[Abstract] Visualization of iron (Fe) localization in plants has greatly enhanced our understanding of plant Fe homeostasis. One of the relatively simple and yet powerful techniques is the classical Perls blue stain (Perls, 1867). The technique is based on the conversion of ferrocyanide to insoluble crystals of Prussian blue in the presence of Fe3+ under acidic conditions. It has been extensively used in animal and human histology (Meguro et al., 2007) and has recently gained popularity in plant research. For specific purposes, Fe signals may be additionally enhanced in the 3,3’-diaminobenzidine tetrahydrochloride (DAB) intensification procedure (Meguro et al., 2007). It has been demonstrated that this intensification results in the detection of both Fe2+ and ...
[摘要] 植物中铁(Fe)定位的可视化极大地增强了我们对植物Fe稳态的理解。相对简单而强大的技术之一是经典的Perls蓝色染色(Perls,1867)。该技术基于在酸性条件下在Fe 3+存在下亚铁氰化物转化为普鲁士蓝的不溶性晶体。它已经广泛用于动物和人类组织学(Meguro等人,2007),并且最近在植物研究中获得普及。为了特定目的,在3,3'-二氨基联苯胺四盐酸盐(DAB)强化程序(Meguro等人,2007)中可以额外增强Fe信号。已经证明,这种强化导致Fe 2+和Fe 3++离子的检测(Roschzttardtz等人,2009) 。该方法已经成功应用于整个植物,器官和亚细胞水平,两者都具有(Roschzttardtz等人,2011; Schuler等人,2012; Roschzttardtz (et al。,2013; Ivanov et al。,2014),并且没有强化(Stacey等人,2008; Long等人, ,2010)。 在这里,我们展示了一个完整的Perls染色和DAB强化方案,它在我们的实验室中进行(Ivanov等人,2014年)。