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Syringe (Injekt®; 20 ml; Luer lock)


Company: Braun
Catalog#: 4606205V
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Efficient Agrobacterium-mediated Transformation of the Elite–Indica Rice Variety Komboka
[Abstract]  Genetic transformation is crucial for both investigating gene functions and for engineering of crops to introduce new traits. Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is an important model in plant research, since it is the staple food for more than half of the world’s population. As a result, numerous transformation methods have been developed for both indica and japonica rice. Since breeders continuously develop new rice varieties, transformation protocols have to be adapted for each new variety. Here we provide an optimized transformation protocol with detailed tips and tricks for a new African variety Komboka using immature embryos. In Komboka, we obtained an apparent transformation rate of up to 48% for GUS/GFP reporter gene constructs using this optimized protocol. This ... [摘要]  
[摘要 ] 遗传转化对于研究基因功能和农作物工程引入新性状均至关重要。水稻(Oryza sativa L.)是植物研究中的重要模型,因为它是世界一半以上人口的主食。其结果是,大量的转化方法已经开发了两个籼稻和粳稻米。由于育种者不断开发新的水稻品种,因此必须针对每个新品种适应转化方案。在这里,我们为使用未成熟胚的非洲新品种Komboka 提供了一种优化的转化协议,包括详细的技巧和窍门。在Komboka中,我们使用此优化方案对GUS / GFP报告基因构建体的表观转化率高达48%。该协议也适用于其他优质lite 稻品种。

[背景 ] 为植物的遗传转化的各种方法公顷一直在开发,例如穿孔(Shimamoto PEG介导的原生质体转染。等人,1989;达塔。等人,1992),生物射弹转化(Christou的等人,1991)和农杆菌-介导的转化(Slamet-Loedin 等,2014)。农杆菌介导的转化是将DNA引入植物的最广泛使用的方法之一(van Wordragen and Dons,1992)。该方法已被广泛用于研究,并已成为生物技术的关键先决条件。自从开发新的育种技术(如基因组编辑)以来,它就变得越来越重要(Char ...

Open-book Preparations from Chick Embryos and DiI Labeling of Commissural Axons
[Abstract]  Successful neural circuit formation relies on the accurate navigation of axons towards their targets during development. Axons are guided by a combination of short-range and long-range, attractive and repulsive cues. The commissural axons of the developing spinal cord have provided an informative in vivo model for the identification of multiple axon guidance molecules and mechanisms. These axons extend ventrally from the dorsal spinal cord and cross the midline at the floor plate, before making a sharp rostral turn towards the head. This simple trajectory has facilitated the identification of many axon guidance molecules, because perturbation of the stereotypical guidance decisions as a result of genetic manipulations can be easily identified. The open-book assay is a method to ... [摘要]  成功的神经电路形成依赖于在发展期间轴突朝向其靶标的精确导航。轴突由短程和长程,吸引和排斥线索的组合引导。发育中的脊髓的连合轴突提供了用于多轴突导向分子和机制的鉴定的信息的体内模型。这些轴突从背侧脊髓向腹侧延伸并在底板处穿过中线,然后朝向头部进行尖锐的嘴唇转向。这个简单的轨迹有助于许多轴突指导分子的识别,因为可以容易地识别作为遗传操作的结果的定型指导决定的干扰。开放书测定是评估脊柱连合轴突的轨迹的方法。脊髓被解剖出来​​,在屋顶板上打开并固定平。亲脂性荧光染料DiI的点状注射用于在显微镜和分析之前追踪连合轴突轨迹。
