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6-cm dishes

Corning ® 60mm TC培养皿

Company: Corning
Catalog#: 430166
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Xenopus laevis Oocytes Preparation for in-Cell EPR Spectroscopy
[Abstract]  One of the most exciting perspectives for studying bio-macromolecules comes from the emerging field of in-cell spectroscopy, which enables to determine the structure and dynamics of bio-macromolecules in the cell. In-cell electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy in combination with micro-injection of bio-macromolecules into Xenopus laevis oocytes is ideally suited for this purpose. Xenopus laevis oocytes are a commonly used eukaryotic cell model in different fields of biology, such as cell- and development-biology. For in-cell EPR, the bio-macromolecules of interest are microinjected into the Xenopus laevis oocytes upon site-directed spin labeling. The sample solution is filled into a thin glass capillary by means of Nanoliter Injector and after that ... [摘要]  研究生物大分子的最令人兴奋的观点之一来自于新兴的细胞内光谱学领域,它能够确定细胞中生物大分子的结构和动力学。细胞内电子顺磁共振(EPR)光谱结合将生物大分子微注射到非洲爪蟾卵母细胞中非常适合于此目的。非洲爪蟾卵母细胞是生物学不同领域常用的真核细胞模型,如细胞和发育生物学。对于细胞内EPR,感兴趣的生物大分子通过定点自旋标记显微注射到非洲爪蟾卵母细胞中。通过Nanoliter注射器将样品溶液填充到薄玻璃毛细管中,然后通过小心地穿刺薄膜将其微注射入非洲爪蟾卵母细胞的黑色动物部分。之后,取决于最终的细胞内EPR实验的种类,将三个或五个显微注射的非洲爪蟾卵母细胞装载到Q波段EPR样品管中,随后进行任选的休克冷冻(用于实验冷冻溶液)并且在期望的温育时间之后测量(在低温或生理温度下)。由于显微注射样品的细胞毒性作用和顺磁性自旋标记在还原性细胞环境中的稳定性,孵育时间受到限制。通过监测细胞形态和减少动力学来量化这两个方面。

【背景】电子顺磁共振(EPR)光谱学是用于表征顺磁系统的选择方法(Atherton,1993; Gerson等人,1994; Jeschke和Schweiger,2001)。反磁性生物大分子可以通过定点自旋标记(SDSL)进行EPR光谱学分析,通常使用氮氧化物作为自旋标记(Hubbell和Altenbach,1994; Feix和Klug,2002; ...

Mutant Huntingtin Secretion in Neuro2A Cells and Rat Primary Cortical Neurons
[Abstract]  Quantitative analysis of proteins secreted from the cells poses a challenge due to their low abundance and the interfering presence of a large amount of bovine serum albumin (BSA) in the cell culture media. We established assays for detection of mutant huntingtin (mHtt) secreted from Neuro2A cell line stably expressing mHtt and rat primary cortical neurons by Western blotting. Our protocol is based on reducing the amounts of BSA in the media while maintaining cell viability and secretory potential, and concentrating the media prior to analysis by means of ultrafiltration. [摘要]  由细胞分泌的蛋白质的定量分析由于它们的丰度低和在细胞培养基中干扰大量牛血清白蛋白(BSA)的存在而提出挑战。 我们建立检测突变亨廷顿蛋白(mHtt)检测分泌Neuro2A细胞系稳定表达mHtt和大鼠原代皮层神经元蛋白质印迹。 我们的方案是基于降低培养基中BSA的量,同时保持细胞活力和分泌潜能,并在通过超滤分析之前浓缩培养基。

【背景】许多蛋白质通过各种分泌途径从细胞分泌到细胞外环境中。这些途径包括在ER-高尔基体 - 质膜途径之后的常规分泌途径(Lee等,2004)和多个非常规途径,例如溶酶体胞吐作用,穿过质膜的易位和外泌体以及胞外体释放(Zhang和Schekman,2013)。为了研究这些途径,经常需要分析培养细胞分泌的蛋白质进入培养基。蛋白质可以游离形式分泌,也可以与胞膜结构如胞外体和外泌体结合(Zhang and ...

Mouse Müller Cell Isolation and Culture
[Abstract]  Müller cells are the major supportive and protective glial cells across the retina. Unlike in fish, they have lost the capacity to regenerate the retina in mammals. But, mammalian Müller cells still retain certain retinal stem cell properties with various degree of self-renewal and differentiation potentials, and thereby held a merit in cell-based therapies for treating retinal degeneration diseases. In our laboratory, we use an enzymatic procedure to isolate, purify, and culture mouse Müller cells. [摘要]  Müller细胞是视网膜上的主要支持和保护性胶质细胞。 与鱼类不同,它们已经失去了在哺乳动物中再生视网膜的能力。 但是,哺乳动物Müller细胞仍然保留了具有不同程度的自我更新和分化潜能的某些视网膜干细胞特性,从而在基于细胞的疗法中治疗视网膜变性疾病具有优点。 在我们的实验室,我们使用酶法来分离,纯化和培养小鼠Müller细胞。
【背景】Müller胶质细胞是视网膜的主要谱系,其功能是通过神经营养因子的合成,神经递质的摄取和再循环,离子的空间缓冲和血液视网膜屏障的维持来维持视网膜稳态(Bringmann等人,,2006; De Melo Reis等人,2008)。 Müller神经胶质细胞作为鱼类中的视网膜祖细胞和干细胞,在有限的范围内作为鸟类(Vihtelic和Hyde,2000; Fischer and Reh,2001)。但是,哺乳动物Müller细胞已经失去了再生视网膜的能力,尽管仍然保留成体干细胞的某些性质,例如视网膜损伤时的增殖。研究恢复哺乳动物Müller细胞丧失能力以修复视网膜损伤和理解底层机制的研究在与模型动物视网膜分离的原代细胞的实验室进行。蛋白水解酶广泛用于Müller细胞解离,木瓜蛋白酶的损伤较小,比其他蛋白酶更有效。 ...
