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Deoxycholic acid


Company: Sigma-Aldrich
Catalog#: D2510
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Determining the Influence of Small Molecules on Hypoxic Prostate Cancer Cell (DU-145) Viability Using Automated Cell Counting and a Cell Harvesting Protocol
[Abstract]  Cell viability assays are an essential aspect of most cancer studies, however they usually require a considerable labor and time input. Here, instead of using the conventional microscopy and hemocytometer cell counting approach, we developed a cell harvesting protocol and combined it with the automated Countess Automated Cell Counter to generate cell viability data. We investigated the effects of dihydroxylated bile acids on the cell viability of prostate cancer cells grown under hypoxic conditions. We observed that for all conditions, cell viability was relatively unchanged, suggesting these molecules had little or no impact on cell viability. The combination of the automated approach and the cell harvesting protocol means this assay is i) easy to perform, ii) extremely reproducible and ... [摘要]  细胞活力测定是大多数癌症研究的一个重要方面,然而,它们通常需要相当多的劳动和时间投入。在这里,而不是使用常规的显微镜和血细胞计数细胞计数方法,我们开发了一个细胞收获协议,并结合自动Countess自动细胞计数器生成细胞活力数据。我们调查二羟基化胆汁酸对缺氧条件下生长的前列腺癌细胞的细胞活力的影响。我们观察到,对于所有条件,细胞活力相对不变,表明这些分子对细胞活力几乎没有或没有影响。自动化方法和细胞收获方案的组合意味着该测定i)容易实施,ii)极其可重复,和iii)其补充更常规的癌症测定数据例如入侵,迁移和粘附。

[背景] 确定任何生物分子的治疗效用是开发新的分子治疗以抵抗癌症进展和发展的关键步骤。作为体外表征的初步步骤,必须评估分子作为抗癌治疗剂的适合性。作为该评估的一部分,细胞活力是小分子的细胞反应的关键决定因素,因为其反映分子维持阈值细胞活力的能力,同时靶向关键癌症进展机制例如。 ,集落性,侵袭和粘附。常规的生存力测定需要包括显微镜,血细胞计数器和手动细胞计数器的大量劳动输入。在这里,我们开发了快速和准确生成细胞活力数据的协议,将补充癌症研究研究(Phelan等人,2016)。

Polysomal-mRNA Extraction from Arabidopsis by Sucrose-gradient Separation
[Abstract]  mRNAs surrounded by polysomes are ready for translation into proteins (Warner et al., 1963); these mRNAs are defined as polysomal-mRNAs (Mustroph et al., 2009). The process is affected by various growth conditions or surrounding situations. Microarray analysis is a powerful tool for detecting genome-wide gene expression. Therefore, using polysomal-mRNAs for microarray analysis can reflect the gene translation information (the translatome) under different developmental stages or environmental conditions from eukaryotes. Polysomal-mRNAs can be collected from the polysomal fraction by sucrose-gradient separation for further quantitative PCR or microarray assay. We modified a protocol (Mustroph et al., 2009) for collecting polysomal-mRNAs via sucrose-gradient ... [摘要]  由多核糖体包围的mRNA准备好翻译成蛋白质(Warner等人,1963);这些mRNA被定义为多核糖体mRNA(Mustroph等人,2009)。该过程受到各种生长条件或周围环境的影响。微阵列分析是检测全基因组基因表达的有力工具。因此,使用多核糖体mRNAs微阵列分析可以反映在不同发育阶段或环境条件下从真核生物的基因翻译信息(translatome)。可以通过蔗糖梯度分离从多聚糖部分收集多聚体mRNA,用于进一步的定量PCR或微阵列测定。我们修改了通过蔗糖梯度分离来收集多核糖体mRNA以从pLAT52:HF:RPL18拟南芥中消除单体mRNA污染的方案(Mustroph等人,,2009)。该转基因拟南芥使用花粉特异性启动子(ProLAT52 )产生可以用特异性抗原纯化的表位标记的多核糖体-RNA复合物(Lin等人,2014 )。我们通过蔗糖梯度分离和抗体纯化获得的多核糖体mRNA在从拟南芥的自花授粉的芽孢杆菌生长的花粉管中经历了体内翻译。

Small-scale Subcellular Fractionation with Sucrose Step Gradient
[Abstract]  Here, we introduce the protocol for small-scale and simple subcellular fractionation used in our recent publication (Taguchi et al., 2013), which uses homogenization by passing through needles and sucrose step-gradient.

Subcellular fractionation is a very useful technique but usually a large number of cells are required. Because we needed subcellular fractionation of transiently-transfected cells, we developed a protocol for smaller numbers of cells. Our protocol for the subcellular fractionation is based on the protocol published by de Araújo and Huber (de Araujo et al., 2007), although substantial modifications have been made according to our experiences and information from personal communications. As optimal conditions seem to vary between cell lines, we ...
[摘要]  在这里,我们介绍了在我们最近的出版物(Taguchi等人,2013)中使用的用于小规模和简单的亚细胞分离的方案,其通过穿过针和蔗糖梯度梯度使用匀浆。
亚细胞分离是一种非常有用的技术,但通常需要大量的细胞。因为我们需要瞬时转染细胞的亚细胞分离,我们开发了用于较小数量细胞的方案。我们的用于亚细胞分级的方案基于deAraújo和Huber(de Araujo等人,2007)公布的方案,尽管根据我们的经验和来自个人通信的信息进行了实质性的修改。由于最佳条件似乎在细胞系之间不同,我们建议进一步修改方案以优化个别实验。我们的方法很简单,但足以分析通过糖基磷脂酰肌醇或其他脂质锚例如朊病毒蛋白锚定到细胞器的内在膜蛋白或蛋白质。然而,非共价连接到膜或细胞器的膜蛋白的蛋白质似乎更容易在制备过程中从细胞器中解离,并且如果这些蛋白质是研究的目的,则可能需要进一步的修饰。
