Extraction of Small Molecules from Fecal Samples and Testing of Their Activity on Microbial Physiology
[Abstract] The human body is colonized by vast communities of microbes, collectively known as microbiota, or microbiome. Although microbes colonize every surface of our bodies that is exposed to the external environment, the biggest collection of microbes colonizing humans and other mammals can be found in the gastrointestinal tract. Given the fact that the human gut is colonized by several hundred microbial species, our group hypothesized that the chemical diversity of this environment should be significant, and that many of the molecules present in that environment would have important signaling roles. Therefore, we devised a protocol to extract these molecules from human feces and test their signaling properties. Potentially bioactive extracts can be tested through addition to culture medium and ...
[摘要] 人体被巨大的微生物群体统称为微生物群体或微生物群体。尽管微生物在我们身体的每一个暴露于外部环境的表面上定殖,但人类和其他哺乳动物中最大量的微生物可以在胃肠道中找到。鉴于人类肠道已被数百种微生物物种繁殖,我们的团队假设这种环境的化学多样性应该是显着的,并且该环境中存在的许多分子将具有重要的信号传导作用。因此,我们制定了一个协议,从人类粪便中提取这些分子并测试其信号特性。可以通过添加培养基并分析细菌生长和基因表达以及其他性质来测试潜在的生物活性提取物。本文描述的方案提供了一种简便且快速的方法,用于使用肠道沙门氏菌作为模型生物体从粪便样品中提取和测试代谢物。该方案还可以适用于从其他基质如培养的哺乳动物细胞,组织,体液和无菌微生物培养物中提取小分子,并且可以针对各种微生物物种测试所得提取物。
【背景】复杂的微生物群落生活在人类和人类身上,将暴露于外部环境的每个表面都定殖。几十年来,这些社区已经获得了几个教派,其中包括正常的植物群,微生物群和最近的微生物群(Sekirov等人,2010年; ...
Uptake Assays in Xenopus laevis Oocytes Using Liquid Chromatography-mass Spectrometry to Detect Transport Activity
[Abstract] Xenopus laevis oocytes are a widely used model system for characterization of heterologously expressed secondary active transporters. Historically, researchers have relied on detecting transport activity by measuring accumulation of radiolabeled substrates by scintillation counting or of fluorescently labelled substrates by spectrofluorometric quantification. These techniques are, however, limited to substrates that are available as radiolabeled isotopes or to when the substrate is fluorescent. This prompted us to develop a transport assay where we could in principle detect transport activity for any organic metabolite regardless of its availability as radiolabeled isotope or fluorescence properties.
In this protocol we describe the use of X. laevis oocytes ...
[摘要] 非洲爪蟾卵母细胞是用于表征异源表达的第二活性转运蛋白的广泛使用的模型系统。历史上,研究人员依靠通过闪烁计数或荧光标记的底物通过分光荧光定量测量放射性标记底物的积累来检测运输活动。然而,这些技术仅限于可用作放射性标记的同位素的底物或当底物是荧光时。这促使我们开发了一种运输测定法,我们可以原则上检测任何有机代谢物的转运活性,无论其作为放射性标记的同位素或荧光性质如何。
在这个协议中,我们描述了X的使用。卵母细胞作为表达次要活性转运蛋白的异源宿主,以及如何进行摄取测定,然后通过液相色谱 - 质谱(LC-MS)检测和定量运输的代谢物。我们已经成功地使用这种方法来鉴定和表征称为硫代葡萄糖苷和氰基葡糖苷的植物防御代谢物的转运蛋白(Jørgensen等人,2017),然而该方法可用于表征任何转运蛋白底物可以通过LC-MS检测。
【背景】来自非洲爪蟾蛙(Xenopus laevis)的卵母细胞是用于异源表达和表征膜蛋白(即,转运蛋白和通道)的完整表达系统。 X。卵母细胞表达少量内源性膜蛋白,具有低的背景转运活性。此外,来自植物的次要活性转运蛋白(Boorer等人,1992; Theodoulou和Miller,1995; Nour-Eldin等人,2006),动物(Sumikawa 1981); ...
Crude Preparation of Lipopolysaccharide from Helicobacter pylori for Silver Staining and Western Blot
[Abstract] This protocol provides an easy and rapid method to prepare lipopolysaccharide from the gastric pathogen Helicobacter pylori for visualization on acrylamide gels by silver staining and for detecting the presence of Lewis antigens by Western blot. The silver staining is a four-step procedure, involving a 20 min-oxidation step, a 10 min-silver staining step, a 2-10 min color development step and finally a 1-min color termination step. Lipopolysaccharide from H. pylori wild-type and corresponding mutants analyzed by this method are described in a recent publication (Li et al., 2017). This crude preparation of LPS for silver staining is also applicable in other Gram-negative bacteria.
[摘要] 该方案提供了一种从胃病原幽门螺杆菌制备脂多糖的简便快速方法,用于通过银染显示丙烯酰胺凝胶,并通过Western印迹检测Lewis抗原的存在。 银染是四步法,包括20分钟氧化步骤,10分钟银染色步骤,2-10分钟显色步骤,最后是1分钟颜色终止步骤。 来自H的脂多糖。 在最近的出版物(Li等人,2017)中描述了通过该方法分析的野生型和相应的突变体的幽门螺杆菌。 这种用于银染的LPS的粗制剂也适用于其他革兰氏阴性细菌。 【背景】脂多糖(LPS)是一种大而可变的复合糖脂,其组成了大多数革兰氏阴性细菌外膜的外叶。 它通常由三个结构域组成:称为脂质A(或内毒素)的疏水结构域,其嵌入外膜中; 相对保守的非重复核 - 低聚糖; 和从细胞延伸到外部环境的可变O-抗原。 H的独特功能。 幽门螺杆菌脂多糖O抗原是模拟人Lewis抗原的岩藻糖基化寡糖结构的存在。 从革兰氏阴性细菌大规模提取高纯度的LPS是劳动密集型和耗时的。 在这里,在这个协议中,我们详细地描述了使用来自胃病原幽门螺杆菌的容易和快速的粗制备制剂用于通过银染和Lewis抗原通过蛋白质印迹进行表达。