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HL5 Medium including Glucose


Company: ForMedium
Catalog#: HLG0102
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Isolation of Latex Bead Phagosomes from Dictyostelium for in vitro Functional Assays
[Abstract]  We describe a protocol to purify latex bead phagosomes (LBPs) from Dictyostelium cells. These can be later used for various in vitro functional assays. For instance, we use these LBPs to understand the microtubule motor-driven transport on in vitro polymerized microtubules. Phagosomes are allowed to mature for defined periods inside cells before extraction for in vitro motility. These assays allow us to probe how lipids on the phagosome membrane recruit and organize motors, and also measure the motion and force generation resulting from underlying lipid-motor interactions. This provides a unique opportunity to interrogate native-like organelles using biophysical and biochemical assays, and understand the role of motor proteins in phagosome maturation ... [摘要]  芽顶端分生组织(SAM)是通过细胞分裂不断更新自身的细胞的集合,并且还向新发育的器官提供细胞。已知CLAVATA(CLV)3肽调节转录因子WUSCHEL(WUS)以保持未分化细胞的数量恒定并维持SAM的大小。在非细胞自主信号级联中的CLV3和WUS的交互反馈控制确定SAM中的干细胞命运(多能性的维持,或者,分化成子细胞)。 Ca 2 + 是在许多信号传导途径中起重要作用的第二信使。连接CLV3结合其受体和WUS表达的信号系统没有很好地描绘。我们显示Ca 2 + 参与SAM大小的CLV3调节。我们使用的方法之一是测量SAM的大小。在这里,我们提供了一个详细的协议,如何用Nomarski显微镜测量拟南芥SAM大小。将代表SAM的最大"面"的二维圆顶的面积用作SAM大小的代表。在存在和不存在Ca 2+通道阻断剂Gd 3+和sLV 3肽的情况下对野生型(WT)拟南芥进行研究。 ,以及缺乏功能性CLV3( clv3 )或编码Ca 2+ 2+导电离子通道的基因('dnd1 ')的基因型。 关键字: 拟南芥,射击顶端分生组织,苗发育,细胞信号,幼苗 > Nomarski显微镜广泛用于研究拟南芥SAM大小。用于SAM观察的其他显微技术是耗时的,并且需要将树脂嵌入树脂中,然后切片或甚至更复杂的显微镜。 ...

Dictyostelium Cultivation, Transfection, Microscopy and Fractionation
[Abstract]  The real time visualisation of fluorescently tagged proteins in live cells using ever more sophisticated microscopes has greatly increased our understanding of the dynamics of key proteins during fundamental physiological processes such as cell locomotion, chemotaxis, cell division and membrane trafficking. In addition the fractionation of cells and isolation of organelles or known compartments can often verify any subcellular localisation and the use of tagged proteins as bait for the immunoprecipitation of material from cell fractions can identify specific binding partners and multiprotein complexes thereby helping assign a function to the tagged protein. We have successfully applied these techniques to the Dictyostelium discoideum protein TSPOON that is part of an ancient ... [摘要]  使用更复杂的显微镜,活细胞中荧光标记的蛋白质的实时可视化大大增加了我们对基本生理过程如细胞运动,趋化性,细胞分裂和膜运输过程中关键蛋白质动力学的了解。此外,细胞的分级和分离细胞器或已知的隔室通常可以验证任何亚细胞定位,并且使用标记的蛋白质作为诱饵用于来自细胞部分的物质的免疫沉淀可以鉴定特异性结合配偶体和多蛋白复合物,从而有助于赋予功能标记蛋白。我们已经成功地将这些技术应用于作为古代异构六聚体膜转运复合物的一部分的盘基网柄菌discoideum蛋白TSPOON(Hirst等,2013)。 ...
