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1.5 ml reaction tubes

SafeSeal微管1.5 ml

Catalog#: 72.706
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Live Cell Imaging of Male Meiosis in Arabidopsis by a Landmark-based System
[Abstract]  Live cell imaging has tremendously promoted our understanding of cellular and subcellular processes such as cell division. Here, we present a step-by-step protocol for a robust and easy-to-use live cell imaging approach to study male meiosis in the plant Arabidopsis thaliana as recently established. Our method relies on the concomitant analysis of two reporter genes that highlight chromosome configurations and microtubule dynamics. In combination, these reporter genes allowed the discrimination of five cellular parameters: cell shape, microtubule array, nucleus position, nucleolus position, and chromatin condensation. These parameters can adopt different states, e.g., the nucleus position can be central or lateral. Analyzing how tightly these states are associated gives ... [摘要]  [摘要 ] 活细胞成像极大地促进了我们对细胞分裂等亚细胞过程的了解。在此,我们提出了一种循序渐进的方案,以一种可靠且易于使用的活细胞成像方法来研究雄性减数分裂。植物拟南芥。由于最近建立了我们的方法依赖于伴随分析中的两个报告基因,突出染色体构和微管动态组合,这些记者基因准许入住歧视五细胞参数:细胞形状,微管阵列,核POSITI 在,核仁位置,染色质凝聚,这些参数可以采用不同的国家,例如,该核位置可以是中央或外侧。分析如何紧密这些国家有关联产生了里程碑阶段,反过来允许定量和定性的解剖减数分裂过程我们设想,这种方法还可以为细胞分化分析提供有价值的标准 减数分裂之外的增强过程。

[背景 ] 减数分裂是一种特殊的细胞分裂周期,有两个主要目的:首先,减数分裂母细胞的DNA含量降低一半,在二倍体生物体中会导致单倍体减数分裂产物。有性繁殖的生物,以便在受精过程中融合了两个配子后,恢复了原始的基因组大小。其次,减数分裂通过亲本染色体(同源染色体或短同源)之间的DNA片段交换(称为减数分裂重组)促进了遗传多样性。通过生成新的但完整的染色体集,其中每个染色体随机存在母亲或父亲的同系物(如果是二倍体生物体)。因此,减数分裂对于不同领域的研究很有趣,从细胞生物学和生殖生物学,从遗传学到进化生物学(Wijn ker 和Schnittger ,2013; Mercier ...

An ex vivo Perifusion Method for Quantitative Determination of Neuropeptide Release from Mouse Hypothalamic Explants
[Abstract]  The hypothalamus is a primary brain area which, in mammals, regulates several physiological functions that are all related to maintaining general homeostasis, by linking the central nervous system (CNS) and the periphery. The hypothalamus itself can be considered an endocrine brain region of some sort as it hosts in its different nuclei several kinds of neuropeptide-producing and -secreting neurons. These neuropeptides have specific roles and participate in the regulation of homeostasis in general, which includes the regulation of energy metabolism, feeding behavior, water intake and body core temperature for example.

As previously mentioned, in order to exert their effects, these peptides have to be produced but also, and mostly, to be secreted. In this context, it is of ...
[摘要]  下丘脑是一个主要的脑区域,在哺乳动物中,通过连接中枢神经系统(CNS)和周围环境来调节与维持一般体内平衡有关的几种生理功能。下丘脑本身可以被认为是某种类型的内分泌大脑区域,因为它在其不同的核中存在几种神经肽产生和分泌神经元。这些神经肽具有特定的作用并参与一般的体内平衡调节,其中包括调节能量代谢,摄食行为,进水量和身体核心温度。
   事实上,过去已经使用了不同的渗透系统,并且仍然是不同研究实验室在各种条件下研究下丘脑神经肽释放的有效程序。例如,Callewaere及其同事在2006年发表了一项研究,分析了趋化因子SDF-1(基质细胞衍生因子-1)对血管舒张素诱导的AVP(精氨酸 ...

Extraction of Soluble and Insoluble Protein Fractions from Mouse Brains and Spinal Cords
[Abstract]  The current protocol details the preparation of soluble and insoluble protein lysates from mouse brain or spinal cord samples. In detail, tissue homogenization and sequential protein extraction are described. This procedure yields soluble and insoluble protein extracts that can be further processed in down-stream applications like ELISA or Western blotting. [摘要]  目前的方案详述了从小鼠脑脊髓样品中制备可溶性和不溶性蛋白质裂解物。 详细地描述了组织匀浆和顺序蛋白质提取。 该方法产生可溶性和不溶性蛋白质提取物,其可以在下游应用中进一步加工,如ELISA或Western印迹法。
【背景】这种简单且可重现的脑组织蛋白分离方案详述了总蛋白匀浆物初始分离成可溶性和不溶性级分。 它也可以应用于其他组织样品,并产生含有亲水性蛋白质的可溶性级分和由更疏水的蛋白质组成的不溶性级分。 在不含洗涤剂的裂解缓冲液中进行初始均化后,除去含有可溶性蛋白质级分的上清液,并且可以使用十二烷基硫酸钠(SDS)作为洗涤剂进一步提取含有不溶性级分的沉淀物,以确保全细胞裂解(参见图1)。 这种方法可以通过降低样品的复杂性来促进低丰度蛋白质的分析。

