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Trypticase Soy Agar (TSA) powder

BD Difco TM胰蛋白酶大豆琼脂(大豆 - 酪蛋白消化琼脂培养基)

Company: BD
Catalog#: 236950
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Quantification of Bacterial Twitching Motility in Dense Colonies Using Transmitted Light Microscopy and Computational Image Analysis
[Abstract]  A method was developed to allow the quantification and mapping of relative bacterial twitching motility in dense samples, where tracking of individual bacteria was not feasible. In this approach, movies of bacterial films were acquired using differential interference contrast microscopy (DIC), and bacterial motility was then indirectly quantified by the degree to which the bacteria modulated the intensity of light in the field-of-view over time. This allowed the mapping of areas of relatively high and low motility within a single field-of-view, and comparison of the total distribution of motility between samples. [摘要]  开发了一种方法,可以对密集样本中的相对细菌抽动动力进行定量和绘图,在这些样本中追踪单个细菌是不可行的。 在这种方法中,使用微分干涉对比显微镜(DIC)获得细菌膜的电影,然后通过细菌随时间调节视场中的光强度的程度间接量化细菌运动。 这允许在单个视场内绘制相对较高和较低运动性的区域,并比较样本之间运动的总分布。

【背景】Pilus介导的颤动运动表示与鞭毛无关的与表面相关的细菌运动形式。抽动动力被很多细菌病原体利用,包括淋病奈瑟氏球菌和铜绿假单胞菌与潮湿的表面相互作用并移位上皮屏障。在 P。颤动动力受大量基因调控,这些基因允许IV型菌毛的延伸和回缩,以有效地将细菌细胞拖过任何给定的表面以响应环境提示(Mattick,2002; Whitchurch et al。,2004; Burrows,2005)。在我们对 P的研究中。绿脓杆菌发病机制,抽动运动性有助于细菌在内化和多层角膜上皮细菌穿过后从上皮细胞排出(Alarcon等人,2009)。在角膜感染的小鼠模型中,抽动运动对于P是重要的。绿脓杆菌毒力(Zolfaghar et al。,2003)。最近,我们发现在粘膜液体如人眼泪和唾液中发现的糖蛋白DMBT1能够抑制P细胞。绿脓杆菌抽动动力(Li等人,2017)。在那项研究中,我们利用了一种新方法来快速和可靠地量化P.绿脓杆菌抽动动力。该协议在此处介绍。

Observation of Pneumococcal Phase Variation in Colony Morphology
[Abstract]  Streptococcus pneumoniae (pneumococcus) is an important human pathogen that causes pneumonia, meningitis, sepsis, and otitis media. This bacterium normally resides in the nasopharynx as a commensal, but sometimes disseminates to sterile sites of humans and causes local or systemic inflammation. This biphasic behavior of S. pneumoniae is correlated with a reversible switch between the opaque and transparent colony forms on agar plates, a phenomenon referred to as phase variation. The opaque variants appear to be more virulent in animal models of bacteremia but are deficient in nasopharyngeal colonization animal models. In contrast, the transparent variants display higher levels of nasopharyngeal colonization but relatively lower virulence in animal models. We have ... [摘要]  肺炎链球菌(肺炎球菌)是导致肺炎,脑膜炎,败血症和中耳炎的重要人类病原体。这种细菌通常作为共生体存在于鼻咽中,但有时会传播到人类的无菌部位并导致局部或全身炎症。这种双相行为。肺炎支原体与琼脂平板上的不透明和透明集落形式之间的可逆转换相关,这称为相变。不透明变体在菌血症的动物模型中似乎更具毒性,但在鼻咽定殖动物模型中是缺陷的。相比之下,透明变体在动物模型中显示较高水平的鼻咽定植,但相对较低的毒力。我们最近证实,这两种菌落类型之间的肺炎球菌相变是由基因组DNA甲基化(或表观遗传)模式的可逆转换引起的,由DNA甲基转移酶基因的DNA反转驱动。菌落形态的观察是区分具有不同特征(如大小,颜色和不透明度)的菌落的简单且有用的方法。该方案描述了如何利用解剖显微镜研究集落形态的肺炎球菌相变。
【背景】肺炎链球菌是全球儿童细菌性肺炎,脑膜炎和败血症的主要原因(Walker等人,2013)。这种病原体在适应人类宿主的各种生态环境中的成功取决于其显着的表型可塑性(Croucher等人,2013; Johnston等人,,2014a) ,其已被荚膜多糖和表面蛋白质中的菌株间抗原变异反映(Croucher等人,2013和2011),获得新的毒力因子(Park等人, ...

Analysis of the Virulence of Uropathogenic Escherichia coli Strain CFT073 in the Murine Urinary Tract
[Abstract]  This urinary tract infection model was used to monitor the efficacy of a new virulence factor of the uropathogenic Escherichia coli strain CFT073 in vivo. The new virulence factor which we designated TIR-containing protein C (TcpC) blocks Toll-like receptor signaling and the NLRP3 inflammasome signaling cascade by interacting with key components of both pattern recognition receptor systems (Cirl et al., 2008; Waldhuber et al., 2016). We infected wild type and knock-out mice with wildtype CFT073 and a mutant CFT073 strain lacking tcpC. This protocol describes how the mice were infected, how CFT073 was prepared and how the infection was monitored. The protocol was derived from our previously published work and allowed us to demonstrate that TcpC ... [摘要]  该尿路感染模型被用于监测新生的致病性大肠杆菌菌株CFT073在体内的功效。我们指定含TIR的蛋白C(TcpC)的新的毒力因子通过与模式识别受体系统的关键组分相互作用来阻断Toll样受体信号传导和NLRP3炎性信号级联反应(Cirl等人)。 ,2008; Waldhuber等人,2016)。我们用野生型CFT073和缺乏tcpC的突变体CFT073菌株感染野生型和敲除小鼠。该协议描述了小鼠如何感染,如何制备CFT073以及如何监测感染。该方案源于我们以前发表的工作,并允许我们证明TcpC是一种强大的毒力因子,通过增加CFT073在尿液和肾脏中的细菌负担。此外,TcpC负责肾脓肿的发展,因为感染具有野生型但不是tcpC的缺乏CFT073突变体的小鼠引起这种并发症。

背景 尿路感染(UTIs)是全世界最常见的细菌感染(Dielubanza和Schaeffer,2011),主要是由欧洲病原大肠杆菌(UPEC)引起的(Zhang和Foxman,2003)。复发性感染率高(Dielubanza和Schaeffer,2011),抗生素抗性E的出现也有所增加。大肠杆菌菌株(Eurosurveillance editorial,2015)。因此,为了开发新的治疗剂,对宿主和细菌因子对尿路感染病理生理学的了解具有很高的相关性。
 鼠类UTI模型系统是主要使用的动物模型系统,用于研究UPEC分离株和细菌 ...
