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Axygen® 0.2 mL Thin Wall PCR Tubes with Flat Cap, Clear, Nonsterile


Company: Corning
Catalog#: PCR-02-C
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Generation of Fusarium graminearum Knockout Mutants by the Split-marker Recombination Approach
[Abstract]  Fusarium graminearum is a destructive phytopathogen and shows an impressive metabolic diversity. Gene deletion is an important and useful approach for gene function study. Here we present a protocol for generating gene deletion mutant by applying “split-marker” deletion strategy (Catlett et al., 2003) with PEG-mediated protoplast transformation (Yuan et al., 2008; Martín, 2015). [摘要]  禾谷镰刀菌是一种破坏性的植物病原体,具有令人印象深刻的代谢多样性。 基因缺失是基因功能研究的重要且有用的方法。 在这里,我们提出了一个协议,通过应用“分裂标记”删除策略(Catlett et al。,2003)与PEG介导的原生质体转化(Yuan 等。,2008;Martín,2015)。

Brain Tissue Culture of Per2::Luciferase Transgenic Mice for ex vivo Bioluminescence
[Abstract]  In circadian research, it is essential to be able to track a biological rhythm for several days with the minimum perturbation for the organisms or tissues. The use of transgenic mice lines, in which the luciferase reporter is coupled to a molecular clock protein (here PERIOD2), gives us the opportunity to follow the circadian activity in different tissues or even single clock cells for days without manipulation. This method creates sections using a mouse brain matrix, which allows us to obtain several brain samples quickly at a single time point. [摘要]  在昼夜节律研究中,能够以最小的生物或组织扰动跟踪生物节律数天是至关重要的。 使用转基因小鼠系,其中荧光素酶报告基因与分子钟蛋白(此处为PERIOD2)偶联,使我们有机会在不经操作的情况下跟踪不同组织或甚至单个时钟细胞中的昼夜节律活动数天。 该方法使用鼠标脑矩阵创建切片,这允许我们在单个时间点快速获得几个脑样本。

【背景】昼夜节律是大约24小时循环的行为或分子变化,并且在没有任何外部线索的情况下持续。在哺乳动物中,运动活动,体温和激素释放是昼夜节律的实例,其在位于下丘脑的视交叉上核(SCN)时钟的控制下。 SCN细胞保持内源性节律的能力是由于时钟基因表达的正负循环组成的分子机制:首先,CLOCK和BMAL1蛋白异二聚化通过E-box位点激活不同基因的转录关于基因如 period ( Per1-3 )和隐花色素( Cry1-2 ; Takahashi)的启动子 et al。,2008)。然后,PERIOD和CRYPTOCHROME的蛋白质异二聚化并返回到细胞核以防止BMAL1与E-Box结合。因此,PERIOD和CRYPTOCHROME抑制其自身的转录(Takahashi et al。,2008)。第二个环由类视黄醇相关的孤儿受体(ROR)和Rev-Erb组成:ROR蛋白激活 Bmal1 基因,而REV-ERB蛋白抑制它通过 ROR反应 Bmal1 ...

Precision Tagging: A Novel Seamless Protein Tagging by Combinational Use of Type II and Type IIS Restriction Endonucleases
[Abstract]  Protein tagging is a powerful tool for performing comprehensive analyses of the biological functions of a protein of interest owing to the existence of a wide variety of tags. It becomes indispensable in some cases, such as in tracking protein dynamics in a live cell or adding a peptide epitope due to the lack of optimal antibodies. However, efficiently integrating an array of tags into the gene of interest remains a challenge. Traditional DNA recombinant technology based on type II restriction endonucleases renders protein tagging tedious and inefficient as well as the introduction of an unwanted junction sequence. In our attempt to tag Thrombospondin type 1 domain-containing 1 (THSD1) that we identified as the first intracranial aneurysm gene (Santiago-Sim et al., 2016), we ... [摘要]  由于各种标签的存在,蛋白质标签是一种对感兴趣的蛋白质的生物学功能进行全面分析的有力工具。在某些情况下,例如跟踪活细胞中的蛋白质动态变化或由于缺乏最佳抗体而添加肽表位,这变得不可或缺。然而,将一系列标签有效地整合到感兴趣的基因中仍然是一个挑战。基于II型限制性内切核酸酶的传统DNA重组技术使得蛋白质标记繁琐且效率低下以及引入不需要的连接序列。我们试图标记我们确定为第一个颅内动脉瘤基因的血小板反应蛋白1型结构域1(THSD1)(Santiago-Sim等人,2016),我们开发了一种新型精确标记技术,组合使用II型和IIS限制性核酸内切酶(Xu等人,2017),其产生高效率的无缝克隆。在这里,我们描述了一个协议,不仅为任何感兴趣的基因提供了一个广义的策略,而且还将THSD1中的11个不同标签的应用作为一个循序渐进的例子。


传统的DNA重组利用识别回文序列的II型限制性内切核酸酶。例如,Eco ...
