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Company: EMD Millipore
Catalog#: 109634
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Analysis of Replicative Intermediates of Adeno-associated Virus through Hirt Extraction and Southern Blotting
[Abstract]  Adeno-associated virus (AAV) is a small single-stranded DNA virus that requires the presence of a helper virus, such as adenovirus or herpes virus, to efficiently replicate its genome. AAV DNA is replicated by a rolling-hairpin mechanism (Ward, 2006), and during replication several DNA intermediates can be detected. This detailed protocol describes how to analyze the AAV DNA intermediates formed during AAV replication using a modified Hirt extract (Hirt, 1967) procedure and Southern blotting (Southern, 1975). [摘要]  腺相关病毒(AAV)是一种小型单链DNA病毒,需要存在辅助病毒,如腺病毒或疱疹病毒,以有效地复制其基因组。 AAV DNA通过滚转发夹机制(Ward,2006)进行复制,并且在复制期间可以检测出几种DNA中间体。该详细方案描述了如何使用改良的Hirt提取物(Hirt,1967)程序和Southern印迹(Southern,1975)分析在AAV复制期间形成的AAV DNA中间体。

背景 AAV DNA复制通过滚动发夹机制在由AAV和辅助病毒如腺病毒或疱疹病毒共感染的细胞中进行(Ward,2006)。 AAV DNA由4.7kb的线性DNA分子和倒置的末端重复(ITR)组成,折叠形成T形发夹结构。 3'末端发夹作为AAV DNA复制的引物。这些发夹结构由AAV Rep蛋白再生,允许进一步复制(Im和Muzyczka,1990)。 AAV DNA的+和 - 链都被包装并且是感染性的(Rose等人,1969)。当分析复制AAV DNA时,可以检测到几种复制中间体(Straus等人,1976)。最丰富的复制中间体是由AAV DNA的一个和一个链形成的线性单体双链体分子,其被认为是将包装在预先形成的衣壳中的后代单链分子的直接前体(Straus ,1976)。二聚体复制中间体也是常见的,AAV复制模型与甚至更大的复制中间体相容。 ...

Isolation and Culture of Human Adipose-derived Stem Cells from Subcutaneous and Visceral White Adipose Tissue Compartments
[Abstract]  Human Adipose-derived Stem/Stromal Cells (ASCs) have been widely used in stem cell and obesity research, as well as clinical applications including cell-based therapies, tissue engineering and reconstruction. Compared with mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) derived from other tissues such as umbilical cord and bone marrow, isolation of ASCs from human white adipose tissue (WAT) has great advantages due to its rich tissue source and simple surgical procedure. In this detailed protocol we describe a protocol to isolate and characterize ASCs from human WAT. Molecular characterization of isolated ASCs was performed through surface marker expression profiling using flow cytometry. Adipogenic capacity of the isolated ASCs was confirmed through inducing adipogenic differentiation and Oil Red O ... [摘要]  Human Adipose-derived Stem/Stromal Cells (ASCs) have been widely used in stem cell and obesity research, as well as clinical applications including cell-based therapies, tissue engineering and reconstruction. Compared with mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) derived from other tissues such as umbilical cord and bone marrow, isolation of ASCs from human white adipose tissue (WAT) has great advantages due to its rich tissue source and simple surgical procedure. In this detailed protocol we describe a protocol to isolate and characterize ASCs from human WAT. Molecular characterization of isolated ASCs ...

Aorta Atherosclerosis Lesion Analysis in Hyperlipidemic Mice
[Abstract]  Atherosclerosis is a chronic inflammatory disease of large and medium-sized arteries. Apolipoprotein E-deficient (ApoE-/-) mice are used as experimental models to study human atherosclerosis. ApoE-/- mice are constitutively hyperlipidemic and develop intima plaques that resemble human plaques. Various issues including experimental design for lesion analysis, dietary conditions, isolation of the aorta, staining methods, morphometry, group size, age, the location within the arterial tree, and statistical analyses are important parameters that need to be addressed to obtain robust data. Here, we provide detailed methods to quantify aorta atherosclerosis. [摘要]  动脉粥样硬化是大和中等大小动脉的慢性炎性疾病。 载脂蛋白E缺陷(ApoE -/-/- )小鼠用作实验模型来研究人动脉粥样硬化。 ApoE -/-/- 小鼠是组成性高脂血症并且发展类似于人噬斑的内膜斑块。 包括病变分析的实验设计,饮食条件,主动脉分离,染色方法,形态测定,组大小,年龄,动脉树内的位置和统计分析的各种问题是需要解决以获得鲁棒数据的重要参数。 在这里,我们提供详细的方法来量化主动脉粥样硬化。
