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Propidium Iodide (PI): Propidium Iodide Solution


Company: Sigma-Aldrich
Catalog#: P4864
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Artificial Inoculation of Epichloë festucae into Lolium perenne, and Visualisation of Endophytic and Epiphyllous Fungal Growth
[Abstract]  Natural hosts for the fungal endophyte Epichloë festucae include Festuca rubra (fine fescue) and Festuca trachyphylla (hard fescue). Some strains also form stable associations with Lolium perenne (perennial ryegrass). L. perenne is a suitable host to study fungal endophyte–grass interactions, such as endophytic fungal growth within the plant and epiphyllous growth on the plant surface. Here we provide a detailed protocol based on work by, for artificial inoculation of E. festucae into L. perenne, and newly developed staining and visualization techniques for observing endophytic and epiphyllous hyphae and the expressorium, an appressorium-like structure used by the fungus to exit the plant. The staining method uses a combination of ... [摘要]  真菌内生菌Epichloëfestucae的天然宿主包括 Festuca rubra (细羊茅)和 Festuca trachyphylla (硬羊茅)。一些菌株也与黑麦草(多年生黑麦草)形成稳定的关联。 升。 perenne 是研究真菌内生菌 - 草相互作用的合适宿主,例如植物内生真菌生长和植物表面的叶生生长。在这里,我们提供了一个基于工作的详细协议,用于 E的人工接种。 festucae 进入 L. perenne ,以及新开发的染色和可视化技术,用于观察内生和附生的菌丝和表达菌,这是一种类似真菌的结构,用于离开植物。染色方法使用葡聚糖结合苯胺蓝二铵盐(AB)和几丁质结合小麦胚凝集素缀合的Alexa Fluor ® 488-(WGA-AF488)的组合。该协议将是研究Epichloë -grass相互作用的有用工具,特别是不同Epichloë - 草关联,各种内生菌 - 宿主发育阶段的比较,以及分析突变Epichloë菌株。

【背景】Latch和Christensen(1985)开发了一种用Epichloë内生菌人工感染草的方案。这项工作一直是广泛的 E的基础。 festucae Fl1- L. perenne 共生研究(Scott et al。,2012年综述)。在我们最近的工作中,我们描述了一种新发现的真菌结构,即能够实现 E的表达式。 ...

Generation of Luciferase-expressing Tumor Cell Lines
[Abstract]  Murine tumor models have been critical to advances in our knowledge of tumor physiology and for the development of effective tumor therapies. Essential to these studies is the ability to both track tumor development and quantify tumor burden in vivo. For this purpose, the introduction of genes that confer tumors with bioluminescent properties has been a critical advance for oncologic studies in rodents. Methods of introducing bioluminescent genes, such as firefly luciferase, by viral transduction has allowed for the production of tumor cell lines that can be followed in vivo longitudinally over long periods of time. Here we describe methods for the production of stable luciferase expressing tumor cell lines by lentiviral transduction. [摘要]  鼠肿瘤模型对于我们对肿瘤生理学知识和有效肿瘤治疗方法发展的进展至关重要。 这些研究的关键是能够跟踪肿瘤发展并量化体内肿瘤负荷。 为此,引入赋予肿瘤生物发光特性的基因已经成为啮齿动物肿瘤研究的重要进展。 通过病毒转导引入生物发光基因(例如萤火虫萤光素酶)的方法已经允许产生可以在体内纵向长时间地进行的肿瘤细胞系。 在这里我们描述了通过慢病毒转导产生稳定表达荧光素酶的肿瘤细胞系的方法。

【背景】体内跟踪细胞最重要的是能够通过微创方法从外部检测它们。使用来自萤火虫的荧光素酶(Photinus pyralis )的酶促生物发光是用于体内基于图像的细胞追踪的广泛使用的方法。生物发光已被用于各种体内应用,包括报告基因表达的无创成像(Herschman,2004),研究昼夜节律(Southern and Millar,2005),成像脑卒中(Vandeputte

萤火虫荧光素酶氧化物萤光素在分子氧,镁和三磷酸腺苷存在下在560nm产生黄绿色光(Wilson和Hastings,1998; ...

Fluorescein Transport Assay to Assess Bulk Flow of Molecules Through the Hypocotyl in Arabidopsis thaliana
[Abstract]  The bulk transport of molecules through plant tissues underpins growth and development. The stem acts as a conduit between the upper and low domains of the plant, facilitating transport of solutes and water from the roots to the shoot system, and sugar plus other elaborated metabolites towards the non-photosynthetic organs. In order to perform this function efficiently, the stem needs to be optimized for transport. This is achieved through the formation of vasculature that connects the whole plant but also through connectivity signatures that reduce path length distributions outside the vascular system. This protocol was devised to characterize how cell connectivity affects the bulk flow of molecules traversing the stem. This is achieved by exposing young seedlings to fluorescein, for ... [摘要]  分子通过植物组织的大量运输支撑了生长和发育。茎部充当植物上部和低部位之间的导管,促进溶质和水从根部向茎部系统的运输,糖和其他精细代谢物向非光合器官转运。为了有效地执行此功能,杆需要针对运输进行优化。这通过形成连接整个植物的脉管系统来实现,但也通过连接特征来减少血管系统外的路径长度分布。该协议被设计为描述细胞连接如何影响穿过茎的分子的大量流动。这是通过将幼苗暴露于荧光素而实现的,其中假定没有特定的转运蛋白存在于A中。在给定的暴露时间后,使用共焦显微镜和定量3D图像分析评估该荧光化合物在胚胎干(下胚轴)的单个细胞中的相对浓度。


我们假设组织结构和细胞连接体与生理特征和器官功能有关。这样,网络指标和定量网络分析可用于预测并获得生物系统的理解(Duran-Nebreda和Bassel,2017; Jackson等人,2017b)。 ...
