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Penicillin-Streptomycin 10,000 U/ml

青霉素 - 链霉素,液体

Company: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Catalog#: 15140-122
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DNA Damage Induction by Laser Microirradiation
[Abstract]  Genome instability can lead to cell death, senescence and cancerous transformation. Specific repair pathways have evolved to prevent accumulation of DNA lesions. Studying these highly dynamic and specific repair pathways requires precise spatial and temporal resolution, which can be achieved through a combination of laser microirradiaiton and live cell microscopy. DNA lesions are introduced at pre-determined sub-nuclear sites and repair can be analyzed in real time in living cells when using fluorescently tagged repair proteins (Mortusewicz et al., 2008). Alternatively, laser microirradiation can be combined with immunofluorescence analysis to study recruitment of endogenous proteins to laser-induced DNA damage tracks that can be visualized by positive controls like, e.g., ... [摘要]  基因组不稳定性可导致细胞死亡,衰老和癌性转化。特异性修复途径已经进化以防止DNA损伤的累积。研究这些高度动态和特定的修复途径需要精确的空间和时间分辨率,这可以通过激光微激光和活细胞显微镜的组合实现。当使用荧光标记的修复蛋白时,在预定的亚核位点引入DNA损伤并且可以在活细胞中实时分析修复(Mortusewicz等人,2008)。或者,激光微辐照可与免疫荧光分析结合以研究内源蛋白质对激光诱导的DNA损伤轨迹的募集,其可通过阳性对照例如标记DNA断裂位点的γH2AX显现。

/strong>哺乳动物细胞的基因组完整性不断受到通过外部和内部来源引入的DNA损伤的挑战。最常见的DNA损伤是氧化碱基,双链断裂,单链断裂,链间和链内交联和UV加合物。已经发展了各种DNA损伤信号传导和修复途径以处理这些损伤。为了使DNA修复快速,精确和有效,涉及感测,信号传导和修复特定DNA损伤的许多蛋白质必须在空间和时间上协调。此外,DNA被组织成更高级的染色质结构,因此对于DNA损伤,DNA修复酶是可及的,染色质必须重塑。激光微照射与高级活细胞显微镜相结合允许在活细胞的上下文中研究这些高度动态的过程(Mortusewicz等人,2008)。这里描述的协议使用405 ...

Isolation of Latex Bead Phagosomes from Dictyostelium for in vitro Functional Assays
[Abstract]  We describe a protocol to purify latex bead phagosomes (LBPs) from Dictyostelium cells. These can be later used for various in vitro functional assays. For instance, we use these LBPs to understand the microtubule motor-driven transport on in vitro polymerized microtubules. Phagosomes are allowed to mature for defined periods inside cells before extraction for in vitro motility. These assays allow us to probe how lipids on the phagosome membrane recruit and organize motors, and also measure the motion and force generation resulting from underlying lipid-motor interactions. This provides a unique opportunity to interrogate native-like organelles using biophysical and biochemical assays, and understand the role of motor proteins in phagosome maturation ... [摘要]  芽顶端分生组织(SAM)是通过细胞分裂不断更新自身的细胞的集合,并且还向新发育的器官提供细胞。已知CLAVATA(CLV)3肽调节转录因子WUSCHEL(WUS)以保持未分化细胞的数量恒定并维持SAM的大小。在非细胞自主信号级联中的CLV3和WUS的交互反馈控制确定SAM中的干细胞命运(多能性的维持,或者,分化成子细胞)。 Ca 2 + 是在许多信号传导途径中起重要作用的第二信使。连接CLV3结合其受体和WUS表达的信号系统没有很好地描绘。我们显示Ca 2 + 参与SAM大小的CLV3调节。我们使用的方法之一是测量SAM的大小。在这里,我们提供了一个详细的协议,如何用Nomarski显微镜测量拟南芥SAM大小。将代表SAM的最大"面"的二维圆顶的面积用作SAM大小的代表。在存在和不存在Ca 2+通道阻断剂Gd 3+和sLV 3肽的情况下对野生型(WT)拟南芥进行研究。 ,以及缺乏功能性CLV3( clv3 )或编码Ca 2+ 2+导电离子通道的基因('dnd1 ')的基因型。 关键字: 拟南芥,射击顶端分生组织,苗发育,细胞信号,幼苗 > Nomarski显微镜广泛用于研究拟南芥SAM大小。用于SAM观察的其他显微技术是耗时的,并且需要将树脂嵌入树脂中,然后切片或甚至更复杂的显微镜。 ...

Isolation, Culture, and Staining of Single Myofibers
[Abstract]  Adult skeletal muscle regeneration is orchestrated by a specialized population of adult stem cells called satellite cells, which are localized between the basal lamina and the plasma membrane of myofibers. The process of satellite cell-activation, proliferation, and subsequent differentiation that occurs during muscle regeneration can be recapitulated ex vivo by isolation of single myofibers from skeletal muscles and culturing them under suspension conditions. Here, we describe an improved protocol to evaluate ex vivo satellite cells activation through isolation of single myofibers from extensor digitorum longus (EDL) muscle of mice and culturing and staining of myofiber-associated satellite cells with the markers of self-renewal, proliferation, and differentiation. [摘要]  成年骨骼肌再生由被称为卫星细胞的成人干细胞的专门群体协调,其被定位在基底层和肌纤维的质膜之间。在肌肉再生期间发生的卫星细胞激活,增殖和随后分化的过程可以通过从骨骼肌中分离单个肌纤维并在悬浮条件下培养它们而在体外重现。在这里,我们描述了一种改进的协议,通过从小鼠的伸肌腱长肌(EDL)肌肉中分离单个肌纤维来评价离体细胞的活化,并培养和染色肌纤维相关的卫星细胞的标记物自我更新,增殖和分化。

[背景] 虽然骨骼肌是一种完全分化的有丝分裂后组织,但是它保持了内在的能力,以对遗传和获得性肌肉纤维损伤的形式Grand和Rudnicki,2007)。成年人的肌肉再生由称为卫星细胞的干细胞群体介导,所述细胞位于有丝分裂静止状态的肌纤维的基底层和肌纤维膜之间(Le Grand和Rudnicki,2007)。响应于肌肉创伤,卫星细胞变得活化和增殖以产生与预先存在的纤维融合的成肌细胞,并彼此相互修复或产生新的肌纤维。一小部分卫星细胞不分化,而是重新进入静止以维持干细胞库。所有哺乳动物物种的卫星细胞表达配对盒(Pax)转录因子Pax7,其也用作确定与其他生肌因子如MyoD相关的卫星细胞命运的关键标记(Le Grand和Rudnicki,2007; et al。,2006; Kuang and Rudnicki,2008)。
  可以通过肌纤维外植体的悬浮培养部分地重现关于卫星细胞活化,增殖和分化的肌肉再生的体内过程(Rosenblatt等人,1995; ...
