An in vitro DNA Sensor-based Assay to Measure Receptor-specific Adhesion Forces of Eukaryotic Cells and Pathogens
[Abstract] Motility of eukaryotic cells or pathogens within tissues is mediated by the turnover of specific interactions with other cells or with the extracellular matrix. Biophysical characterization of these ligand-receptor adhesions helps to unravel the molecular mechanisms driving migration. Traction force microscopy or optical tweezers are typically used to measure the cellular forces exerted by cells on a substrate. However, the spatial resolution of traction force microscopy is limited to ~2 µm and performing experiments with optical traps is very time-consuming. Here we present the production of biomimetic surfaces that enable specific cell adhesion via synthetic ligands and at the same time monitor the transmitted forces by using molecular tension sensors. The ligands were ...
[摘要] [摘要 ] 组织内真核细胞或病原体的运动性是通过与其他细胞或细胞外基质特异性相互作用的转换来介导的。这些配体-受体粘附的生物物理特征有助于揭示驱动迁移的分子机制。牵引力显微镜或光学镊子通常用于测量细胞在基质上施加的细胞力。但是,牵引力显微镜的空间分辨率仅限于〜2 µm,使用光阱进行实验非常耗时。
在这里,我们介绍了仿生表面的生产,该表面能够通过合成配体实现特定的细胞粘附,同时通过使用分子张力传感器监控传递的力。将配体与双链DNA探针偶联,该探针具有确定的DNA解链力阈值。从而将pN范围内的受体介导力半定量转换为荧光信号,可以通过标准荧光显微镜在分辨率极限(〜0.2 µm)上检测到。
[背景 ] 运动细胞和病原体以多种不同方式与环境相互作用(Parsons 等,2010; Nan ,2017; Muthinja 等,2018 )。例如,跨膜受体将单个细胞锚定在其环境中,并使其与其他细胞相互作用(Hynes ,1992)。整联蛋白是将细胞连接到细胞外基质的主要受体,它以双向方式传递力(Schoen et ...
Detection of Protein S-nitrosothiols (SNOs) in Plant Samples on Diaminofluorescein (DAF) Gels
[Abstract] In plant cells, the analysis of protein S-nitrosothiols (SNOs) under physiological and adverse stress conditions is essential to understand the mechanisms of Nitric oxide (NO)-based signaling. We adapted a previously reported protocol for detecting protein SNOs in animal systems (King et al., 2005) for plant samples. Briefly, proteins from plant samples are separated via non-reducing SDS-PAGE, then the NO bound by S-nitrosylated proteins is released using UV light and, finally, the NO is detected using the fluorescent probe DAF-FM (Rodriguez-Ruiz et al., 2017). Thus, the approach presented here provides a relatively quick and economical procedure that can be used to compare protein SNOs content in plant samples and provide insight in NO-based signaling ...
[摘要] 在植物细胞中,生理和不利胁迫条件下的蛋白质S-亚硝基硫醇(SNO)的分析对于了解一氧化氮(NO)的信号传导机制至关重要。 我们调整了以前报告的用于检测动物系统中蛋白质SNO的方法(King等,2005),用于植物样品。 简言之,通过非还原性SDS-PAGE分离来自植物样品的蛋白质,然后使用UV光释放由S-亚硝基化蛋白质结合的NO,最后使用荧光探针DAF-FM检测NO(Rodriguez-Ruiz et 等等,2017)。 因此,本文提出的方法提供了相对快速和经济的方法,可用于比较植物样品中的蛋白质SNOs含量,并提供植物中基于NO的信号传导的洞察。 【背景】一氧化氮(NO)是一种自由基,可与各种生物分子阵列相互作用,包括蛋白质,脂质和核酸。在蛋白质的情况下,最相关的翻译后修饰(PTM)之一是NO基团与存在于肽或蛋白质中的半胱氨酸(Cys)的硫醇(-SH)侧链的共价连接。该修饰产生称为S-亚硝基硫醇(SNO)的家族,其是动物和植物系统中重要的化合物(Foster等人,2003; Lindermayr和Durner,2009; Astier等人,2011; ...
Nitroxide Labeling of Proteins and the Determination of Paramagnetic Relaxation Derived Distance Restraints for NMR Studies
[Abstract] Site-specific attachment of paramagnetic spin labels to biomolecules causes distance-dependent line-broadening effects, which can be exploited to study the structure and dynamics of these molecules in solution. This protocol describes how to attach nitroxide spin labels to proteins and how to collect and analyze NMR data using these labeled samples. We also explain how to derive distance restraints for paramagnetic relaxation enhancement nuclear magnetic resonance (PRE-NMR) studies.
[摘要] 顺磁自旋标记与生物分子的位点特异性连接导致距离依赖性线宽增加效应,可用于研究溶液中这些分子的结构和动力学。 该协议描述了如何将氮氧自由标记连接到蛋白质上,以及如何使用这些标记的样品收集和分析NMR数据。 我们还解释了如何导出顺磁性松弛增强核磁共振(PRE-NMR)研究的距离约束。
该协议描述了如何使用顺磁性松弛增强核磁共振(PRE-NMR)方法将氮氧自由标记附着到蛋白质上以及如何使用修饰的蛋白质来导出距离约束。顺磁自旋标记对蛋白质的位点特异性附着增强了附近细胞核的横向松弛率,导致了可用于导出距离约束的线宽变化效应(Battiste和Wagner,2000; Iwahara等人。 ,2004; Clore和Iwahara,2009)。已经使用PRE衍生的距离限制来表征各种分子的结构,包括膜蛋白(Roosild等人,2005),显示域间动力学的多结构域蛋白(Sjodt 单链蛋白(Battiste和Wagner,2000),蛋白质-DNA复合物(Clore和Iwahara,2009),瞬时蛋白质 - 蛋白质相互作用(Tang等人, ,2007; ...