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Vac-In-Stuff (Silwet L-77) 30 ml

Silwet L-77

Catalog#: VIS-30
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Multiplexed GuideRNA-expression to Efficiently Mutagenize Multiple Loci in Arabidopsis by CRISPR-Cas9
[Abstract]  Since the discovery of the CRISPR (clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats)-associated protein (Cas) as an efficient tool for genome editing in plants (Li et al., 2013; Shan et al., 2013; Nekrasov et al., 2013), a large variety of applications, such as gene knock-out, knock-in or transcriptional regulation, has been published. So far, the generation of multiple mutants in plants involved tedious crossing or mutagenesis followed by time-consuming screening of huge populations and the use of the Cas9-system appeared a promising method to overcome these issues. We designed a binary vector that combines both the coding sequence of the codon optimized Streptococcus pyogenes Cas9 nuclease under the control of the Arabidopsis thaliana ... [摘要]  自从发现CRISPR(聚集的定期交织的短回文重复) - 相关蛋白(Cas)作为植物基因组编辑的有效工具(Li等人,2013; Shan等人已经出版了诸如基因敲除,敲入或转录调控等各种各样的应用,例如,2013; Nekrasov等人,2013)。到目前为止,植物中多种突变体的产生涉及繁琐的杂交或诱变,随后大量人群的耗时筛选,Cas9系统的使用似乎是有希望的方法来克服这些问题。我们设计了一种二元载体,其结合了在拟南芥UBIQUITIN10(UBQ10)启动子和引导RNA(gRNA)控制下的优化的化脓性链球菌(Caspase)密码子的编码序列)由 A驱动的表现盒。拟南芥U6 - 启动子,用于在拟南芥中进行有效的多重编辑(阎等人,2016年)。在这里,我们描述了一个逐步的方案,以经济有效的方式生成含有多个gRNA的二元载体和基于经典克隆方法的Cas9核酸酶。背景 RNA引导的Cas9系统源于针对外源DNA的细菌防御系统(Sorek等人,2013)。由于其高效率,易于处理和多重编辑的可能性,已经被认为是基因组编辑的选择方法。通常,Cas9基因编辑系统涉及单个合成RNA分子,其指导Cas9蛋白质靶向所需DNA位点以进行基因组修饰或转录控制的gRNA。 gRNA-Cas9复合物通过gRNA-DNA配对识别靶向的DNA,并需要存在原始相邻基序(PAM)。 ...

Surface Inoculation and Quantification of Pseudomonas syringae Population in the Arabidopsis Leaf Apoplast
[Abstract]  Bacterial pathogens must enter the plant tissue in order to cause a successful infection. Foliar bacterial pathogens that are not able to directly penetrate the plant epidermis rely on wounds or natural openings to internalize leaves. This protocol describes a procedure to estimate the population size of Pseudomonas syringae in the leaf apoplast after surface inoculation of Arabidopsis rosettes. [摘要]  细菌病原体必须进入植物组织才能使感染成功。不能直接穿透植物表皮的叶状细菌病原体依赖于伤口或自然开口使叶片内化。该方案描述了在表达接种拟南芥花环之后,在叶片质外体中估计结核菌的种群大小的程序。

背景 引起叶面疾病的植物病原菌可能通过伤口和天然开放(如气孔)穿透叶片表皮。气孔是介导调节蒸腾作用和植物与大气之间的气体交换的微观孔。有趣的是,我们已经证明细菌可以诱导气孔关闭。这种现象现在被认为是气孔防御,其阻碍细菌内化进入叶减少的疾病发展(由Melotto等人,2017年,在新闻中综述)。在这里,我们描述了从Katagiri等人改编的方法。 (2002)和Panchal等人。 (2016a和2016b)测量表面接种后拟南芥叶组织中的丁香假单胞菌的总内生细菌群体。该程序可用于在实验室环境中评估通过气孔的叶片细菌渗透。

Establishment of a Fusarium graminearum Infection Model in Arabidopsis thaliana Leaves and Floral Tissues
[Abstract]  Fusarium graminearum (Fg) is the causal agent of Fusarium head blight disease of wheat (Triticum aestivum), oats (Avena sativa) and barley (Hordeum vulgare), which targets the floral tissues and thereby adversely impacts grain yield and quality. Mycotoxins produced by F. graminearum further limit the consumability of infected grain. In the laboratory, F. graminearum also has the ability to colonize both leaves and inflorescence tissues of Arabidopsis thaliana. The interaction between A. thaliana and F. graminearum makes available a large array of genetic and molecular tools to study the interaction between plants and F. graminearum to elucidate plant genes and pathways that contribute to resistance, ... [摘要]  禾谷镰刀菌(Fg)是小麦(小麦),燕麦( Avena sativa )和大麦镰刀菌 ),其针对花组织,从而不利地影响谷物产量和质量。由F生产的霉菌毒素。禾谷镰菌进一步限制了感染谷物的消耗性。在实验室,F。禾谷镰刀菌也具有定居拟南芥的叶和花序组织的能力。 A之间的交互。 thaliana 和 F。禾谷镰刀菌(graminearum)提供了大量遗传和分子工具来研究植物和真菌之间的相互作用。禾本科(Graminearum)来阐明植物基因和促进抗性的途径,以及研究真菌如何靶向植物基因和促进疾病的机制。下面描述的方法允许有效地感染拟南芥叶和花序,以及评价疾病进展和真菌生长。拟南芥中的病害传播可以通过叶组织的萎黄病和花序组织的包括真菌团块在花序组织表面上的病害表型的视觉观察来容易地监测。可以通过聚合酶链反应(PCR)和定量实时PCR(qPCR)测量宿主组织中的Fg DNA的相对量来进一步监测真菌生长。
