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Falcon® 8-well Culture Slide


Company: Corning
Catalog#: 354118
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Primary Cultures from Human GH-secreting or Clinically Non-functioning Pituitary Adenomas
[Abstract]  Pituitary adenomas are among the more frequent intracranial tumors usually treated with both surgical and pharmacological–based on somatostatin and dopamine agonists–approaches. Although mostly benign tumors, the occurrence of invasive behaviors is often detected resulting in poorer prognosis. The use of primary cultures from human pituitary adenomas represented a significant advancement in the knowledge of the mechanisms of their development and in the definition of the determinants of their pharmacological sensitivity. Moreover, recent studies identified also in pituitary adenomas putative tumor stem cells representing, according to the current hypothesis, the real cellular targets to eradicate most malignancies. In this protocol, we describe the procedure to establish primary cultures ... [摘要]  垂体腺瘤是更常见的颅内肿瘤之一,通常用基于生长抑素和多巴胺激动剂手术的手术和药物治疗。 虽然多为良性肿瘤,但侵入性行为的发生常常被检测到,导致预后较差。 来自人类垂体腺瘤的原代培养物的使用代表了对其发育机制的知识以及其药理敏感性决定因素的定义方面的显着进步。 此外,最近的研究也在垂体腺瘤中发现了假定的肿瘤干细胞,根据目前的假设,它代表了根除大多数恶性肿瘤的真实细胞靶标。 在这个协议中,我们描述了从人垂体腺瘤建立原代培养的程序,以及如何选择,体外扩增和表型鉴定推定的垂体腺瘤干细胞。

【背景】垂体腺瘤是最常见的颅内肿瘤之一(高达15%),横断面研究发现每100,000名居民中约有90例发病,其中绝大多数为30岁以上的成年人。大约10%的未经选择的垂体在尸检时进行了检查(即考虑到之前未诊断为垂体疾病的受试者的垂体)( ,Molitch,2017)。尽管通常为良性肿瘤,但垂体腺瘤的处理可因与激素分泌过多相关的临床综合征或发展以治疗抗性,高增殖率,快速复发和绒毛外侵袭为特征的侵袭行为而复杂化(Carreno等人,2017)。成年垂体干细胞的持续存在(Florio,2011)导致垂体腺瘤(以及可能的其他良性瘤形成)的发展可以源自具有干细胞特性(主要是自我更新和分化)的肿瘤细胞的亚群能力),正如已经建立的恶性固体和血液肿瘤一样。

最近的实验证据表明,癌症干细胞(CSC)范例也适用于人和小鼠垂体腺瘤(Donangelo等人,2014; ...

In vitro Co-culture of Mesenchymal Stem Cells and Endothelial Colony Forming Cells
[Abstract]  The discovery of endothelial colony forming cells (ECFCs) with robust self-renewal and de novo vessel formation potentials suggests that ECFCs can be an excellent cell source for cardiovascular diseases treatment through improving neovascularization in the ischemic tissues. However, their engraftment after transplantation resulted to be low. Previous studies showed mesenchymal stem/stromal cells (MSCs) could improve the survival and capillary formation capacity of ECFCs in co-culture systems. In this article, we describe a protocol for in vitro co-culture of MSCs and ECFCs to prime ECFCs for better engraftment. [摘要]  发现具有强大自我更新和从头血管形成潜力的内皮细胞集落形成细胞(ECFCs)表明,ECFC可以通过改善缺血组织的新生血管形成,成为心血管疾病治疗的优良细胞来源。 然而,移植后的移植导致了低位移植。 以前的研究显示间充质干/基质细胞(MSC)可以改善共培养系统中ECFCs的存活和毛细管形成能力。 在这篇文章中,我们描述了体外协调MSCs和ECFCs共同培养ECFC以实现更好的移植。
【背景】内皮祖细胞(EPC)被定义为能够通过血管发生过程形成新血管的细胞群。 2004年,Ingram等人鉴定了来自人脐带血的称为“内皮细胞集落形成细胞(ECFC)”的离体培养物中的特异性高度增殖的EPC群体Ingram等人,2004),并且这些细胞最近被宣布代表EPCs(Medina等人,2017)。类似的群体也可以从具有等效血管化潜力和临床相关数量的人类胎盘组织中分离(Patel等人,2013; Shafiee等人,2015) )。因此,ECFC移植已被提出作为缺血性疾病如心肌梗塞或关键性腿部缺血的治疗方法。然而,移植后的ECFCs植入物和血管生成潜力被证明是低的(Shafiee等人,2017; ...

Determination of Toxoplasma gondii Replication in Naïve and Activated Macrophages
[Abstract]  Toxoplasma gondii is an obligate intracellular protozoan parasite that causes the disease toxoplasmosis. Chronic infection is established through the formation of tissue cysts predominantly in cardiac and neurologic tissues. A defining characteristic of T. gondii is its ability to evade the host’s immune defenses; specifically, T. gondii can invade and persist within host phagocytes, using them to disseminate to the brain and central nervous system where cysts are then formed. This protocol is used to evaluate the ability of Toxoplasma gondii to survive and replicate within naive and activated murine bone marrow-derived macrophages at the level of single infected cells. In the following protocol macrophages are naive or activated with IFN-γ and LPS but ... [摘要]  弓形虫是一种专性的细胞内原生动物寄生虫,其引起疾病弓形体病。慢性感染通过主要在心脏和神经组织中形成组织囊肿来建立。 T的定义特性。 gondii 是其逃避宿主免疫防御的能力;具体地,em。 gondii可以侵入并持续在宿主吞噬细胞内,使用它们传播到脑和中枢神经系统,然后形成囊肿。该方案用于评估弓形虫在单个感染细胞水平下在幼稚和活化的鼠骨髓衍生的巨噬细胞中存活和复制的能力。在以下方案中,巨噬细胞是幼稚的或用IFN-γ和LPS活化的,但是可以利用不同的激活刺激以及不同的宿主细胞群体和不同的抑制剂。寄生虫复制通过使用针对寄生虫和显微镜分析的免疫荧光染色评估每个液泡随时间的寄生虫数量来确定。每个液泡的寄生虫数的动力学测定准确地反映了随时间的寄生虫复制,因为含有空泡的寄生虫不彼此融合。分离鼠骨髓来源的巨噬细胞,制备用于收集巨噬细胞集落刺激因子的条件性L929细胞,并且包括在方案中的荧光显微镜染色具有广泛的适用性。该协议对于存在于不彼此融合并且可通过显微镜可视化的液泡中的病原体如弓形体病毒(inxoplasma gondii)起作用。
