AIMTOR, a BRET Biosensor for Live Recording of mTOR Activity in Cell Populations and Single Cells
[Abstract] Mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) controls many crucial cellular functions, including protein synthesis, cell size, energy metabolism, lysosome and mitochondria biogenesis, and autophagy. Consequently, deregulation of mTOR signaling plays a role in numerous pathological conditions such as cancer, metabolic disorders and neurological diseases. Developing new tools to monitor mTOR spatiotemporal activation is crucial to better understand its roles in physiological and pathological conditions. However, the most widely used method to report mTOR activity relies on the quantification of specific mTOR-phosphorylated substrates by western blot. This approach requires cellular lysate preparation, which restricts the quantification to a single time point. Here, we present a simple protocol to ...
[摘要]雷帕霉素(mTOR的)控制许多重要的细胞功能的哺乳动物靶,包括蛋白合成,细胞大小,能量代谢,溶酶体和线粒体生物发生,和自体吞噬。因此,mTOR信号转导的失调在许多病理状况如癌症,代谢紊乱和神经系统疾病中起作用。开发新的工具来监控mTOR的时空激活关键的是要更好地了解它的作用小号在生理和病理条件。但是,最广泛使用的报告mTOR活性的方法取决于对特定mTOR的定量- 磷酸化底物由瓦特西部时代b很多。这种方法需要细胞裂解物的制备,这限制了量化到一个单一的时间点。在这里,我们提出了一个简单的协议来研究mTOR的在活细胞的活性在实时使用AIMTOR,一个分子内BRET基(b ioluminescence ř esonance Ë NERGY吨转让(BOT))的生物传感器,我们最近设计(Bouquier等人,2020) 。我们描述染的AIMTOR中的C2C12细胞系和程序,以监控BRET在用酶标仪细胞群和单细胞显微镜。重要的是,该协议可转座至任何细胞系和原代细胞。另外,已经开发了几种亚细胞区室特异性的AIMTOR版本,使得能够对mTOR活性进行区室化评估。本协议描述了如何使用的敏感AIMTOR生物传感器研究mTOR信号动力学在活细胞中。
从播种细胞到实时BRET记录的AIMTOR协议概述 ...
Primary Culture System for Germ Cells from Caenorhabditis elegans Tumorous Germline Mutants
[Abstract] The Caenorhabditis elegans germ line is an important model system for the study of germ stem cells. Wild-type C. elegans germ cells are syncytial and therefore cannot be isolated in in vitro cultures. In contrast, the germ cells from tumorous mutants can be fully cellularized and isolated intact from the mutant animals. Here we describe a detailed protocol for the isolation of germ cells from tumorous mutants that allows the germ cells to be maintained for extended periods in an in vitro primary culture. This protocol has been adapted from Chaudhari et al., 2016.
[摘要] 秀丽隐杆线虫种系是胚芽干细胞研究的重要模型系统。 野生型C。 线虫生殖细胞是合胞体,因此不能在体外培养中分离。 相比之下,来自肿瘤突变体的生殖细胞可以完全被细胞化并从突变动物中完整分离。 在这里,我们描述了从肿瘤突变体中分离生殖细胞的详细方案,其允许生殖细胞在体外原代培养中长时间维持。 该协议已从2016年Chaudhari等人改编。 【背景】秀丽生殖细胞在位于两个性腺臂的远端区域的两个成体干细胞龛中产生(Hansen和Schedl,2013; Kimble和Seidel,2013)。在野生型雌雄同体中,有丝分裂生殖细胞仅限于性腺臂的远端,干细胞生态位。野生型生殖细胞是合胞体,并且包含延伸通过性腺臂中心区域的共同细胞质的开口。 ℃。线虫肿瘤种系突变体在整个性腺中增加了生殖细胞的有丝分裂增殖。我们发现肿瘤种系突变体通常具有完整的细胞生殖细胞,其含有完整的质膜(Chaudhari等人,2016)。这种细胞化允许生殖细胞的分离及其在培养中的维持。该方案描述了分离和维持培养物中肿瘤突变体的生殖细胞的方法学和组织培养基。虽然已经描述了用于C的主要培养物的培养基。 elegans 胚胎和幼虫细胞(Strange等人,2007; Zhang和Kuhn,2013),生殖细胞在这种培养基中不能存活(Chaudhari等人。 ...
EAE Induction by Passive Transfer of MOG-specific CD4+ T Cells
[Abstract] Experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) is an animal model of multiple sclerosis (MS), which is a chronic inflammatory disease of the central nervous system (CNS). It is characterized by focal demyelination and inflammatory responses mediated by myelin-specific autoreactive CD4+ T cells. Using a passive transfer model of EAE in mice, we have demonstrated that regional specific neural signals by sensory-sympathetic communications create gateways for immune cells at specific blood vessels of the CNS, a phenomenon known as the gateway reflex (Arima et al., 2012; Tracey, 2012; Arima et al., 2013; Sabharwal et al., 2014; Arima et al., 2015b). Here we describe protocols for passive transfer model of EAE using freshly isolated (MOG)-specific ...
[摘要] 实验性自身免疫性脑脊髓炎(EAE)是多发性硬化症(MS)的动物模型,其是中枢神经系统(CNS)的慢性炎性疾病。其特征在于由髓磷脂特异性自身反应性CD4 + T细胞介导的局灶性脱髓鞘和炎症反应。在小鼠中使用EAE的被动转移模型,我们已经证明,通过感觉交感通信的区域特异性神经信号在CNS的特定血管上产生免疫细胞的网关,这被称为网关反射(Arima等, ,2012; Tracey,2012; Arima等人,2013; Sabharwal等人,2014; Arima等人。 >,2015b)。在这里,我们描述了使用新鲜分离的(MOG)特异性CD4 + T细胞或周期性再刺激的MOG特异性CD4 + T细胞系的EAE的被动转移模型的方案,其是适用于体内追踪致病性CD4 T细胞,特别是CNS(Ogura等人,2008; Arima等人) 。,2012和2015b)。 【背景】广泛接受的是,自身反应性CD4 + T细胞在MS和EAE的发病机理中起重要作用(Reboldi,2009; International Multiple Sclerosis Genetics,et al。,2011; Steinman,2014),它们是CNS的慢性炎性疾病。 ...