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Touch Real-Time PCR Detection System

CFX96 Touch TM深井实时PCR检测系统

Company: Bio-Rad Laboratories
Catalog#: CFX96
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DigiTAG–a RNA Sequencing Approach to Analyze Transcriptomes of Rare Cell Populations in Drosophila melanogaster

Cell-type specific transcriptional programs underlie the development and maintenance of organs. Not only distinct cell types within a tissue, even cells with supposedly identical cell fates show a high degree of transcriptional heterogeneity. Inevitable, low cell numbers are a major hurdle to study transcriptomes of pure cell populations. Here we describe DigiTAG, a high-throughput method that combines transposase fragmentation and molecular barcoding to retrieve high quality transcriptome data of rare cell types in Drosophila melanogaster. The protocol showcases how DigiTAG can be used to analyse the transcriptome of rare neural stem cells (type II neuroblasts) of Drosophila larval brains, but can also be utilized for other cell types or model systems.

[摘要]  [摘要]细胞类型的特定转录程序是器官的发育和维持的基础。不仅组织内不同的细胞类型,甚至具有相同细胞命运的细胞也显示出高度的转录异质性。不可避免的是,低细胞数量是研究纯细胞群体转录组的主要障碍。在这里,我们介绍DigiTAG ,这是一种高通量方法,将转座酶片段化和分子条形码相结合,以检索果蝇中稀有细胞类型的高质量转录组数据。该协议展示了DigiTAG如何可用于分析果蝇幼虫的罕见神经干细胞(II型成神经细胞)的转录组 大脑,但也可以用于其他细胞类型或模型系统。

[背景]在发育过程中,不同细胞类型之间的过渡与组织稳态之间的关系是由大量转录因子及其诱导的转录变化所精心安排的。在过去的十年中,RNA测序(RNA- seq )已成为测量整个基因组转录动力学的经典方法(Stark等,2019)。组织上的大量RNA序列不允许研究不同细胞群体的转录网络,特别是稀有细胞类型的转录网络。因此,需要提供低输入样品高质量转录组的RNA- seq方案。

在果蝇中,有限的材料通常构成分析特定组织或细胞类型的障碍。果蝇神经干细胞(称为神经母细胞)很好地说明了这一点(Homem和Knoblich ,2012)。存在成神经细胞的几个不同的亚群。例如,在果蝇的幼虫大脑中,只有16种II型成神经细胞产生神经元,神经元支配了运动和感觉处理所需的大脑区域(Walsh and ...

Mouse Model of Dengue Virus Infection with Serotypes 1 and 2 Clinical Isolates
[Abstract]  Dengue is a global public health threat caused by infection with any of the 4 related dengue virus serotypes (DENV1-4). Clinical manifestations range from self-limiting febrile illness, known as dengue fever (DF), to life-threatening severe diseases, such as dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) or dengue shock syndrome (DSS). Most cases of DHF/DSS are associated with secondary heterotypic infections through a phenomenon that is described as antibody-dependent enhancement of infection (ADE). There are an estimated 400 million human infections and several hundred thousand cases of severe dengue occurring yearly. At present, however, there are no approved antiviral drugs against DENV infection. The lack of a suitable animal model has hampered the evaluation of novel antiviral candidates for DENV ... [摘要]  登革热是由4种相关登革热病毒血清型(DENV1-4)的任一种感染引起的全球公共卫生威胁。临床表现的范围从自限性发热疾病,称为登革热(DF),到危及生命的严重疾病,如登革热出血热(DHF)或登革热休克综合征(DSS)。大多数DHF/DSS病例通过描述为抗体依赖性增强感染(ADE)的现象与继发性异型感染相关。估计每年有4亿人感染和数十万例严重登革热病例。然而,目前,还没有批准的抗DENV感染的抗病毒药物。缺乏合适的动物模型阻碍了DENV感染的新抗病毒候选物的评价。由于DENV在免疫活性小鼠中不良地建立感染,已将AG129小鼠(缺乏I型和II型IFN [干扰素]受体)和小鼠适应的DENV2株应用于能够繁殖人类感染的几种主要病理的登革动物模型。最近,我们开发了具有临床分离株DENV1和DENV2的新的小鼠模型,其将用于药物测试和登革热发病机理研究(Watanabe等人,2016)。在这里我们描述建立临床分离株的登革热小鼠模型的细节;从体外材料制备到体内病毒感染。值得注意的是,由于DENV在小鼠中的感染性在病毒株之间不同,不是所有临床分离株都可以诱导严重的登革热。

[背景] 为了克服DENV在啮齿动物细胞中不能很好复制的缺点,多年来已经进行了许多努力来开发模拟人类登革热感染的小动物模型。近交小鼠模型系统允许实验可变性最小化,并且遗传工程小鼠模型能够再现动物中登革热临床症状的一些方面。过去的研究显示,用DENV2临床分离物感染的AG129小鼠(缺乏I型和II型IFN受体)感染瘫痪的迹象,这是中枢神经系统受累的病症,在人类病例中是罕见的(Shresta等人。,2004)。或者,产生可在AG129小鼠中诱导人类DHF/DSS样疾病的小鼠适应的DENV2毒株,并已用于登革热研究(Shresta等人,2006; ...

RNA-binding Protein Immunoprecipitation (RIP) to Examine AUF1 Binding to Senescence-Associated Secretory Phenotype (SASP) Factor mRNA
[Abstract]  Immunoprecipitation and subsequent isolation of nucleic acids allows for the investigation of protein:nucleic acid interactions. RNA-binding protein immunoprecipitation (RIP) is used for the analysis of protein interactions with mRNA. Combining RIP with quantitative real-time PCR (qRT-PCR) further enhances the RIP technique by allowing for the quantitative assessment of RNA-binding protein interactions with their target mRNAs, and how these interactions change in different cellular settings. Here, we describe the immunoprecipitation of the RNA-binding protein AUF1 with several different factors associated with the senescence-associated secretory phenotype (SASP) (Alspach and Stewart, 2013), specifically IL6 and IL8. This protocol was originally published in Alspach et al. (2014). [摘要]  免疫沉淀和随后的核酸分离允许研究蛋白质:核酸相互作用。 RNA结合蛋白免疫沉淀(RIP)用于分析蛋白质与mRNA的相互作用。 结合RIP与定量实时PCR(qRT-PCR)通过允许RNA结合蛋白与其靶mRNA的相互作用的定量评估以及这些相互作用在不同细胞设置中如何变化来进一步增强RIP技术。 在这里,我们描述RNA结合蛋白AUF1与几种不同的因素与衰老相关的分泌表型(SASP)(Alspach和斯图尔特,2013年),特别是IL6和IL8相关的免疫沉淀。 该协议最初发表在Alspach等人(2014)。
