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Company: Corning
Catalog#: 3516
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Generating Loss-of-function iPSC Lines with Combined CRISPR Indel Formation and Reprogramming from Human Fibroblasts
[Abstract]  For both disease and basic science research, loss-of-function (LOF) mutations are vitally important. Herein, we provide a simple stream-lined protocol for generating LOF iPSC lines that circumvents the technical challenges of traditional gene-editing and cloning of established iPSC lines by combining the introduction of the CRISPR vector concurrently with episomal reprogramming plasmids into fibroblasts. Our experiments have produced nearly even numbers of all 3 genotypes in autosomal genes. In addition, we provide a detailed approach for maintaining and genotyping 96-well plates of iPSC clones. [摘要]  对于疾病和基础科学研究而言,功能丧失(LOF)突变是非常重要的。 在这里,我们提供了一个简单的流线化协议来产生LOF iPSC系列,通过将CRISPR载体与附加型重编程质粒同时引入成纤维细胞,规避了传统基因编辑和已建立的iPSC系的克隆的技术挑战。 我们的实验已经产生了常染色体基因中所有3种基因型的几乎偶数。 此外,我们提供了一个详细的方法来维护和iPSC克隆的96孔板的基因分型。

【背景】CRISPR / Cas9技术允许简单且特异地针对特定基因组位置进行基因编辑。将该技术与诱导性多能干细胞(iPSC)的疾病建模和再生医学潜力相结合将继续对生物医学研究产生前所未有的影响。然而,使CRISPR / Cas9系统适应iPSC已经提出了几个挑战。在细胞系中进行基因编辑的传统方法是用表达Cas9蛋白质的质粒和指导RNA(gRNA)转染细胞,然后产生单克隆并筛选所需的遗传改变。不幸的是,iPSC不适用于单细胞克隆。已经开发了几种补充媒介和克隆方法来克服这一困难,但仍然充满昂贵的设备(低氧培养箱),困难的技术步骤(FACS分选的单个iPSC的存活)或劳动密集型方案(亚克隆)(Forsyth ,2006; Miyaoka ...

Measuring Mitochondrial ROS in Mammalian Cells with a Genetically Encoded Protein Sensor
[Abstract]  Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are not only known for their toxic effects on cells, but they also play an important role as second messengers. As such, they control a variety of cellular functions such as proliferation, metabolism, differentiation and apoptosis. Thus, ROS are involved in the regulation of multiple physiological and pathophysiological processes. It is now apparent that there are transient and local changes in ROS in the cell; in so-called ‘microdomains’ or in specific cellular compartments, which affect signaling events. These ROS hotspots need to be studied in more depth to understand their function and regulation. Therefore, it is necessary to identify and quantify redox signals in single cells with high spatial and temporal resolution. Genetically encoded ... [摘要]  活性氧(ROS)不仅以其对细胞的毒性作用而闻名,而且作为第二信使也起着重要的作用。如此,它们控制多种细胞功能,例如增殖,代谢,分化和凋亡。因此,ROS参与多种生理和病理生理过程的调节。现在很明显,细胞内存在ROS的短暂和局部变化;在所谓的“微域”或特定的细胞区室中,其影响信号传导事件。这些ROS热点需要更深入的研究,以了解其功能和规定。因此,有必要以高空间和时间分辨率在单个细胞中识别和量化氧化还原信号。遗传编码的基于荧光的蛋白质传感器提供了检测氧化还原信号传导过程的必要工具。这些传感器的一个很大的优势是可以针对他们。线粒体是能量代谢所必需的,并且是哺乳动物细胞中ROS的主要来源之一。因此,对这些细胞器中氧化还原电位和ROS产生的评估是非常有意义的。在此,我们提供了一个使用H 2 O 2特异性比例传感器mitoHyPer在贴壁哺乳动物细胞中。【背景】ROS是通过线粒体呼吸的副产物,通过电子从电子传递链泄漏而产生的。这些ROS被认为是有毒的,并导致脂质,蛋白质的氧化,并导致线粒体DNA损伤(Ralph et al。,2010; Bogeski等人,2016; Bogeski ,2014; Monika et al。,2015)。虽然线粒体作为新陈代谢,生物能量学和细胞死亡的枢纽,线粒体ROS作为调节多种细胞功能的第二信使的新兴作用也日益被接受(Chandel,2015; ...

Mutant Huntingtin Secretion in Neuro2A Cells and Rat Primary Cortical Neurons
[Abstract]  Quantitative analysis of proteins secreted from the cells poses a challenge due to their low abundance and the interfering presence of a large amount of bovine serum albumin (BSA) in the cell culture media. We established assays for detection of mutant huntingtin (mHtt) secreted from Neuro2A cell line stably expressing mHtt and rat primary cortical neurons by Western blotting. Our protocol is based on reducing the amounts of BSA in the media while maintaining cell viability and secretory potential, and concentrating the media prior to analysis by means of ultrafiltration. [摘要]  由细胞分泌的蛋白质的定量分析由于它们的丰度低和在细胞培养基中干扰大量牛血清白蛋白(BSA)的存在而提出挑战。 我们建立检测突变亨廷顿蛋白(mHtt)检测分泌Neuro2A细胞系稳定表达mHtt和大鼠原代皮层神经元蛋白质印迹。 我们的方案是基于降低培养基中BSA的量,同时保持细胞活力和分泌潜能,并在通过超滤分析之前浓缩培养基。

【背景】许多蛋白质通过各种分泌途径从细胞分泌到细胞外环境中。这些途径包括在ER-高尔基体 - 质膜途径之后的常规分泌途径(Lee等,2004)和多个非常规途径,例如溶酶体胞吐作用,穿过质膜的易位和外泌体以及胞外体释放(Zhang和Schekman,2013)。为了研究这些途径,经常需要分析培养细胞分泌的蛋白质进入培养基。蛋白质可以游离形式分泌,也可以与胞膜结构如胞外体和外泌体结合(Zhang and ...
