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Thermo ScientificTM Glycogen, molecular biology grade

Thermo Scientific TM糖原,分子生物学级

Company: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Catalog#: FERR0561
Other protocol()

ChIP-Seq in Candida albicans
[Abstract]  Systems biology approaches can be used to study the regulatory interactions occurring between many components of the biological system at the whole-genome level and decipher the circuitries implicated in the regulation of cellular processes, including those imparting virulence to opportunistic fungi. Candida albicans (C. albicans) is a leading human fungal pathogen. It undergoes morphological switching between a budding yeast form and an elongated multicellular hyphal form. This transition is required for C. albicans’ ability to cause disease and is regulated through highly interconnected regulatory interactions between transcription factors (TFs) and target genes. The chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP)-High-throughput sequencing (Seq) technology (ChIP-Seq) is ... [摘要]  系统生物学方法可以用于研究在全基因组水平上发生在生物系统的许多组分之间的调节相互作用,并且解释涉及细胞过程调节的电路,包括赋予机会性真菌的毒力的电路。 白色念珠菌( C。albicans )是一种主要的人类真菌病原体。它经历萌芽酵母形式和细长多细胞菌丝形式之间的形态学转换。此转换是 C所必需的。白色念珠菌引起疾病的能力,并且通过转录因子(TF)和靶基因之间高度相互关联的调节相互作用来调节。染色质免疫沉淀(ChIP) - 高通量测序(Seq)技术(ChIP-Seq)是解码转录调节网络的强有力的方法。该方案针对从丝状结构C制备ChIP DNA进行了优化。白色念珠菌细胞,然后进行高通量测序以鉴定调节酵母对菌丝转变的TF的靶标。
