Retention Using Selective Hooks (RUSH) Cargo Sorting Assay for Live-cell Vesicle Tracking in the Secretory Pathway Using HeLa Cells
[Abstract] More than 30% of the total amount of proteins synthesized in mammalian cells follow the secretory pathway in order to mature and be properly sorted to their final destinations. Among several methodologies that describe live-cell monitoring of vesicles, the Retention Using Selective Hooks (RUSH) system is a powerful one that allows to visualize cargo trafficking under physiological conditions. The present protocol describes a method to use the RUSH system in live-cell microscopy and a subsequent quantitative analysis of cargo vesicles to dissect protein trafficking. In brief, HeLa cells are transiently transfected with an MMP2-RUSH construct and vesicle trafficking is evaluated by wide-field microscopy, recording videos in 1-min time frames for 45 min. We also present a quantitative ...
[摘要] [摘要]在哺乳动物细胞中合成的蛋白质总量中,有30%以上遵循分泌途径,以成熟并正确分类至其最终目的地。在描述对囊泡进行活细胞监控的几种方法中,使用选择性钩子保留(RUSH )系统是一种功能强大的系统,可在生理条件下可视化货物运输。本协议描述了一种在活细胞显微镜中使用RUSH系统的方法,以及随后对货物囊泡进行定量分析以剖析蛋白质运输的方法。简而言之,用MMP2-RUSH构建体瞬时转染HeLa细胞,并通过宽视场显微镜评估囊泡运输,在1分钟的时间范围内录制视频45分钟。我们还提出了一种定量方法,可用于鉴定未表征的蛋白质货物的动力学,以及评估更详细的过程,例如ER到高尔基小泡的运输。
[背景技术[ 0002 ]在哺乳动物细胞中合成的蛋白质总量中,超过30%遵循分泌途径(Pfeffer,2010; Boncompain和Weigel,2018)。通过这种途径,蛋白质通过从ER转运并沿着不同的高尔基体堆积而成熟,直到它们到达反式高尔基体网络(TGN),在那里最终将它们分类并包装成小泡,然后将其输送到细胞内的其他细胞器中,或者到细胞外环境(Glick and Luini,2011; Pantazopoulou and ...
Real-time Three-dimensional Tracking of Endocytic Vesicles
[Abstract] Endocytic trafficking and recycling are fundamental cellular processes that control essential functions such as signaling protein complexes transport and membrane identity. The small GTPase Rabs are indispensable component of the endosomal recycling machinery. The Rabs bind to effectors to mediate their functions, such as protein sorting and degradation, membrane tethering or lipid modification, and organelle motility. Due to the complex and dynamic nature of endosomal compartments and tracking route, detailed multiparametric analyses of three-dimensional data by quantitative methods are challenging. Here, we describe a detailed time-lapse imaging protocol designed for the quantitative tracking of single endosomal vesicles, using GFP-Rab4-positive recycling endosomes. This method permits ...
[摘要] [摘要]内吞运输和再循环是基本的细胞过程,它们控制诸如信号蛋白复合物运输和膜特性等基本功能。小GTPase-Rabs是内质体回收机械中不可缺少的组成部分。Rabs结合效应器介导其功能,如蛋白质的分类和降解,膜栓系或脂质修饰,以及细胞器的运动。由于内体隔室和追踪路线的复杂性和动态性,用定量方法对三维数据进行详细的多参数分析是一项具有挑战性的工作。在这里,我们描述了一个详细的延时成像协议,设计用于定量跟踪单个内囊泡,使用GFP-Rab4阳性循环内体。这种方法允许在三维活体细胞成像中自动跟踪单个内吞小泡,允许研究多个参数,如丰度、速度、方向性、亚细胞定位以及蛋白质共定位。该协议可广泛应用于各种环境下的细胞模型,包括生长因子刺激、基因敲除、药物治疗等,适用于高通量筛选。 [背景] 越来越多的证据强调了在细胞迁移、粘附、形态发生、增殖、胞质分裂以及学习和记忆等不同过程中协调的内质体再循环的重要性(Grant和Donaldson,2009年;Parachoniak和Park,2012年;Wandinger Ness和Zerial,2014年;Zaoui等人,2019a和2019b). 哺乳动物中有70多种Rab-gtpase,它们在膜转运中具有不同的定位和功能。更复杂的是,虽然大多数Rab-gtpase是普遍存在的,但有些表现出组织特异性表达(van der ...
Phototaxis Assays of Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 at Macroscopic and Microscopic Scales
[Abstract] Phototaxis is a mechanism that allows cyanobacteria to respond to fluctuations in the quality and quantity of illumination by moving either towards or away from a light source. Phototactic movement on low concentration agar or agarose plates can be analyzed at macroscopic and microscopic scales representing group behavior and single cell motility, respectively. Here, we describe a detailed procedure for phototaxis assays on both scales using the unicellular cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803.
[摘要] Phototaxis是允许蓝细菌通过朝向或远离光源移动来响应照明质量和数量的波动的机制。分别在低浓度琼脂或琼脂糖平板上的光镜移动可以分别表示组织行为和单细胞运动性的宏观和微观尺度。在这里,我们描述了使用单细胞蓝细菌集胞藻的两种鳞片上的光趋化测定的详细程序。 PCC 6803。
背景 模型生物 Synechocystis sp。 PCC 6803使用伸缩型IV皮脂(T4P)以潮汐表面移动,称为抽动动力。两个分泌的ATP酶(PilB和PilT)负责扩增和缩回菌毛装置,从而将细胞向前拉。集胞藻 sp。 PCC 6803拥有覆盖整个可见光谱的各种光感受器。光的吸收可以根据波长和强度刺激正或负光趋向性。最近,已经证明,单细胞集胞藻 PCC 6803能够通过将光聚焦在远侧的尖锐焦点上来直接检测单向照明(Schuergers等人,2016)。此外,显示抽动运动的方向与运动ATPase PilB的特定近端定位相关(Schuergers等人,2015)。提出了一种模型,即聚焦导致对运动装置的局部抑制,从而确定单个细胞作为远离焦点的光电响应的移动方向(Schuergers等人,2016) )。