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Millex-GP Syringe Filter Unit


Company: EMD Millipore
Catalog#: SLGP033RS
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In vitro Co-culture of Mesenchymal Stem Cells and Endothelial Colony Forming Cells
[Abstract]  The discovery of endothelial colony forming cells (ECFCs) with robust self-renewal and de novo vessel formation potentials suggests that ECFCs can be an excellent cell source for cardiovascular diseases treatment through improving neovascularization in the ischemic tissues. However, their engraftment after transplantation resulted to be low. Previous studies showed mesenchymal stem/stromal cells (MSCs) could improve the survival and capillary formation capacity of ECFCs in co-culture systems. In this article, we describe a protocol for in vitro co-culture of MSCs and ECFCs to prime ECFCs for better engraftment. [摘要]  发现具有强大自我更新和从头血管形成潜力的内皮细胞集落形成细胞(ECFCs)表明,ECFC可以通过改善缺血组织的新生血管形成,成为心血管疾病治疗的优良细胞来源。 然而,移植后的移植导致了低位移植。 以前的研究显示间充质干/基质细胞(MSC)可以改善共培养系统中ECFCs的存活和毛细管形成能力。 在这篇文章中,我们描述了体外协调MSCs和ECFCs共同培养ECFC以实现更好的移植。
【背景】内皮祖细胞(EPC)被定义为能够通过血管发生过程形成新血管的细胞群。 2004年,Ingram等人鉴定了来自人脐带血的称为“内皮细胞集落形成细胞(ECFC)”的离体培养物中的特异性高度增殖的EPC群体Ingram等人,2004),并且这些细胞最近被宣布代表EPCs(Medina等人,2017)。类似的群体也可以从具有等效血管化潜力和临床相关数量的人类胎盘组织中分离(Patel等人,2013; Shafiee等人,2015) )。因此,ECFC移植已被提出作为缺血性疾病如心肌梗塞或关键性腿部缺血的治疗方法。然而,移植后的ECFCs植入物和血管生成潜力被证明是低的(Shafiee等人,2017; ...

Bioelectrospray Methodology for Dissection of the Host-pathogen Interaction in Human Tuberculosis
[Abstract]  Standard cell culture models have been used to investigate disease pathology and to test new therapies for over fifty years. However, these model systems have often failed to mimic the changes occurring within three-dimensional (3-D) space where pathology occurs in vivo. To truthfully represent this, an emerging paradigm in biology is the importance of modelling disease in a physiologically relevant 3-D environment. One of the approaches for 3-D cell culture is bioelectrospray technology. This technique uses an alginate-based 3-D environment as an inert backbone within which mammalian cells and extracellular matrix can be incorporated. These alginate-based matrices produce highly reproducible results and can be mixed with different extracellular matrix components. This protocol ... [摘要]  标准细胞培养模型已被用于调查疾病病理学和测试新疗法超过五十年。 然而,这些模型系统通常未能模拟在体内发生病理学的三维(3-D)空间内发生的变化。 为了真实地表示这一点,生物学中新兴的范例是在生理相关的三维环境中建模疾病的重要性。 3-D细胞培养的方法之一是生物电喷雾技术。 该技术使用基于藻酸盐的3-D环境作为惰性骨架,其中可以并入哺乳动物细胞和细胞外基质。 这些基于藻酸盐的基质产生高度可重复的结果,并且可以与不同的细胞外基质组分混合。 该方案描述了一种结合分枝杆菌,原代人血液单核细胞和胶原 - 藻酸盐基质的3-D系统,以解剖结核病中宿主病原体的相互作用。
【背景】结核分枝杆菌(Mtb)是全球公共卫生重要性的病原体,每年造成180万人死亡,全球发病率达到1000万(世卫组织,2016年)。尽管在研究方面进行了大量投资,但需要更多地了解宿主 - 病原体的相互作用才能改善预防和治疗。目前,病原菌对常用药物的耐药性越来越高,出现广泛耐药Mtb。结核病(TB)领域的挑战之一是可用于询问宿主 - 病原体相互作用的模型系统,因为广泛使用的动物模型不能完全反映人类的病理学。因此,迫切需要通过开发与生理相关的体外环境(Bielecka等人,2017年; Tezera等人)来补充这些动物模型。,2017)。 ...

Murine Bronchoalveolar Lavage
[Abstract]  A basic Bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) procedure in mouse is described here. Cells and fluids obtained from BAL can be analyzed by Hema3-staining, immunostaining, Fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS), PCR, bicinchoninic acid protein assay, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), luminex assays, etc., to examine the immune cells, pathogens, proteins such as cytokines/chemokines, and the expression levels of inflammation-related and other genes in the cells. This will help to understand the underlying mechanisms of these lung diseases and develop specific and effective drugs. [摘要]  这里描述了小鼠中基本的支气管肺泡灌洗(BAL)程序。可以通过Hema3染色,免疫染色,荧光激活细胞分选(FACS),PCR,二金鸡宁酸蛋白测定,酶联免疫吸附测定(ELISA),luminex检测等来分析从BAL获得的细胞和液体。 / em>,以检查免疫细胞,病原体,蛋白质如细胞因子/趋化因子,以及细胞中炎症相关基因和其他基因的表达水平。这将有助于了解这些肺部疾病的潜在机制,并开发具体有效的药物。

背景 支气管肺泡灌洗(BAL)是通常用于诊断肺部疾病(包括肺癌)的简单且典型的方法(Daubeuf和Frossard,2012)。它用于采样肺组分,以确定肺中的蛋白质组成,免疫细胞和病原体。肺部慢性炎症在肺癌起始和进展中起关键作用。为了阐明肺肿瘤发生的炎症的潜在机制,我们的实验室使用了一种基本的BAL方案来确定肺部免疫反应(Qu等人,2015; Zhou等)。 ,2015; Sun等人,2016; Zhou等人,2017)。
