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UltraPureTM DNase/RNase-free distilled water

UltraPure TM DNase / RNase-Free蒸馏水

Company: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Catalog#: 10977015
Other protocol()

Generation and Implementation of Reporter BHK-21 Cells for Live Imaging of Flavivirus Infection

The genus Flavivirus within the family Flaviviridae includes many viral species of medical importance, such as yellow fever virus (YFV), Zika virus (ZIKV), and dengue virus (DENV), among others. Presently, the identification of flavivirus-infected cells is based on either the immunolabeling of viral proteins, the application of recombinant reporter replicons and viral genomes, or the use of cell-based molecular reporters of the flaviviral protease NS2B-NS3 activity. Among the latter, our flavivirus-activatable GFP and mNeptune reporters contain a quenching peptide (QP) joined to the fluorescent protein by a linker consisting of a cleavage site for the flavivirus NS2B-NS3 proteases (AAQRRGRIG). When the viral protease cleaves the linker, the quenching peptide is removed, and the

[摘要]  [摘要]本属黄病毒家族中的黄病毒包括医学重要性许多病毒种类,如黄热病病毒(YFV),寨卡病毒(ZIKV)和登革热病毒(DENV),等等。目前,黄病毒感染细胞的鉴定是基于病毒蛋白的免疫标记,重组报告子复制子和病毒基因组的应用,或黄病毒蛋白酶NS2B-NS3活性的基于细胞的分子报告子的使用。在后者中,我们的黄病毒可激活的GFP和mNeptune报道分子含有通过接头连接到荧光蛋白的淬灭肽(QP),该接头由黄病毒NS2B - NS3蛋白酶(AAQRRGRIG)的切割位点组成。当病毒蛋白酶切割接头时,淬灭肽被去除,并且荧光蛋白采用促进荧光的构象。在这里,我们提供了用于表达,选择和实施表达黄病毒基因编码分子报告子的稳定BHK-21细胞的详细协议,适用于通过活细胞成像监测病毒感染。我们还将描述图像分析过程并提供所需的软件管道。我们的报告细胞允许通过活细胞成像对黄病毒的参考菌株和天然菌株实施单细胞感染动力学以及噬菌斑测定。



[背景]黄病毒代表了正在引起并正在重新出现的全球性威胁,可能引起动物和人类疾病,包括许多与医学有关的病毒,例如黄热病病毒(YFV),西尼罗河病毒(WNV),日本脑炎病毒(JEV),登革热病毒(DENV),并兹卡六RUS(ZIKV),等等(摹·乌尔德·所罗门,2008) ...

EmPC-seq: Accurate RNA-sequencing and Bioinformatics Platform to Map RNA Polymerases and Remove Background Error

Transcription errors can substantially affect metabolic processes in organisms by altering the epigenome and causing misincorporations in mRNA, which is translated into aberrant mutant proteins. Moreover, within eukaryotic genomes there are specific Transcription Error-Enriched genomic Loci (TEELs) which are transcribed by RNA polymerases with significantly higher error rates and hypothesized to have implications in cancer, aging, and diseases such as Down syndrome and Alzheimer’s. Therefore, research into transcription errors is of growing importance within the field of genetics. Nevertheless, methodological barriers limit the progress in accurately identifying transcription errors. Pro-Seq and NET-Seq can purify nascent RNA and map RNA polymerases along the genome but cannot be

[摘要]  [摘要]转录错误可通过改变表观基因组并引起mRNA的错误整合而严重影响生物体内的代谢过程,从而将其翻译为异常的突变蛋白。此外,真核基因组内有特定转录错误富集的基因组基因座(TEELs),它们由RNA聚合酶与显著更高的错误率转录并推测为具有影响在癌症,老化和疾病例如唐氏综合征和阿尔茨海默'秒。因此,在遗传学领域对转录错误的研究越来越重要。尽管如此,方法上的障碍限制了准确识别转录错误的进展。Pro-Seq和NET-Seq可以沿基因组纯化新生RNA并绘制RNA聚合酶,但不能用于鉴定转录突变。在这里,我们本背景误差模型耦合的精密核圆形测序上运行(EMPC -SEQ),一种方法COMBIN荷兰国际集团测定和圆形测序核上运行与背景误差模型精确地检测新生转录错误和有效地辨别TEELs基因组中。

[背景]核糖核苷酸错掺导致的转录错误在所有活生物体中无处不在(Carey,2015)。假设每个信使RNA(mRNA)可以翻译2-4千次(Schwanhausser et al。,2011),并且许多特殊RNA在给定时间每个细胞仅表达一次(Islam et al。,2011; Pelechano et al。,2011)。,2010),即使是关键残基的单个转录错误也会使特定蛋白质的表达产生很大差异。另外,转录错误可加速蛋白质聚集,导致人类中与年龄有关的疾病(van ...

Probe-Seq: Method for RNA Sequencing of Specific Cell Types from Animal Tissue
[Abstract]  Most organs and tissues are composed of many types of cells. To characterize cellular state, various transcription profiling approaches are currently available, including whole-tissue bulk RNA sequencing, single cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-Seq), and cell type-specific RNA sequencing. What is missing in this repertoire is a simple, versatile method for bulk transcriptional profiling of cell types for which cell type-specific genetic markers or antibodies are not readily available. We therefore developed Probe-Seq, which uses hybridization of gene-specific probes to RNA markers for isolation of specific types of cells, to enable downstream FACS isolation and bulk RNA sequencing. We show that this method can enable isolation and profiling of specific cell types from mouse retina, frozen human ... [摘要]  [摘要 ] 大多数器官和组织由许多类型的细胞组成。为了表征细胞状态,目前可以使用各种转录分析方法,包括全组织体RNA测序,单细胞RNA测序(scRNA -Seq)和特定于细胞类型的RNA测序。在此库中缺少的是一种简单,通用的方法,无法批量获得细胞类型的特定基因标记或抗体,因此无法批量转录。因此,我们开发了Probe-Seq,该探针使用基因特异性探针与RNA标记的杂交来分离特定类型的细胞,以实现下游FACS分离和大量RNA测序。我们表明,该方法可以实现从小鼠视网膜,冷冻人视网膜,果蝇中肠和发育中的雏鸡视网膜中分离和分析特定细胞类型的特征,这表明它对大多数生物很有用。

[背景技术 [ 0002 ] 在过去的二十年中,使用RNA-Seq和微阵列进行转录谱分析已在生物学研究中无处不在。分析现在是用来了解大多数生物体中细胞和细胞状态的主要工具之一。它被用于正常发育,异常发育和疾病的研究,并极大地扩展了我们对进化关系的理解。特别地,scRNA- Seq已经以前所未有的速度导致了新型细胞类型的鉴定(Picelli 等,2013;Jaitin 等,2014; Klein 等,2015; Macosko 等,2015)。为了更深入地了解这些新描述的细胞类型,一种无需转基因标记或特异性抗原即可将其分离的方法将大有裨益。尽管可以使用scRNA ...
