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DNeasy Blood and Tissue Kit


Company: QIAGEN
Catalog#: 69506
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Next-generation Sequencing of the DNA Virome from Fecal Samples
[Abstract]  Herein we describe a detailed protocol for DNA virome analysis of low input human stool samples (Monaco et al., 2016). This protocol is divided into four main steps: 1) stool samples are pulverized to evenly distribute microbial matter; 2) stool is enriched for virus-like particles and DNA is extracted by phenol-chloroform; 3) purified DNA is multiple-strand displacement amplified (MDA) and fragmented; and 4) libraries are constructed and sequenced using Illumina Miseq. Subsequent sequence analysis for viral sequence identification should be sensitive but stringent. [摘要]  在这里,我们描述了低输入人粪便样品的DNA病毒分析的详细方案(摩纳哥等人,2016)。该方案分为四个主要步骤:1)粪便样品粉碎均匀分布微生物; 2)粪便富集病毒样颗粒,DNA由苯酚 - 氯仿提取; 3)纯化的DNA是多链置换扩增(MDA)并分裂的;和4)使用Illumina Miseq构建和排序库。病毒序列鉴定的后续序列分析应该是敏感但严格的。

背景 真菌病毒,噬菌体和内源性逆转录病毒的动态社区是维生素组织,代表人类微生物组织的最低限度特征(维珍,2014年)。事实上,估计只有1%的病毒已被排序和注释(Mokili等人,2012)。下一代测序(NGS)可以检测整个病毒,包括不可培养的病毒。粪便是易于获得的用于研究病原体的样本类型,并且粪便病毒的改变已经与许多疾病状态相关联(Handley等人,2012; Norman等人,2015;摩纳哥等人,2016)。粪便病毒主要由噬菌体组成,通过细菌功能和群体的改变影响胃肠道(Duerkop和Hooper,2013; Reyes等人,2013; ...

Identification of Methylated Deoxyadenosines in Genomic DNA by dA6m DNA Immunoprecipitation
[Abstract]  dA6m DNA immunoprecipitation followed by deep sequencing (DIP-Seq) is a key tool in identifying and studying the genome-wide distribution of N6-methyldeoxyadenosine (dA6m). The precise function of this novel DNA modification remains to be fully elucidated, but it is known to be absent from transcriptional start sites and excluded from exons, suggesting a role in transcriptional regulation (Koziol et al., 2015). Importantly, its existence suggests that DNA might be more diverse than previously believed, as further DNA modifications might exist in eukaryotic DNA (Koziol et al., 2015). This protocol describes the method to perform dA6m DNA immunoprecipitation (DIP), as was applied to characterize the first dA6m ... [摘要]  原代小胶质细胞,在单一培养或与神经元或星形胶质细胞共培养,是研究在中枢神经系统(CNS)中小胶质炎症反应和细胞类型特异性相互作用的机制的强大工具。这个协议提供了如何从新生小鼠幼崽制备高纯度原代小胶质细胞的细节。总的步骤包括脑细胞解离,混合胶质细胞培养和小胶质细胞分离。

[背景] 近年来,神经炎症已成为神经科学研究的热点领域。在患有各种神经疾病的患者的脑中观察到炎症反应,例如神经胶质激活和细胞因子上调(Fan等人,2015; Koshimori等人,2015;花园和坎贝尔,2016)。神经炎症不仅被认为是脑中病理变化的结果,而且也是疾病进展的原因(Schwartz等人,2013)。此外,炎症通路的生理功能,其重要性以前被低估,正被揭示为惊人的多才多艺。例如,补体信号通路的激活通常在神经疾病的中枢神经系统(CNS)中观察到,并且被怀疑参与疾病病理生理学(Michailidou等人,2015; Loeffler ...

Measurement of Mitochondrial DNA Release in Response to ER Stress
[Abstract]  Mitochondria house the metabolic machinery for cellular ATP production. The mitochondrial network is sensitive to perturbations (e.g., oxidative stress and pathogen invasion) that can alter membrane potential, thereby compromising function. Healthy mitochondria maintain high membrane potential due to oxidative phosphorylation (Ly et al., 2003). Changes in mitochondrial function or calcium levels can cause depolarization, or a sharp decrease in mitochondrial membrane potential (Bernardi, 2013). Mitochondrial depolarization induces opening of the mitochondrial permeability transition pore (MPTP), which allows release of mitochondrial components like reactive oxygen species (mtROS), mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) or intermembrane space proteins into the cytosol ... [摘要]  线粒体代表细胞ATP生产的代谢机制。线粒体网络对可以改变膜电位,从而损害功能的扰动(氧化应激和病原体侵入)敏感。健康的线粒体由于氧化磷酸化维持高的膜电位(Ly等人,2003)。线粒体功能或钙水平的变化可导致去极化,或线粒体膜电位的急剧下降(Bernardi,2013)。线粒体去极化诱导线粒体通透性转换孔(MPTP)的开放,其允许线粒体组分如活性氧(mtROS),线粒体DNA(mtDNA)或膜间隙蛋白释放到细胞质中(Martinou和Green,2001; Tait和Green ,2010; Bronner和O'Riordan,2014)。这些内容触发炎症,并且可导致细胞死亡(West等人,2011)。 mtROS和细胞溶质mtDNA有助于炎症细胞的活化,多蛋白复合物,其处理促炎细胞因子,IL-18和IL-1β。研究表明,胞质mtDNA尤其可以结合两种不同的炎症小体传感器AIM2和NLRP3,导致炎症小体激活(Burckstummer等人,2009; Hornung和Latz,2010)。在此协议中,您将能够特异性提取细胞质mtDNA并使用qPCR测定法定量。

