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Molecular Probes TM庆大霉素

Company: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Catalog#: 15750060
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CRISPR/Cas Gene Editing of a Large DNA Virus: African Swine Fever Virus
[Abstract]  Gene editing of large DNA viruses, such as African swine fever virus (ASFV), has traditionally relied on homologous recombination of a donor plasmid consisting of a reporter cassette with surrounding homologous viral DNA. However, this homologous recombination resulting in the desired modified virus is a rare event. We recently reported the use of CRISPR/Cas9 to edit ASFV. The use of CRISPR/Cas9 to modify the African swine fever virus genome resulted in a fast and relatively easy way to introduce genetic changes. To accomplish this goal we first infect primary swine macrophages with a field isolate, ASFV-G, and transfect with the CRISPR/Cas9 donor plasmid along with a plasmid that will express a specific gRNA that targets our gene to be deleted. By inserting a reporter cassette, we are ... [摘要]  大型DNA病毒(例如非洲猪瘟病毒(ASFV))的基因编辑传统上依赖于由报道盒组成的供体质粒与周围同源病毒DNA的同源重组。然而,这种导致所需修饰病毒的同源重组是罕见的事件。我们最近报道了使用CRISPR / Cas9编辑ASFV。使用CRISPR / Cas9修饰非洲猪瘟病毒基因组导致了引入遗传变化的快速且相对简单的方法。为了实现这一目标,我们首先用田间分离株ASFV-G感染原代猪巨噬细胞,并用CRISPR / Cas9供体质粒转染质粒,该质粒将表达靶向我们基因的特异性gRNA被删除。通过插入报告盒,我们能够通过有限稀释和噬菌斑纯化从亲本中纯化我们的重组病毒。我们以前曾报道将传统的同源重组方法与CRISPR / Cas9进行比较,结果导致重组增加超过4个对数。

【背景】 非洲猪瘟(ASF)是一种由ASF病毒(ASFV)引起的高度致命的猪传染性病毒性疾病。 ASFV的基因组由大约180-190千碱基对的双链DNA基因组组成。 ASFV引起一系列疾病,从高度致命到亚临床,取决于宿主特征和病毒株(Tulman et al。,2009)。 ASFV没有商业疫苗;实验上,2007年格鲁吉亚爆发的唯一能够抵御目前流行病毒株的疫苗(ASFV-G)是含有一个或多个病毒基因组缺失的减毒活疫苗,例如:( O'Donnell et ...

Isolation and Maintenance of Murine Embryonic Striatal Neurons
[Abstract]  Primary cultures of murine striatal neurons are widely used to explore cellular mechanisms in neurobiology, including brain diseases. Here we describe a detailed and standardized protocol to dissect and culture embryonic murine striatal neurons GABA-positive/DARPP-32-positive for 12 days in vitro, when they show good neuronal cell connectivity and the presence of dendritic spines, which reflects the maturation of the network. [摘要]  小鼠纹状体神经元的原代培养物被广泛用于探索神经生物学中的细胞机制,包括脑部疾病。 在这里,我们描述了一个详细和标准化的协议解剖和文化胚胎小鼠纹状体神经元GABA阳性/ DARPP-32阳性12天体外,当他们显示良好的神经元细胞连接性和存在的树突 刺,反映了网络的成熟。

【背景】纹状体是运动和奖励系统的重要组成部分,纹状体神经元的功能障碍可导致各种神经元疾病,从强迫性行为(Welch et al。,2007)到神经退行性疾病,如在亨廷顿病中观察到的(Reiner等,1988)。因此,一个良好建立的纹状体文化可能是一个很有价值的研究这些和其他条件的模型。成年纹状体中的主要神经元亚型是中型多刺投射神经元(MSNs),其占所有纹状体神经元的约95%并使用抑制性递质γ-氨基丁酸(GABA)。它们具有中等大小的细胞体,复杂的树突状乔木和高密度的树突棘,可同时接受谷氨酸能和多巴胺输入。其余5%的神经元由GABA能神经间神经元组成(Graveland和DiFiglia,1985; ...

Transient Gene Expression for the Characteristic Signal Sequences and the Estimation of the Localization of Target Protein in Plant Cell
[Abstract]  We have proposed and tested a method for characterization of the signal sequences and determinations of target protein localization in a plant cell. This method, called the AgI-PrI, implies extraction of protoplasts from plant tissues after agroinfiltration. The suggested approach combines the advantages of two widely used methods for transient gene expression in plants–agroinfiltration and transfection of isolated protoplasts. The AgI-PrI technic can be applied to other plant species. [摘要]  我们已经提出并测试了用于表征信号序列和确定植物细胞中目标蛋白质定位的方法。 这种称为AgI-PrI的方法意味着在农杆菌浸润后从植物组织中提取原生质体。 所提出的方法结合了两种广泛使用的用于植物中瞬时基因表达的方法的优点 - 农杆菌浸润和转分离的原生质体。 AgI-PrI技术可应用于其他植物物种。

