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One ShotTM TOP10 chemical competent E. coli

One Shot ® TOP10化学感受态大肠杆菌

Company: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Catalog#: C404003
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Method for Multiplexing CRISPR/Cas9 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae Using Artificial Target DNA Sequences
[Abstract]  Genome manipulation has become more accessible given the advent of the CRISPR (Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats) editing technology. The Cas9 endonuclease binds a single stranded (single guide) RNA (sgRNA) fragment that recruits the complex to a corresponding genomic target sequence where it induces a double stranded break. Eukaryotic repair systems allow for the introduction of exogenous DNA, repair of existing mutations, or deletion of endogenous gene products. Targeting of Cas9 to multiple genomic positions (termed ‘multiplexing’) is achieved by the expression of multiple sgRNAs within the same nucleus. However, an ongoing concern of the CRISPR field has been the accidental targeting of Cas9 to alternative (‘off-target’) DNA locations within a genome. We ... [摘要]  鉴于CRISPR(集群定期间隔短回归重复)编辑技术的出现,基因组操纵变得更加易于使用。 Cas9核酸内切酶将募集复合物的单链(单向导)RNA(sgRNA)片段结合到相应的基因组靶序列,引发双链断裂。真核修复系统允许引入外源DNA,修复现有突变或内源基因产物的缺失。通过在同一核内表达多个sgRNA来实现Cas9对多个基因组位置的定位(称为“多重”)。然而,CRISPR领域的持续关注是将Cas9意外地定位到基因组内的替代(“脱靶”)DNA位置。我们将安装的人造Cas9靶序列的使用(称为人造基因座上的Cas9复制)描述为允许(i)与单个sgRNA复用的酵母基因组中的用途; (ii)减少/消除可能的脱靶效应,以及(iii)精确控制预定目标序列的放置。
【背景】CRISPR(集群定期间隔回归重复)机制已经在原核生物中演变为具有很高精度编辑任何基因组的能力的原始适应性免疫系统(Jinek等,2012; Sorek等,2013)。这种生物技术需要使用来自化脓性链球菌(或othologous物种)的内切核酸酶(Cas9),单个RNA'引导'序列和外源供体DNA(如果需要)。仅在短短几年内,CRISPR / ...

Protease Activity Assay in Fly Intestines
[Abstract]  The intestine is a central organ required for the digestion of food, the absorption of nutrients and for fighting against aggressors ingested along with the food. Impairment of gut physiology following mucosal damages impacts its digestive capacities that consequently will affect growth, wellbeing or even survival of the individual. Hence, the assessment of intestinal functions encompasses, among others, the monitoring of its integrity, its cellular renewing, its immune defenses, the production of enteroendocrine hormones and its digestive capacities. Here, we describe in detail how to assess the activity of the proteases secreted in the intestinal lumen of adult Drosophila melanogaster flies. This method can also be used for larval intestines. The present protocol is adapted and ... [摘要]  肠是消化食物所需的中枢器官,吸收营养物质,并与食物一起摄入的侵略者作斗争。 粘膜损伤后的肠道生理损伤影响其消化能力,从而影响个体的生长,健康甚至生存。 因此,肠功能的评估包括监测其完整性,细胞更新,免疫防御,肠内分泌激素的产生及其消化能力。 在这里,我们详细描述如何评估分泌在成年果蝇的肠腔中的蛋白酶的活性。 这种方法也可以用于幼虫肠。 本协议由“蛋白酶荧光检测试剂盒”(产品代码PF0100)中提出的Sigma-Aldrich公司的方案进行了改进和改进。
【背景】肠道受到诸如斋戒,禁食,化学物质,病原体,损伤等诸多压力的影响。肠道能够通过保持其体内平衡的生理平衡来克服这种压力。为了感知进入的压力并产生适应性的维持肠功能的答案,肠已经开发出强健和保守的机制,如局部先天免疫防御和组织再生(Royet和Charroux,2013; Bonfini等,2016)。然而,在某些情况下,肠道稳态的维持可能受到影响。例如,在老化期间,随着许多未成熟或分化不良的细胞的存在,组织稳态维持总体下降(Jasper,2015; ...

Ultradeep Pyrosequencing of Hepatitis C Virus to Define Evolutionary Phenotypes
[Abstract]  Analysis of hypervariable regions (HVR) using pyrosequencing techniques is hampered by the ability of error correction algorithms to account for the heterogeneity of the variants present. Analysis of between-sample fluctuations to virome sub-populations, and detection of low frequency variants, are unreliable through the application of arbitrary frequency cut offs. Cumulatively this leads to an underestimation of genetic diversity. In the following technique we describe the analysis of Hepatitis C virus (HCV) HVR1 which includes the E1/E2 glycoprotein gene junction. This procedure describes the evolution of HCV in a treatment naïve environment, from 10 samples collected over 10 years, using ultradeep pyrosequencing (UDPS) performed on the Roche GS FLX titanium platform (Palmer et al. ... [摘要]  使用焦磷酸测序技术的高变区(HVR)分析受到纠错算法解释存在的变异异质性的能力的阻碍。通过应用任意频率切断,对样本间波动与色情子群体的分析以及低频变体的检测是不可靠的。累积地导致遗传多样性的低估。在以下技术中,我们描述了包含E1 / E2糖蛋白基因连接的丙型肝炎病毒(HCV)HVR1的分析。该程序描述了HCV在治疗初始环境中的演变,从10年来收集的10个样品中,使用在Roche GS FLX钛平台上进行的超深度焦磷酸测序(UDPS)(2014年,Palmer等人) 。使用血清样品的初步克隆分析来通知允许达到更大序列深度的下游误差校正算法。已经针对HCV基因型1,2,3和4测试了该区域的PCR扩增。

背景 衍生自病毒扩增子的UDPS数据集的分析经常依赖于未针对扩增子分析进行优化的软件工具,假设随机并入测序突变,并且集中在找到真实序列而不是假变异体。存在于RNA病毒基因组中的高变区存在这些困难。许多利用UDPS的研究通过对数据应用任意的频率切断来寻求解决这些问题,从而导致小的变体的丢失。在这里,暂时匹配的克隆数据集以及旨在克服所概述的问题的纠错方法,有助于保留有价值的序列信息。
