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Company: Decon Labs
Catalog#: 2701
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Characterize the Interaction of the DNA Helicase PriA with the Stalled DNA Replication Fork Using Atomic Force Microscopy

In bacteria, the restart of stalled DNA replication forks requires the DNA helicase PriA. PriA can recognize and remodel abandoned DNA replication forks, unwind DNA in the 3'-to-5' direction, and facilitate the loading of the helicase DnaB onto the DNA to restart replication. ssDNA-binding protein (SSB) is typically present at the abandoned forks, protecting the ssDNA from nucleases. Research that is based on the assays for junction dissociation, surface plasmon resonance, single-molecule FRET, and x-ray crystal structure has revealed the helicase activity of PriA, the SSB-PriA interaction, and structural information of PriA helicase. Here, we used Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) to visualize the interaction between PriA and DNA substrates with or without SSB in the absence of ATP to

[摘要]  [摘要]在细菌中,停滞的DNA复制叉的重新启动需要DN A解旋酶PriA 。PriA可以识别并重塑废弃的DNA复制叉,在3'到5'方向展开DNA,并促进解旋酶DnaB加载到DNA上以重新开始复制​​。ssDNA结合蛋白(SSB)通常存在于废弃的叉子上,从而保护ssDNA免受核酸酶的破坏。该研究是基于所述测定法离解结,表面等离振子共振,单分子FRET,和x射线晶体结构已经揭示的解旋酶活性PRIA ,SSB- PriA相互作用以及PriA解旋酶的结构信息。在这里,我们使用原子力显微镜(AFM)可视化了在不存在ATP的情况下在有或没有SSB的情况下PriA和带有或不带有SSB的DNA底物之间的相互作用,以描绘PriA在其ATP催化的DNA解链反应之前的底物识别模式。该协议描述了获取高分辨率AFM图像的步骤以及数据分析和表示的细节。

[背景]当DNA复制遇到障碍或断裂时,需要对其进行修复并随后重新启动(Kogoma,1997; Cox等,2000; McGlynn和Lloyd,2002;G abbai和Marians,2010; Michel等,2018)。 )。在细菌中,DNA解旋酶PRIA通过识别废弃DNA复制叉,从而便于重新组装的介导这一过程复制体的解旋酶和装载DNAB (Wickner和赫维茨,1975; Zavitz和Marians,1992; ...

Transmission Electron Microscopy for Analysis of Mitochondria in Mouse Skeletal Muscle
[Abstract]  Skeletal muscle is the most abundant tissue in the human body and regulates a variety of functions including locomotion and whole-body metabolism. Skeletal muscle has a plethora of mitochondria, the organelles that are essential for aerobic generation of ATP which provides the chemical energy to fuel vital functions such as contraction. The number of mitochondria in skeletal muscle and their function decline with normal aging and in various neuromuscular diseases and in catabolic conditions such as cancer, starvation, denervation, and immobilization. Moreover, compromised mitochondrial function is also associated with metabolic disorders including type 2 diabetes mellitus. It is now clear that maintaining mitochondrial content and function in skeletal muscle is vital for sustained health ... [摘要]  骨骼肌是人体中含量最丰富的组织,可调节各种功能,包括运动和全身代谢。骨骼肌有很多线粒体,这是ATP好氧生成所必需的细胞器,它提供化学能量来促进收缩等重要功能。骨骼肌中线粒体的数量及其功能随着正常衰老和各种神经肌肉疾病以及癌症,饥饿,去神经支配和固定等分解代谢条件而下降。此外,受损的线粒体功能也与包括2型糖尿病在内的代谢紊乱有关。现在清楚的是维持骨骼肌中的线粒体含量和功能对于整个寿命期间的持续健康是至关重要的。虽然有许多染色方法可用于研究线粒体,但透射电子显微镜(TEM)仍然是研究骨骼肌中线粒体结构和健康的最重要方法。它提供关于线粒体含量,嵴密度,组织,自噬体形成以及在各种疾病状况中经常观察到的任何其他异常的关键信息。在本文中,我们描述了一个详细的协议样本制备和透射电镜分析小鼠骨骼肌线粒体。

【背景】骨骼肌是一种高度塑性的组织,经过响应一些细胞外信号的形态和代谢适应性。包括抵抗或耐力运动在内的许多干扰刺激线粒体生物发生,导致增加的代谢能力和抵抗疲劳(Li等人,2008; Sandri,2008)。相反,在衰老期间,不活动,以及在许多分解代谢疾病状态下,骨骼肌线粒体数量和功能下降,导致易疲劳性和胰岛素抵抗增加(Sandri,2008)。功能失调的线粒体的累积也可能导致进行性活性氧物质诱导的损伤,从而进一步损害骨骼肌中的氧化能力(Bonnard等人,2008)。 ...

Biochemical Analysis of Dimethyl Suberimidate-crosslinked Yeast Nucleosomes
[Abstract]  Nucleosomes are the fundamental unit of eukaryotic chromosome packaging, comprised of 147 bp of DNA wrapped around two molecules of each of the core histone proteins H2A, H2B, H3, and H4. Nucleosomes are symmetrical, with one axis of symmetry centered on the homodimeric interaction between the C-termini of the H3 molecules. To explore the functional consequences of nucleosome symmetry, we designed an obligate pair of H3 heterodimers, termed H3X and H3Y, allowing us to compare cells with single or double H3 alterations. Our biochemical validation of the heterodimeric X-Y interaction included intra-nucleosomal H3 crosslinking using dimethyl suberimidate (DMS). Here, we provide a detailed protocol for the use of DMS to analyze yeast nucleosomes. [摘要]  核小体是真核染色体包装的基本单元,由围绕核心组蛋白H2A,H2B,H3和H4中的每一个的两个分子包裹的147bp DNA组成。 核小体是对称的,一个对称轴以H3分子的C-末端之间的同源二聚体相互作用为中心。 为了探索核小体对称性的功能性后果,我们设计了一对特异性H3异二聚体,称为H3X和H3Y,使我们能够比较具有单一或双重H3改变的细胞。 我们对异二聚体X-Y相互作用的生物化学验证包括使用二甲基琥珀三酸酯(DMS)进行的核内H3交联。 在这里,我们提供了使用DMS来分析酵母核小体的详细方案。


对于单个核小体内H3X-H3Y相互作用的生化验证,我们生成了表达细菌生物素连接酶BirA,N-末端V5-标记的H3X和N-末端生物素接受表位标记的H3Y的酵母菌株(Beckett等人, 1999)。 ...
