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D - (+) - 葡萄糖

Company: Sigma-Aldrich
Catalog#: G7021
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Brain Tissue Culture of Per2::Luciferase Transgenic Mice for ex vivo Bioluminescence
[Abstract]  In circadian research, it is essential to be able to track a biological rhythm for several days with the minimum perturbation for the organisms or tissues. The use of transgenic mice lines, in which the luciferase reporter is coupled to a molecular clock protein (here PERIOD2), gives us the opportunity to follow the circadian activity in different tissues or even single clock cells for days without manipulation. This method creates sections using a mouse brain matrix, which allows us to obtain several brain samples quickly at a single time point. [摘要]  在昼夜节律研究中,能够以最小的生物或组织扰动跟踪生物节律数天是至关重要的。 使用转基因小鼠系,其中荧光素酶报告基因与分子钟蛋白(此处为PERIOD2)偶联,使我们有机会在不经操作的情况下跟踪不同组织或甚至单个时钟细胞中的昼夜节律活动数天。 该方法使用鼠标脑矩阵创建切片,这允许我们在单个时间点快速获得几个脑样本。

【背景】昼夜节律是大约24小时循环的行为或分子变化,并且在没有任何外部线索的情况下持续。在哺乳动物中,运动活动,体温和激素释放是昼夜节律的实例,其在位于下丘脑的视交叉上核(SCN)时钟的控制下。 SCN细胞保持内源性节律的能力是由于时钟基因表达的正负循环组成的分子机制:首先,CLOCK和BMAL1蛋白异二聚化通过E-box位点激活不同基因的转录关于基因如 period ( Per1-3 )和隐花色素( Cry1-2 ; Takahashi)的启动子 et al。,2008)。然后,PERIOD和CRYPTOCHROME的蛋白质异二聚化并返回到细胞核以防止BMAL1与E-Box结合。因此,PERIOD和CRYPTOCHROME抑制其自身的转录(Takahashi et al。,2008)。第二个环由类视黄醇相关的孤儿受体(ROR)和Rev-Erb组成:ROR蛋白激活 Bmal1 基因,而REV-ERB蛋白抑制它通过 ROR反应 Bmal1 ...

An Improved Method for Measuring Chromatin-binding Dynamics Using Time-dependent Formaldehyde Crosslinking
[Abstract]  Formaldehyde crosslinking is widely used in combination with chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) to measure the locations along DNA and relative levels of transcription factor (TF)-DNA interactions in vivo. However, the measurements that are typically made do not provide unambiguous information about the dynamic properties of these interactions. We have developed a method to estimate binding kinetic parameters from time-dependent formaldehyde crosslinking data, called crosslinking kinetics (CLK) analysis. Cultures of yeast cells are crosslinked with formaldehyde for various periods of time, yielding the relative ChIP signal at particular loci. We fit the data using the mass-action CLK model to extract kinetic parameters of the TF-chromatin interaction, including the on- and ... [摘要]  甲醛交联广泛用于与染色质免疫沉淀(ChIP)相结合来测量沿着DNA的相对位置以及转录因子(TF)-DNA相互作用的体内相对水平。但是,通常所做的测量不能提供关于这些交互的动态属性的明确信息。我们已经开发了一种方法来评估来自时间依赖性甲醛交联数据的结合动力学参数,称为交联动力学(CLK)分析。酵母细胞的培养物与甲醛交联不同的时间段,在特定位点产生相对的ChIP信号。我们使用质量作用CLK模型来拟合数据,以提取TF-染色质相互作用的动力学参数,包括开关速率和交联速率。从停车费和停车费中我们可以获得停车和停车时间。以下方案是该方法的第二次迭代,CLKv2,更新了改进的交联和淬火条件,更多关于交联速率的信息以及对观察到的动力学模型建模的系统程序。已应用CLKv2分析来研究TATA结合蛋白(TBP)和其他TF的选定子集的结合行为。该协议使用酵母细胞开发,但也可适用于来自其他生物体的细胞。

【背景】转录起始是一个复杂的过程,涉及染色质化启动子上数十种蛋白的协作和协调相互作用(Kim等人,2005; Encode Consortium,2012; Rhee等人, ,2012; Dowen等人,2014年)。许多研究已经研究了体外核心转录机器的组装和调控(Zawel和Reinberg,1992; Conaway和Conaway,1993; Roeder,1996; ...

D-serine Measurements in Brain Slices or Other Tissue Explants
[Abstract]  D-serine is an atypical amino acid present in the mammalian body (most amino acids in the mammalian body are L-isomers) that is mostly known in neuroscience for its role as a co-agonist controlling the N-methyl D-aspartate receptor (NMDAR). D-serine levels are decreased in patients with schizophrenia and this is thought to mediate, at least in part, the hypofunction of NMDARs that is central to the glutamate hypothesis for the etiology of this neuropsychiatric disorder. D-serine detection was first established using high performance liquid chromatography, a costly and complex technique that requires high levels of expertise. But with the increasing interest in this unconventional amino acid, there is an increasing need for easier, cheaper and more accessible detection methods. Here we ... [摘要]  D-丝氨酸是存在于哺乳动物体内的非典型氨基酸(哺乳动物体内的大部分氨基酸是L-异构体),其在神经科学中主要是作为控制N-甲基D-天冬氨酸受体的共激动剂的作用而已知的NMDA受体)。精神分裂症患者的D-丝氨酸水平降低,这被认为至少部分地介导了NMDARs功能减退,这种谷氨酸假说对于这种神经精神障碍的病因至关重要。 D-丝氨酸检测首先使用高效液相色谱法建立,这是一种昂贵且复杂的技术,需要高水平的专业知识。但随着对这种非常规氨基酸的兴趣日益增加,人们越来越需要更容易,更便宜和更容易获得的检测方法。在这里,我们描述了我们在最近的出版物(Papouin等人,2017b)中采用的安培法,基于生物传感器的方法。它可以对新鲜组织的D-丝氨酸水平进行可靠的测量,如急性脑切片,浓度高于100 nM,技术要求最低。

【背景】N-甲基D-天冬氨酸受体(NMDAR)是脑,脊髓和周围神经系统如肠神经元中神经递质谷氨酸的受体。在肾小管细胞和软骨细胞中也有发现。除谷氨酸外,NMDAR的激活需要在专用结合位点上结合共激动剂(Johnson和Ascher,1987; Kleckner和Dingledine,1988)。非常规氨基酸D-丝氨酸是神经系统众多区域中NMDAR的内源性共激动剂(参见Papouin等人,2017a)。在肝脏和肾脏中也可以发现其丰富的降解和排泄(Montesinos ...
