Lipid Mixing Assay for Murine Myoblast Fusion and Other Slow Cell-cell Fusion Processes
[Abstract] Lipid mixing (redistribution of lipid probes between fusing membranes) has been widely used to study early stages of relatively fast viral and intracellular fusion processes that take seconds to minutes. Lipid mixing assays are especially important for identification of hemifusion intermediates operationally defined as lipid mixing without content mixing. Due to unsynchronized character and the slow rate of the differentiation processes that prime the cells for cell-cell fusion processes in myogenesis, osteoclastogenesis and placentogenesis, these fusions take days. Application of lipid mixing assays to detect early fusion intermediates in these very slow fusion processes must consider the continuous turnover of plasma membrane components and potential fusion-unrelated exchange of the ...
[摘要] [摘要 ] 脂质混合(脂质探针在融合膜之间的分布)已广泛用于研究相对快速的病毒和细胞内融合过程的各个阶段,这些过程耗时数秒至数分钟。脂质混合测定对于鉴定在操作上定义为没有内容混合的脂质混合的半融合中间体特别重要。由于不同步的特性以及分化过程的缓慢速度,这些分化过程使细胞在成肌,破骨细胞生成和胎盘生成中引发细胞间的融合过程,因此这些融合需要几天的时间。在这些非常缓慢的融合过程中应用脂质混合测定法检测早期融合中间体时,必须考虑质膜成分的连续转换以及脂质探针在膜之间的潜在融合无关交换。在这里,我们描述了脂质混合分析在骨骼肌细胞发育和再生中成肌融合阶段的工作中的应用。我们的方法利用了基于鼠C2C12细胞的成肌分化和融合的常规体外模型。当我们观察到第一个多核细胞的外观时,我们将细胞提起并用荧光脂质DiI 作为膜探针或CellTracker TM Green 作为含量探针标记它们。通过荧光显微镜对探针在细胞之间的重新分布进行评分。半融合细胞被鉴定为用内含物和膜探针标记的单核细胞。解释必须由具有融合能力不足细胞的阴性对照系统支持,以说明脂质探针的与融合无关的交换,并将其贡献降到最低。这种方法进行了较小的修改已用于调查原代鼠成肌细胞,破骨细胞前体的融合以及由配子融合原HAP2 介导的融合,并且很可能可以用于其他缓慢的细胞-细胞融合过程。
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The RiboPuromycylation Method (RPM): an Immunofluorescence Technique to Map Translation Sites at the Sub-cellular Level
[Abstract] While isotopic labeling of amino acids remains the reference method in the field for quantifying translation rate, it does not provide any information on spatial localization of translation sites. The rationale behind developing the ribopuromycylation method (RPM) was primarily to map translation sites at the sub-cellular level while avoiding detection of newly synthesized proteins released from ribosomes. RPM visualizes actively translating ribosomes in cells via standard immunofluorescence microscopy in fixed and permeabilized cells using a puromycin-specific monoclonal antibody to detect puromycylated nascent chains trapped on ribosomes treated with a chain elongation inhibitor.
[摘要] 尽管氨基酸的同位素标记仍然是用于定量翻译速率的领域中的参考方法,但是其不提供关于翻译位点的空间定位的任何信息。 开发ribopuromycylation方法(RPM)的基本原理主要是在亚细胞水平上绘制翻译位点,同时避免检测从核糖体释放的新合成的蛋白质。 RPM通过使用嘌呤霉素特异性单克隆抗体的固定的和透化的细胞中的标准免疫荧光显微镜可视化主动翻译细胞中的核糖体以检测捕获在用链延长抑制剂处理的核糖体上的嘌呤化新生链。
嘌呤霉素(PMY)是一种氨基糖苷类抗生素,模拟带电荷的tRNA Tyr并掺入核糖体A位点。因此,PMY通过核糖体催化 - ...
Determining Ribosome Translational Status by Ribo-ELISA
[Abstract] The Ribo-ELISA was originally developed to elucidate the basis for the ribopuromycylation method (RPM)-based detection of ribosome bound nascent chains. The Ribo-ELISA enables characterization of the translational status of ribosomes, and can be applied to the discovery of super-ribosomal complexes with novel ribosome associated macromolecules that are isolated by physical fractionation in sucrose gradients or other methods.
[摘要] Ribo-ELISA最初是为阐明基于核糖核苷酸化方法(RPM)的核糖体结合新生链检测的基础而开发的。 Ribo-ELISA能够表征核糖体的翻译状态,并且可以应用于通过蔗糖梯度中的物理分离或其他方法分离的新型核糖体相关大分子的超核糖体复合物的发现。
【背景】核糖体是由40S和60S亚单位组成的异构结构,当多个核糖体与单个mRNA结合时,它们以单体和多核糖体存在于细胞中。 另外,翻译核糖体可以与调节翻译的多个分子复合物相关联。 核糖体ELISA(Enzyme-Linked ImmunoSorbent Assay)能够通过核糖体相关新生链的体外嘌呤化检测翻译核糖体(David等人,2012)。 在将嘌呤霉素添加至具有结合的新生链的核糖体时,这种化学反应自发进行。 该方法定量测定每个核糖体中出现的新生链的数量,并且可以用于确定单核细胞相对于多核糖体的翻译状态,并鉴定结合其他大分子的核糖体,其改变其在沉淀柱中的沉降速率或迁移。