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VECTASHIELD HardSet Antifade Mounting Medium with DAPI

VECTASHIELD HardSet Antifade安装介质与DAPI

Company: Vector Laboratories
Catalog#: H-1500
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Isolation of Primary Human Skeletal Muscle Cells
[Abstract]  Primary myoblast culture is a valuable tool in research of muscle disease, pathophysiology, and pharmacology. This protocol describes techniques for dissociation of cells from human skeletal muscle biopsies and enrichment for a highly myogenic population by fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS). We also describe methods for assessing myogenicity and population expansion for subsequent in vitro study. [摘要]  原代成肌细胞培养是研究肌肉疾病,病理生理学和药理学的有用工具。 该协议描述了通过荧光激活细胞分选(FACS)从人类骨骼肌活检中分离细胞并富集高度肌原细胞的技术。 我们还描述了用于评估随后的体外研究中肌原性和群体扩张的方法。
【背景】来自肌肉活组织检查的原代人成肌细胞是模拟体外人体肌肉疾病的有价值的资源。成肌细胞增殖,分化和融合的改变是许多神经肌肉疾病所共有的特征,并且可以用于测定基于细胞的和药理学的治疗。人类骨骼肌活组织检查,尤其是那些受疾病影响的人,通常含有大量的非肌原细胞,如脂肪细胞和成纤维细胞。因此,纯化肌原细胞进行骨骼肌发育和疾病的体外研究是非常重要的。肌肉疾病的早期研究涉及使用组织外植体或未纯化的分离细胞(Geiger和Garvin,1957; Herrmann等人,1960; Goyle等人,1967; Bishop 1971年),后来,Blau和Webster引入了一种预先电镀技术去除成纤维细胞(Blau and ...

Labeling Aversive Memory Trace in Mouse Using a Doxycycline-inducible Expression System
[Abstract]  A memory trace, also known as a memory engram, is theorized to be a mechanism for physical memory storage in the brain (Silva et al., 2009; Josselyn, 2010) and memory trace is associated with a specific population of neurons (Liu et al., 2012; Ramirez et al., 2013). Labeling and stimulating those neurons will activate the memory trace (Liu et al., 2012; Ramirez et al., 2013). Memory appears to be spread over different regions of the brain rather than being localized to one area. Therefore, the methods used to trace memory have the ability to improve our understanding of neuronal circuits. In this protocol, we introduce a doxycycline-inducible expression system to label the specific neurons associated with the original memory trace. [摘要]  存储器跟踪(也称为存储器枚举)被理论化为大脑中物理存储器存储的机制(Silva等人,2009; Josselyn,2010),并且内存跟踪与一个 特定的神经元群体(Liu et al。,2012; Ramirez等人,2013)。 标记和刺激那些神经元将激活记忆痕迹(Liu et al。,2012; Ramirez等人,2013)。 记忆似乎分布在大脑的不同区域,而不是局限于一个区域。 因此,用于跟踪记忆的方法有能力提高我们对神经元电路的理解。 在本协议中,我们引入多西环素诱导表达系统来标记与原始记忆痕迹相关的特定神经元。
【背景】记忆痕迹是记忆被存储为大脑物理或生物化学变化的理论手段(Ryan等人,2015)。在二十世纪初德国动物学家理查德·塞蒙(Richard Semon)制定记忆追踪概念之后,记忆存储的具体过程一直是神经科学领域辩论的一个未解决的话题(Poo et al。,2016)。尽管记忆机制已经成为几十年来的争论焦点,但已经一致认为,特定的神经元被用于记忆的存储(Liu等人,2012; Ramirez等人, ...

Single Molecule RNA FISH in the Mammalian Oocyte
[Abstract]  RNA fluorescence in situ hybridization is a method to localize and measure gene expression in individual cell or tissue. Using multiple specific fluorescently labeled oligonucleotides greatly increases signal-to-noise ratio and thus enables detection of single RNA molecule. Around forty different DNA oligonucleotides designed to common RNA target and labeled with single fluorophore at 3´ terminus hybridizes with target RNA in fixed cells. We adapt this method to visualize target RNA in the mammalian oocyte. The ability to detect single transcript in the mammalian oocyte was challenging due to its large cell size. This method consists of four simple steps: fixation, permeabilization, hybridization and imaging. The protocol is adapted to this large nonattached cell to visualize ... [摘要]  RNA荧光原位杂交是定位和测量个体细胞或组织中的基因表达的方法。 使用多个特异性荧光标记的寡核苷酸大大增加信噪比,从而使得能够检测单个RNA分子。 大约四十个不同的DNA寡核苷酸设计为常见的RNA靶标,并在3'端用单个荧光团标记,与固定细胞中的靶RNA杂交。 我们适应这种方法可视化目标RNA在哺乳动物卵母细胞。 在哺乳动物卵母细胞中检测单个转录物的能力由于其大的细胞大小而具有挑战性。 该方法由四个简单的步骤组成:固定,预稳定化,杂交和成像。 该方案适应这种大的非附着细胞以显现母体RNA。
各种荧光团的组合允许检测更多的RNA靶标。 该方法可以与细胞器标记一起使用或用免疫荧光方案扩增。
