (C), sonication test (D), immunoprecipitation with antibodies against the protein or the histone mark of interest (E), DNA recovery (E), identification of factor-associated DNA sequences by PCR or sequencing (F). The protocol described here can readily be used for ChIP-seq and ChIP-qPCR experiments. The entire procedure, describing experimental setup ...
[摘要] 与qPCR(qChIP)或高通量测序(ChIP-Seq)相结合的染色质免疫沉淀已被广泛用于识别转录因子的DNA结合位点或基因组中各种组蛋白标记的定位。 ChIP实验通常包括7个步骤:收集生物样品(A),交联蛋白质到DNA(B),染色质分离和通过超声处理分离(C),超声处理测试(D),用针对蛋白质的抗体进行免疫沉淀感兴趣的组蛋白标记(E),DNA回收(E),通过PCR或测序鉴定因子相关DNA序列(F)。这里描述的协议可以容易地用于ChIP-seq和ChIP-qPCR实验。描述在完整的果蝇组织中优化分析的实验设置条件的整个过程可以在四天内完成。
背景 尽管永生化的培养细胞广泛用于研究各种细胞类型的染色质景观,但是在生理条件下在体内探测相互作用的有价值的方法对于进行转录的时间或空间比较分析是必要的因子和组蛋白修饰图在不同阶段的果蝇发展或不同组织之间。在这里,我们提供了一个详细的ChIP协议,已被优化,以便在整个果蝇胚胎和幼虫成像光盘上工作,突出关键的实验参数。
Biotinylation and Purification of Plasma Membrane-associated Proteins from Rodent Cultured Neurons
[Abstract] This protocol aims at the biotin labeling and affinity purification of plasma membrane proteins from cultured neurons. Protein biotinylation consists in the covalent attachment of biotin to proteins. Biotin is a membrane unpermeable molecule with a small size (MW 244.31 g/mol) and therefore does not interfere with the normal function of proteins. Biotin binds to streptavidin and avidin molecules with high affinity. This binding is extremely resistant to temperature, pH and proteolysis, which allows capture and purification of plasma membrane proteins. Moreover, proteins can bind several biotin molecules, that will allow the consequent binding of several streptavidin or avidin molecules, increasing the sensitivity of detection of the proteins of interest. In this protocol proteins at the ...
[摘要] 该方案旨在从培养的神经元生物素标记和亲和纯化质膜蛋白。 蛋白质生物素化包括生物素与蛋白质共价连接。 生物素是具有小尺寸(MW 244.31g / mol)的膜不可渗透分子,因此不干扰蛋白质的正常功能。 生物素以高亲和力结合链霉抗生物素蛋白和抗生物素蛋白分子。 这种结合对温度,pH和蛋白水解具有极高的抗性,可以捕获和纯化质膜蛋白。 此外,蛋白质可以结合几个生物素分子,这将允许几个链霉抗生物素蛋白或抗生物素蛋白分子的结合,增加感兴趣的蛋白质的检测灵敏度。 在该方案中,活的培养神经元的细胞表面的蛋白质被生物素化。 制备神经元提取物并用NeutrAvidin偶联的珠收集生物素化的蛋白质,并通过Western印迹进行分析。