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Leica MZ6 modular stereomicroscope


Company: Leica Microsystems
Catalog#: Leica MZ6
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Stereotaxic Adeno-associated Virus Injection and Cannula Implantation in the Dorsal Raphe Nucleus of Mice
[Abstract]  Optogenetic methods are now widespread in neuroscience research. Here we present a detailed surgical procedure to inject adeno-associated viruses and implant optic fiber cannulas in the dorsal raphe nucleus (DRN) of living mice. Combined with transgenic mouse lines, this protocol allows specific targeting of serotonin-producing neurons in the brain. It includes fixing a mouse in a stereotaxic frame, performing a craniotomy, virus injection and fiber implantation. Animals can be later used in behavioral experiments, combined with optogenetic manipulations (Dugué et al., 2014; Correia et al., 2017) or monitoring of neuronal activity (Matias et al., 2017).

The described procedure is a fundamental step in both optogenetic and fiber photometry experiments ...
[摘要]  光神学研究现在广泛存在。在这里,我们提供一个详细的外科手术,以注射腺相关病毒和植入光纤插管在活的小鼠背侧核心(DRN)。结合转基因小鼠系,该方案允许在脑中特异性靶向产生5-羟色胺的神经元。它包括将鼠标固定在立体定位框架中,执行开颅手术,病毒注射和纤维植入。动物可以随后用于行为实验,结合光遗传操作(Dugué等,2014; Correia等,2017)或监测神经元活动(Matias等,2017)。
  鉴于其深部解剖学位置在导管和上矢状窦下方,针对背侧核心核(DRN,血清素投影到前脑的主要来源)可能是复杂的。使用标准的外科手术可能导致大量出血和低成功率,导致样本量较小(Ranade和Mainen ...

Freeze-fracture-etching Electron Microscopy for Facile Analysis of Yeast Ultrastructure
[Abstract]  We describe a streamlined method that enables the quick observation of yeast ultrastructure by electron microscopy (EM). Yeast cells are high-pressure frozen, freeze-fractured to cut across the cytoplasm, and freeze-etched to sublimate ice in the cytosol and the organelle lumen. The cellular structures delineated by these procedures are coated by a thin layer of platinum and carbon deposited by vacuum evaporation, and this platinum–carbon layer, or replica, is observed by transmission EM. The method differs from the deep-etching of pre-extracted samples in that intact live cells are processed without any chemical treatment. Lipid droplets made of unetchable lipid esters are observed most prominently, but other organelles–the nucleus, endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi, vacuoles, ... [摘要]  我们描述了一种流线型的方法,可以通过电子显微镜(EM)快速观察酵母超微结构。 酵母细胞是高压冷冻的,冷冻破碎以跨细胞质切割,并冷冻蚀刻以升华胞质溶胶和细胞器腔内的冰。 通过这些方法描绘的细胞结构涂覆有通过真空蒸发沉积的铂和碳薄层,并且通过传输EM观察该铂 - 碳层或复制品。 该方法不同于预提取样品的深刻蚀,因为完整的活细胞在没有任何化学处理的情况下进行处理。 最突出的是观察到由不可获得的脂质酯制成的脂滴,但是可以容易地分析其他细胞器 - 细胞核,内质网,高尔基体,空泡,线粒体及其相互关系。 值得注意的是,从快速冷冻到EM观察的整个过程都可以在一天之内完成。
【背景】萌发酵母(Saccharomyces cerevisiae)可能是最常用的模型生物,应用各种各样的实验技术和复杂的全基因组数据库的存在大大促进了研究进展(Botstein和Fink,2011)。然而,由于其相对较小的尺寸和圆形,酵母的显微成像并不总是以令人满意的方式进行。细胞壁的存在对于常规电子显微镜(EM)尤其是一个问题,因为它妨碍样品制备中使用的试剂的渗透。快速冷冻酵母的冷冻替代EM目前被认为是超微结构观察的最佳方法(Giddings et al。,2001),但该方法存在缺点,即膜结构不清晰可见,有些细胞成分可能不被保留在有机溶剂中的取代过程中,该程序至少需要几天才能进行观察。
  最近在固定相酵母中检查脂肪的研究中,我们使用冷冻断裂蚀刻来分析酵母超微结构(Tsuji ...

Aldicarb-induced Paralysis Assay to Determine Defects in Synaptic Transmission in Caenorhabditis elegans
[Abstract]  Aldicarb treatment causes an accumulation of acetylcholine in the synaptic cleft of the neuromuscular junction, resulting in sustained muscle activation and eventually paralysis. Aldicarb-induced paralysis assay is an easy and fast method to determine whether synaptic transmission of a C. elegans mutant of interest is altered. This assay is based on the correlation of the rate of neurotransmitter release with the rate of paralysis. In this protocol, we describe a method for simultaneously assessing the aldicarb sensitivity of animals with different genotypes. [摘要]  涕灭威的治疗导致神经肌肉接头突触裂缝中的乙酰胆碱积聚,导致持续的肌肉活化并最终导致麻痹。 涕灭威诱导的麻痹测定是确定是否突触传播的一种简单且快速的方法。 线虫兴趣突变体被改变。 该测定是基于神经递质释放速率与麻痹率的相关性。 在该方案中,我们描述了同时评估具有不同基因型的动物的涕灭威敏感性的方法。
【背景】突触传递通过动作电位到达突触前末端而开始,这又导致神经递质的释放。释放的神经递质结合并激活突触后受体(Sudhof,2013)。 ℃。线虫运动由乙酰胆碱释放兴奋性运动神经元和GABA(γ-氨基丁酸)释放抑制运动神经元控制(Richmond和Jorgensen,1999; ...
