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Company: AMRESCO
Catalog#: 0188
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A Protocol of Using White/Red Color Assay to Measure Amyloid-induced Oxidative Stress in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
[Abstract]  The yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae (S. cerevisiae) harboring ade1 or ade2 mutations manifest red colony color phenotype on rich yeast medium YPD. In these mutants, intermediate metabolites of adenine biosynthesis pathway are accumulated. Accumulated intermediates, in the presence of reduced glutathione, are transported to the vacuoles, whereupon the development of the red color phenotype occurs. Here, we describe a method to score for presence of oxidative stress upon expression of amyloid-like proteins that would convert the red phenotype of ade1/ade2 mutant yeast to white. This assay could be a useful tool for screening for drugs with anti-amyloid aggregation or anti-oxidative stress potency. [摘要]  携带 ade1 或 ade2 突变体的酵母酿酒酵母( S。cerevisiae )在富酵母上显示红色菌落色表型 中等YPD。 在这些突变体中,积累了腺嘌呤生物合成途径的中间代谢物。 在还原型谷胱甘肽存在下,累积的中间体被转移到空泡中,由此发生红色表型的发生。 在这里,我们描述了一种通过淀粉样样蛋白的表达来评估氧化应激存在的方法,其将将ade1 / ade2突变体酵母的红色表型转化为白色。 该测定可能是用于筛选具有抗淀粉样蛋白聚集或抗氧化应激效力的药物的有用工具。
【背景】ADE1或ADE2基因的酵母(Saccharomyces cerevisiae)突变体(例如,,ade1Δ,ade2Δ ade1-14 ade2-),当在YPD(酵母蛋白胨葡萄糖)培养基上生长时,作为腺嘌呤生物合成途径的中间代谢物的液泡(Sharma等人,2003)。包含早熟终止密码子的可抑制等位基因ade1-14 已被广泛用于评价翻译的朊病毒状态终止因子Sup35蛋白。在[ psi - ]酵母中,Sup35p保持可溶性和功能性,因此翻译在有效地终止于ade1-14的早熟终止密码子>等位基因导致截短和非功能性Ade1蛋白的合成。因此,腺嘌呤生物合成级联保持不完整,导致中间体代谢产物的积累,产生酵母的红色表型。相比之下,在[PSI + ...

Sample Preparation of Telomerase Subunits for Crystallization
[Abstract]  Telomerase is a large ribonucleoprotein complex that replicates the linear chromosome ends in most eukaryotes. Large-scale preparation of the telomerase core components in vitro has long been a big challenge in this field, hindering the understanding of the catalytic mechanism of telomerase, as well as slowing down the development of telomerase inhibitors for cancer therapy. We have successfully developed a protocol for large-scale preparation of the TRBD-CR4/5 complex of the medaka telomerase in vitro, and used this method to study the high-resolution structure of the TRBD-CR4/5 complex by X-ray crystallography. This procedure may be also adapted to purify other protein-RNA complexes for structural studies. [摘要]  端粒酶是在大多数真核生物中复制线性染色体末端的大核糖核蛋白复合物。 体外大规模制备端粒酶核心组分长期以来一直是该领域的一个大挑战,阻碍了对端粒酶的催化机理的理解,以及减慢端粒酶抑制剂对癌症的发展 治疗。 我们成功地开发了用于大规模制备体外的medaka端粒酶的TRBD-CR4/5复合物的方案,并且使用该方法研究TRBD-CR4/5复合物的高分辨率结构, 5复合物通过X射线晶体学。 该程序也可以适于纯化其它蛋白质-RNA复合物用于结构研究。
