[Abstract] Isolation of genomic DNA from Mycobacterium species has been a tedious procedure. This can primarily be attributed to thick and waxy cell wall of mycobacteria which hampers lysis of the bacterial cell. We have tested various approaches to isolate mycobacterial DNA and based on this, an optimized protocol is presented here. This protocol involves initial incubation of mycobacteria with lysozyme, followed by SDS-proteinase K treatment to bring about cell disruption. In the case of slowly growing mycobacteria such as BCG (Bacillus Calmette–Guérin) or Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M. tuberculosis), an intermediate step of cell lysis by physical method results in significantly enhanced yield.
[摘要] 从分枝杆菌物种分离基因组DNA是一个冗长的过程。 这主要归因于分枝杆菌的厚的和蜡状的细胞壁,其阻碍细菌细胞的裂解。 我们已经测试了各种方法来分离分枝杆菌DNA,并基于此,这里介绍了一个优化的协议。 该方案包括分枝杆菌与溶菌酶的初始孵育,随后是SDS-蛋白酶K处理以引起细胞破裂。 在缓慢生长分枝杆菌如BCG(卡介苗)或结核分枝杆菌(<结核杆菌)的情况下,通过物理方法的细胞裂解的中间步骤导致 显着增加产量。
显着增加产量。="">结核杆菌)的情况下,通过物理方法的细胞裂解的中间步骤导致 显着增加产量。