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Trizma ® base

Company: Sigma-Aldrich
Catalog#: 93362
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Manganese Superoxide Dismutase Activity Assay in the Yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae
[Abstract]  Superoxide dismutases (SODs) act as a primary defence against reactive oxygen species (ROS) by converting superoxide anion radicals (O2-) into molecular oxygen (O2) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). Members of this enzyme family include CuZnSODs, MnSODs, FeSODs, and NiSODs, depending on the nature of the cofactor that is required for proper activity. Most eukaryotes, including yeast, possess CuZnSOD and MnSOD. This protocol aims at assessing the activity of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae MnSOD Sod2p from cellular extracts using nitroblue tetrazolium staining. This method can be used to estimate the cellular bioavailability of Mn2+ as well as to evaluate the redox state of the cell. [摘要]  [摘要 ] 超氧化物歧化酶(SOD能)充当主防御针对反应性氧物质(ROS)通过转换的超氧阴离子自由基(O 2 - )为分子氧(O 2 )和过氧化氢(H 2 ? 2 )。这种酶的家庭成员包括CuZnSODs ,MnSODs ,FeSODs 和NiSODs ,这取决于是需要适当的活动辅助因子的性质。大多数真核生物,包括酵母,都具有CuZnSOD 和MnSOD 。该协议旨在评估酵母的活性 使用硝基蓝四唑染色法从细胞提取物中提取酿酒酵母MnSOD Sod2p 。该方法可用于估计Mn 2+ 的细胞生物利用度以及评估细胞的氧化还原状态。

[背景 ] 的SODs被定义为减少正常有氧代谢为氧气和过氧化氢期间形成的氧的有害自由基含金属的抗氧化剂酶。:这些酶是基于需要作为辅因子进行适当的酶活性的金属分类CuZnSODs ,MnSODs ,FeSODs ,和NiSODs 。在酿酒酵母中,有两个S OD :CuZn-Sod1p和Mn-Sod2p(Abreu和Cabelli ...

Detection of Cell Death in Planarians
[Abstract]  Planarians are freshwater flatworms, well known for their ability to regenerate a complete organism from any piece of their body. Furthermore, planarians are constantly growing and degrowing throughout their lives, maintaining a functional and proportioned body. These properties rely on the presence of a population of adult stem cells and on the tight control of their cell renewal, which is based on the balance between the proliferation of new cells and their differentiation, and the death of unnecessary cells. Due to the importance of these two processes in planarian biology, over the years, researchers have optimized molecular techniques to detect both cell proliferation and cell death in planarians. Here, we present the two main protocols currently used for cell death detection and ... [摘要]  涡虫是淡水扁虫,因其能够从身体的任何部分再生完整的有机体而闻名。 此外,涡虫在其一生中不断生长和去除,保持功能和比例的身体。 这些特性依赖于成体干细胞群的存在以及对细胞更新的严格控制,其基于新细胞增殖与其分化之间的平衡以及不必要细胞的死亡。 由于这两个过程在涡虫生物学中的重要性,多年来,研究人员已经优化了分子技术,以检测涡虫中的细胞增殖和细胞死亡。 在这里,我们提出了目前用于细胞死亡检测和量化的两种主要方案:Caspase-3活性定量和TUNEL分析。
【背景】成体生物体中的细胞更新是基于三个过程的复杂机制:(a)通过细胞死亡消除选定的细胞; (b)通过细胞分裂取代已消除的细胞,通常涉及成体干细胞及其后代; (c)新生细胞的分化及其与先前存在的组织的整合(Pellettieri和Sanchez ...

Affinity Purification of the RNA Degradation Complex, the Exosome, from HEK-293 Cells
[Abstract]  The RNA exosome complex plays a central role in RNA processing and regulated turnover. Present both in cytoplasm and nucleus, the exosome functions through associations with ribonucleases and various adapter proteins (reviewed in [Kilchert et al., 2016]). The following protocol describes an approach to purify RNA exosome complexes from HEK-293 cells, making use of inducible ectopic expression, affinity capture, and rate-zonal centrifugation. The obtained RNA exosomes have been used successfully for proteomic, structural, and enzymatic studies (Domanski et al., 2016). [摘要]  RNA外植体复合物在RNA加工和调节营养中起核心作用。在细胞质和细胞核中存在,外来体通过与核糖核酸酶和各种衔接蛋白的关联起作用(参见[Kilchert等人,2016])。以下方案描述了从HEK-293细胞中纯化RNA外来体复合物的方法,利用可诱导的异位表达,亲和力捕获和速率 - 区带离心。所获得的RNA外来体已被成功地用于蛋白质组学,结构和酶学研究(Domanski等人,2016)。

在我们以前的工作中,我们建立了在四环素诱导型CMV启动子(HEK-293 Flp-In T-REx-Thermo Fisher)的控制下表达C末端3xFLAG标记的外来体组分EXOSC10(RRP6)的同基因HEK-293细胞系科学)。该系统允许我们以与内源WT蛋白质相当的水平表达标记的EXOSC10蛋白质,并且使用磁性抗FLAG亲和介质和来源于冷冻细胞粉末的蛋白质提取物来研究外来体纯化方案(Domanski等, / em>。,2012)。进一步探索使用的蛋白质提取条件,我们开发了一种允许在亲和捕获的外来体内保留DIS3(RRP44)的方案,否则证明是困难的(Hakhverdyan等人,2015)。基于这些研究,我们通过使用甘油密度梯度的速率区带离心法进一步纯化了RNA外来体(+/- DIS3)(Domanski等人,2016)。虽然蛋白质提取物中洗涤剂CHAPS(3 - ...
