Exopolysaccharide Quantification for the Plant Pathogen Ralstonia solanacearum
[Abstract] Soluble exopolysaccharide is a major virulence factor produced by the plant pathogen Ralstonia solanacearum. Its massive production during plant infection is associated with the arrest of water flow in xylem vessels leading eventually to plant death. The composition of this heavy macromolecule includes mainly N-acetylgalactosamine. Here we describe a colorimetric method for quantitative determination of the soluble exopolysaccharide present in culture supernatant of R. solanacearum.
[摘要] 可溶性外多糖是由植物病原体Ralstonia solanacearum产生的主要毒力因子。植物感染期间的大量生产与木质部血管中的水流停滞有关,最终导致植物死亡。该重大分子的组成主要包括N-乙酰半乳糖胺。这里我们描述了用于定量测定R中培养上清液中可溶性外多糖的比色法。雷尔氏菌。
背景 植物病原体罗勒氏菌(Ralstonia solanacearum)在群体感应系统的控制下产生胞外多糖,即高细胞密度,高于5×10 7细胞ml -1 (Flavier等人,1997)。外多糖的糖含量包括比例为10:2.5:1的半乳糖胺,葡萄糖和鼠李糖(Drigues等人,1985)。 Brumbley和Denny(1990)最初开发了用于从培养上清液中可靠地提取和定量外多糖的方案,并且最近由Peyraud等人(2016)更新。定量基于使用适应的Elson和Morgan测定法测定大分子的己糖胺含量(Elson和Morgan,1933; Gatt和Berman,1966)。含有N-乙酰基-D-半乳糖胺的外多糖由不同的革兰氏阴性或革兰氏阳性细菌(Vaningelgem等人,2004; Balzaretti等人,2017)产生,以及一些真菌(Lee等人,2015),因此该方案也可适用于这些生物。
Mimicking Angiogenesis in vitro: Three-dimensional Co-culture of Vascular Endothelial Cells and Perivascular Cells in Collagen Type I Gels
[Abstract] Angiogenesis defines the process of formation of new vascular structures form existing blood vessels, involved during development, repair processes like wound healing but also linked to pathological changes. During angiogenic processes, endothelial cells build a vascular network and recruit perivascular cells to form mature, stable vessels. Endothelial cells and perivascular cells secret and assemble a vascular basement membrane and interact via close cell-cell contacts. To mimic these processes in vitro we have developed a versatile three-dimensional culture system where perivascular cells (PVC) are co-cultured with human umbilical cord vascular endothelial cells (HUVEC) in a collagen type I gel. This co-culture system can be used to determine biochemical and cellular processes ...
[摘要] 血管发生定义了形成现有血管的新血管结构的形成过程,涉及发育过程中的修复过程,如伤口愈合,还与病理变化有关。 在血管生成过程中,内皮细胞建立血管网络并招募血管周围细胞以形成成熟稳定的血管。 内皮细胞和血管周围细胞秘密并组装血管基底膜,并通过细胞间接触进行相互作用。 为了体外模拟这些过程,我们开发了一种通用的三维培养系统,其中血管周围细胞(PVC)与胶原I型凝胶中的人脐带血管内皮细胞(HUVEC)共培养。 这种共培养系统可用于通过广泛的分析选项来确定新生血管生成事件期间的生物化学和细胞过程。 【背景】内皮细胞和血管周围细胞之间的协调相互作用对于根据给定组织内的局部需要形成稳定的血管网是非常重要的。多个分子组分有助于相互作用,但仍然很少了解。需要各种生长因子来吸引内皮细胞到低氧浓度的位点,并建立新的血管,然后被血管周围细胞覆盖。两种细胞类型相互作用以分泌特定的细胞外基质并稳定新形成的血管。在过去已经建立了多个测定法来分析二维基质胶底物上的血管细胞相互作用和血管样网络形成,但是这些测定在三维细胞内提供关于血管内血管周围细胞相互作用和血管基底膜形成的初始步骤的信息是有限的维度微环境。此外,缺乏适合于培养实验的良好表征的血管周围细胞。 我们以前分离出具有血管周围特征的细胞,因为它们表达周细胞特异性标记,产生和分泌细胞外基质蛋白并在体内刺激血管生成过程(Brachvogel等,2005和2007)。这些细胞用于与人脐静脉内皮细胞建立共培养系统,并研究三维微环境中两种细胞类型相互作用后新生血管发生的关键步骤(Pitzler等,2016; ...
Preparation of Single Cell Suspensions from Mouse Aorta
[Abstract] Atherosclerosis is a chronic inflammatory disease of the arterial wall characterized by lipid deposition, plaque formation, and immune cell infiltration. Innate and adaptive immune cells infiltrate the artery during development of the disease. Moreover, advanced disease leads to formation of artery tertiary lymphoid organs in the adventitia (Grabner et al., 2009; Hu et al., 2015). Various and diverse types of immune cells have been identified in the aorta adventitia vs atherosclerotic plaques (Elewa et al., 2016; Galkina et al., 2006; Lotzer et al., 2010; Mohanta et al., 2016; Mohanta et al., 2014; Moos et al., 2005; Srikakulapu et al., 2016; Zhao et al., 2004). There are conflicting reports on the number and subtypes ...
[摘要] 动脉粥样硬化是动脉壁的慢性炎性疾病,其特征在于脂质沉积,斑块形成和免疫细胞浸润。先天性和适应性免疫细胞在疾病发展期间浸润动脉。此外,晚期疾病导致外膜中动脉三级淋巴器官的形成(Grabner等人,2009; Hu等人,2015)。已经在主动脉外膜vs动脉粥样硬化斑块中鉴定了各种不同类型的免疫细胞(Elewa等人,2016; Galkina等人,2006; Lotzer等人, 2010; Mohanta等人,2016; Mohanta等人,2014; Moos等人,2010; Mohanta等人,2010; 2005; Srikakulapu et al。,2016; Zhao et al。,2004)。根据动物的年龄,用于获得单细胞悬浮液的方案和小鼠的饮食条件,存在关于主动脉中免疫细胞的数量和亚型的矛盾报告(Campbell等, 2012; Clement等人,2015; Galkina等人,2006; Kyaw等人,2012)。使用不同的方案,主动脉中免疫细胞的数目差异多达十倍(Butcher等,2012; Galkina等,2006; Gjurich等,2015; Grabner等人,2009; ...