Immunolabeling of Maize Meiocytes
[Abstract] This protocol describes a quick method for immunolocalization of meiotic proteins in maize. It includes a fixation step that allows for long-term storage of material and provides good preservation of chromatin structure.
[摘要] [摘要] 该协议描述了一种在玉米中进行减数分裂蛋白免疫定位的快速方法。它包括一个固定步骤,可以长期保存材料并提供良好的染色质结构保存。
[背景] 卵母细胞是生殖细胞,在其中发生同源染色体配对,突触和重组的专门过程,然后染色体分离以产生单倍体核。阐明减数分裂蛋白的定位对于理解这些过程至关重要。尽管此协议可能有多种变体,但我们发现微波加热步骤对于使其可靠地工作于玉米中的免疫定位至关重要。
Qualitative in vivo Bioluminescence Imaging
[Abstract] Bioluminescence imaging (BLI) technology is an advanced method of carrying out molecular imaging on live laboratory animals in vivo. This powerful technique is widely-used in studying a variety of biological processes, and it has been an ideal tool in exploring tumor growth and metastatic spread in real-time. This technique ensures the optimal use of laboratory animal resources, particularly the ethical principle of reduction in animal use, given its non-invasive nature, ensuring that ongoing biological processes can be studied over time in the same animal, without the need to euthanize groups of mice at specific time points. In this protocol, the luciferase imaging technique was developed to study the effect of co-inoculating pericytes (contractile, αSMA+ mesenchymal ...
[摘要] 生物发光成像(BLI)技术是一种在体内实验室动物上进行分子成像的先进方法。 这种强大的技术广泛应用于研究各种生物过程,是实时探索肿瘤生长和转移扩散的理想工具。 该技术确保实验室动物资源的最佳利用,特别是减少动物使用的伦理原则,考虑到其非侵入性,确保可以在同一动物中随时间研究正在进行的生物过程,而无需安乐死 小鼠在特定的时间点。 在该方案中,开发了荧光素酶成像技术以研究共同接种周细胞(收缩性,αSMA + 间充质干细胞样细胞,位于微血管内的细胞)对生长和转移性扩散的影响。 卵巢癌使用侵袭性卵巢癌细胞系-OVCAR-5-作为例子。
【背景】生物发光成像(BLI)的原理是基于相对简单的生化过程的发光特性,即,荧光素酶介导的分子底物荧光素氧化产生光。在癌症研究中,BLI是一种流行的工具(Contag et ...
Cobblestone Area-forming Cell Assay of Mouse Bone Marrow Hematopoietic Stem Cells
[Abstract] Bone Marrow Hematopoietic Stem Cells (HSCs) require bone marrow microenvironment for their maintenance and proliferation. Culture of Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stromal Cells (MSCs) provides appropriate environmental signals for HSCs survival in vitro. Here, we provide a detailed protocol that describes culture conditions for MSCs, flow cytometric isolation of HSCs from mouse bone marrow, and perform co-culture of MSCs and HSCs known as Cobblestone area-forming cell (CAFC) assay. Altogether, CAFC assays can be used as a high-throughput in vitro screening model where efforts are made to understand and develop therapies for complex bone marrow diseases. This protocol needs 3 to 4 weeks starting from culturing MSCs, isolating LSK cells (HSCs), and to performing limited dilution ...
[摘要] 骨髓造血干细胞(HSC)需要骨髓微环境来维持和增殖。 骨髓间充质基质细胞(MSC)的培养为体外HSC存活提供适当的环境信号。 在这里,我们提供了描述MSCs培养条件的详细方案,从小鼠骨髓中流式细胞术分离HSCs,并进行称为鹅卵石区域形成细胞(CAFC)分析的MSC和HSC的共培养。 总而言之,CAFC分析可用作高通量体外筛选模型,其中努力了解和开发复杂骨髓疾病的治疗方法。 该方案需要培养MSC,分离LSK细胞(HSC)和执行有限稀释CAFC测定3至4周。
【背景】HSC的增殖,存活和分化潜力非常依赖于其微环境,也被称为小生境。骨髓MSC支持HSC以使其在骨髓龛中保持静止状态。由生态位接收的内在和外在信号有助于将HSC分化为也称为造血的成熟血细胞谱系,而不诱导异常扩增(Yoshihara等人,2007; Spindler等人 ,2014; Hu等人,2016)。鹅卵石区域形成细胞试验(CAFC试验)是长期骨髓HSC和MSC的体外共培养试验。当培养MSC在组织培养皿中完成融合时,将HSC铺在MSC上(de Haan和Ploemacher,2002)。 CAFC测定与骨髓的体内研究相当,并且可用作快速筛选测定以测试HSC的干细胞活性和MSC的支持活性(Ploemacher等人, ...